I grabbed this from Breitbart this AM. Had it not been for an ‘out of character’ judge in Yankee Land these many poor souls would be staring down 10 year sentences. It sure seems to me that free speech covers conduct such as theirs at one time in our nation. Apparently Judge Leitman feels that was as well.
Leitman is an Obama appointee (thus the out of character reference) and paused the DOJ’s FACE Act and felony conspiracy case against seven pro-life activists who are awaiting sentencing for a peaceful protest at a Michigan abortion clinic. Leitman cited the results of the 2024 election and the potential for the next presidential administration to handle such cases differently.
This is astounding. Never before has a judge, let along a lefty judge, paused a case because a new sheriff would soon be in town. Judge Leitman, you lefty ass, I salute you!