Shocked | Taken Aback

As the day broke and the sun crept over the trees to the east, I prepared myself for an onslaught of falsehoods that the fourth estate has prepared for our consumption. It’s day one of the Democratic National Convention and those boys of blue (D’s) are in desperate need of a smoked mirror. For this entire week we can the press to do all they can to aid them in that cause:

The authors did a bang-up job when they released this puppy, they worked up a ‘twofer’: 1) R’s are trying to deprive 40K registered ‘Arizonans’ of he right to vote and 2) are using those bastards on the Supreme Court to do it.

It really doesn’t matter that the 40K Arizonans in question may not be US Citizens (which is what the issue is here) as long as those just and upright members of the press can get a clean shot at those un-American R’s. The name of the game in any election is to get out the vote and there is no surer way to do that than to infuriate an uninformed population.

The shit is really going to get deep over the next several days and the only real upside to engaging with the news is that every now and again someone errs and the truth slips out:

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