Top Twenty

20 Rules for Public Discourse: 2024
What Speech is Permissible

  1.  All laws, rules, codes of ethics, or standards of conduct only exist to the degree that they can be weaponized against the political right.
  2. The left is always right, and the right is always wrong.
  3. The left is good, and the right is evil.
  4. Everyone on the right is a hypocrite – every last one of them.
  5. The only moral virtue is the acceptance of immoral behavior.
  6. None of these rules apply to the political left.
  7. Nobody on the left can ever be criticized by the right.
  8. Anyone who can be called oppressed and who denies their oppression is a traitor
  9. The only people whose opinions matter are single white women.
  10. Anything that discourages white women from getting married and having children is the most important thing our government can do.
  11. Any lie against Republicans becomes true as soon as it hits Facebook.
  12. All of the lies told about Republicans must be bad.  All of the lies told about Democrats must be good. For example, Trump is Hitler, whereas Kamala Harris is a ‘transformative, messianic figure.
  13. All media must be on board with every lie and with every one of these rules
  14. Nothing can ever be allowed to make sense or to be consistent. The public must be kept in a perpetual state of confusion
  15. The left eats its own. Unless you are at the very top, you are 100% expendable.
  16. The twentieth and final rule is that no matter how many people are harmed by the left, the left takes no accountability for anything. When in doubt, blame Trump.

That’s it – the Twenty Rules for Chaos. And if you are wondering where sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen went, re-read rule fourteen.

An addendum as ‘proof of principle’.:

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