A Few Too Many Mushrooms

So here’s the deal, it is illegal to be a homosexual in Gaza (under Hamas control) and in the West Bank (under Palestinian Authority control).

Israel is the only country in the Middle East that does not persecute members of the alphabet community. Israel is ‘tolerant’ enough that it holds its own Pride parades. That word ‘tolerant’ has really changed meaning since our nations jumped on the Pride bandwagon by the way. Tolerance, when attached to concept of perversity, means we must remove our hats, bow slightly, and give reverence to all things rainbow-ish.

OK, back to the alphabet, what does the far left do when the clock has wound down on our nations month long Pride tribute? Why they instigate a counter protest of their own counter culture celebration.

Here is how progressive these brainiacs are: The group they are counter protesting for have the right, have the duty, to drop the rainbow people from high places until they no longer bounce. Be careful what you wish for.

This could only happen in San Francisco.

One Reply to “A Few Too Many Mushrooms”

  1. It is all about where groups stack on the grievance chart today and has nothing all to do about actual policies. Jews are bad so the Useful Idiots support Hamas. End of analysis, the fact that going to a Muslim-majority or -ruled area would be a death sentence isn’t a consideration.

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