Success at Twice the Price

Sounds impressive doesn’t it! Lets take a look beyond the headline:

“In a major milestone, July 28 marked the 100th day of a 144-day stretch in which California supplied 100% of its electricity for at least some minutes with renewables. “

“This was not 100 days powered entirely by renewables. However, as one commenter pointed out, the achievement is still “impressive, especially when you consider that California is the world’s fifth largest economy.”

Well shit, I guess that there are a few oh dark thirty minutes between 02 and 03 that this could have happened, but (and this is an important but) there is no way to reduce the production of ‘non-renewables’ because the green electron are just two damn iffy. This means that Californians are paying for energy twice: premium dollars for renewable energy and regular dollars for the energy they have to produce because of uncertainty in demand. Only in California could this be touted as a success.

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