A little food for your brain.
The Experience of all Ages
” … for it is a truth, which the experience of all ages has attested, that the people are commonly most in danger when the means of insuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion.”
– Alexander Hamilton
Daily Cabin
Fear and Loathing
Tomorrows election results will be the first real test of whether the coalition behind Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan can evolve from a diffuse, personality-driven following to an organized political force. Should republicans succeed in holding both the house and the senate we can expect all hell to break loose. I believe our poor little meme will move from being afraid to being militant (actually, more militant).
Not all of this insanity will be unequally distributed because of the sociological and geographical differences in a now divided nation. What happens tomorrow will hit with unequal force and unequal vectors. If things break as the meme people hope (and as now appears possible) the election could wash away the republican majorities in the House and boost democrats in gubernatorial and state legislative races. But because it will probably leave democrats short of a majority in the senate we can expect a nation, and society, in turmoil for at least the next two years.
What sucks most about this outcome is we can expect a continuing of the outrage saturating the news cycle and the inevitable decay of civility in the nation. So be it, we cannot rollover because doing otherwise will outrage the Meme People.
A Little Pink Floyd to Set the Mood
Civil After the Election? I Think Not
Via Breitbart: A video compiled by the Media Research Center, is not a compilation gathered from the darkest recesses of the Internet, is not cherry-picked from some obscure left-wing YouTube show… This is the establishment media, this is CNN, this is NBC News, this is the Washington Post, this is the New York Times, this is ABC News, and this is CBS attacking President Trump and his supporters as “Nazis,” “white supremacists,” a “virus,” and “unfit to be human.”
Here is a rundown of the clips:
NBC News’s Andrea Mitchell compares Trump to Stalin, says he is undermining democracy.
–MSNBC panelist attacks Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller as “white supremacists” and attacks Trump supporters as “white nationalists.”
–The Washington Post’s Max Boot praises Iran’s leadership as more “stable and rational” than Trump.
–MSNBC Morning Joe panelist attacks Trump as a “virus.”
–CNN anchor tells viewers Trump “sided with” America’s “enemies” in a “betrayal the likes of which we’ve never seen.”
–CNN panelist calls Trump a “racist” three times in five seconds.
–MSNBC staffer says Trump is “deeply un-American,” compares him to Hitler.
–MSNBC Morning Joe anchor compares Trump to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.
–MSNBC Morning Joe staffer says all Trump supporters are “like Nazis,” declares Trump “evil.”
–MSNBC panelist calls the Trump administration “terrorists” who are part of a “white nationalist government” that “puts guns to the heads” of children.
–NBC News staffer compares Trump’s immigration policy (which is no different from Obama’s) to a “concentration camp.”
–MSNBC Morning Joe anchor charges that Trump’s immigration policy (which is no different from Obama’s) is “just like the Nazis.”
–On ABC News’s The View Trump is attacked as a “bigot.”
–MSNBC Morning Joe Anchor compares Trump to “Mussolini.”
–MSNBC Morning Joe anchor says Trump “channels Joseph Stalin.”
–MSNBC panelist says the Republican Party is the “the Party of the KKK.” (The KKK was founded by Democrats.
–New York Times columnist attacks Trump as a “disturbed person.”
–Morning Joe anchor says sources told him Trump is “mentally unfit” and has “dementia.”
–MSNBC panelist says “Trump isn’t just a white supremacist; he’s a flat-out, full racist.”
–CNN staffer says Trump is “unfit to be human.”
–CBS late night host calls Trump’s mouth “Putin’s cockholster.”
More on the many violent acts, hateful content, and absolute lunacy of the left is found at Breitbart (here)
Squinty and Meat-Puppet
Actually, this explains a lot.
Squinty and Meat-Puppet’s lives revolve around three simple things. (1) Barely producing cognitive thoughts. They do nothing, they learn squat, they know diddly, they hate the conservatives – and, amazingly, they manage to avoid being thrown out of MSNBC. (2) Trying to score with celebrities – something they’ll never achieve. (3) Watching TV. Lots of TV. If something in the real world doesn’t relate to what they know from TV, it sucks. They especially enjoy “reviewing” the actions of Trump – or just commenting inanely on him. If the news contains Trump, conservative thought, or mentions an improving economy, it sucks to them. Thus is their trudge through life.
91st Saying in the Gospel of Thomas
Three translations of this interesting saying:
Blatz: They said to him: Tell us who you are, that we may believe in you. He said to them: You test the face of the sky and of the earth, and him who is before you you have not known, and you do not know (how) to test this moment.
Layton: They said to him, “Tell us who you are, so that we might believe in you.” He said to them, “You (plur.) are testing the face of heaven and earth, and you have not recognized the one who is in your presence! And you do not recognize how to test the present time.”
Doresse: They said to him: “Tell us who thou art that we may believe in thee.” He said to them: “You examine the appearance of heaven and earth, but He who is in front of you you do not recognize, and this moment you know not how to examine!”
Occasional-Cortex Strikes Again
New York Democratic candidate Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has sent out a bizarre email demanding Democrats push back against Republicans and Trump, who she referred to as “cold-hearted monsters.”
The very lengthy email promised that she would protect voters from “white supremacist forces” that she claims are terrorizing Americans. It says:
“…we can defeat the brutal white supremacist forces of anti-Semitism, anti-immigrant nativism, and racism. We can hold accountable the cold-hearted monsters who have repeatedly attacked our health care.”
“We can send a message to the bigots and billionaires that this country belongs to all of us. We can win if we show up on November 6. We must end Republican control of Congress and begin to reclaim our nation,”
Later, she argued it’s time to push back against white supremacists, bigots, and Islamophobes. saying:
“Our chance to push back against white supremacist forces across our nation, against the xenophobes who are militarizing the border, against the bigots who seek to erase our transgender families, against the apologists for sexual assault and the Islamophobes who sow hate to divide us.”
The full story and copy of her email is at The American Mirror
From the Spam Folder
Yeah, that sounds right; let me handle the books ! I’m probably the most expedient means you can find to take your firm into ‘uncharted territory’.
Gun Logic
“In England, if you commit a crime, the police don’t have agun and you don’t have a gun. If you commit a crime, the police will say ‘Stop,or I’ll say stop again.’”
– Robin Williams
Hope Burns Eternal: Leading Headline at Drudge
Vice President Pence maintained in an interview with Hill.TV on Friday that Republicans will keep control of the House in after midterm elections.
“I think we’re going to expand our majority in the United States Senate, and I think we’re going to hold our Republican majority in the House of Representatives,” Pence told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton.
“But that being said, there is certainly common ground in areas that we can work that the president has laid out,” Pence added when asked about working with Democrats if they win the House, citing issues like trade and infrastructure.
Who is the Racist Now?
Don Lemon is showing his racist colors again by likening white men to terrorists. His comments came during a back and forth with CNN colleague and brother of New York’s Democrat governor, Chris Cuomo, who played sounding board for Lemon’s rant.
Full article of Lemmon’s wandering into uncharted territory is at Fox
Free Speech and The Left
The American Spectator has an excellent article on how the left is attempting to stifle free speech (here). It begins with:
Americans are no longer a free people, if debate on major public-policy issues is effectively criminalized, which is what the Democrats and their allies are attempting to do with regard to our immigration policy. We are now being told in effect that it is “hate speech” to express opposition to the open-borders agenda of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and such of their billionaire donors as George Soros.
Democrats and their media allies have recently taken to declaring that it is a “dog whistle” of racism and anti-Semitism for any Republican even to mention the name of Soros in connection with the immigration issue. If you don’t think the United States should throw open its borders to welcome the caravan of Honduran migrants now headed north through Mexico, and if you call attention to how Democrats are cheering on this horde of would-be foreign invaders, well, you must be some kind of Nazi who wants to kill Jews. Or at least that’s the general drift of liberal rhetoric in the final week of the midterm election campaign.
PSA From the Clock Boy
Daily Cabin
Health News Article of the Day
The Rabble-Rouser is Ba(rra)ck
Share Before Tuesday !
Trump @War Documentary: A Film by Steven K. Bannon.
Introduction below:
2016 marked a revolution in American politics when a political novice upended the entrenched political classes on both sides of the aisle, and achieved a stunning victory for the forgotten men and women of the nation. Running on a common-sense platform of America First, a revitalized economy, tax cuts, a reinvigorated foreign policy, and a promise to reestablish American sovereignty with immigration reforms, Donald Trump ignited a dormant passion in the hearts of his supporters, and won the presidency in what was arguably the most significant election campaigns in our nation’s history.
Daily Cabin
Lizzy Clears it All Up
About the Slow Postings
Thanks to all that have shown patience over the last couple of days of slow/no postings, I’ve been heads down clearing the deferred maintenance items and tackling urgent new requirements.
We had about a dozen large (100 footers) trees that were encroaching (read as: could have taken out a cabin) that we hired a pro to come in and drop. I have no problem dropping any tree, but when they stand a good chance of falling on one of the cabins, I wanted someone licensed and insured. So he and his crew got them down and me and my son-in-law cut them into 30 or 40 foot sections and drug them over to our burn pile.
While the trees were falling, the cows were birthing. Because we have about 25 acres of woods that border our two main pastures, and because when a cow is ready to give birth she goes to the most remote spot she can get herself to, I’ve had to go out and scour the ravines and brush to make sure they are doing OK. So far so good. Last year we had one that could not birth so we had to pull the calf from her stillborn. We were able to save the cow, but only because we recognized that was having issues. And the only way you can know a cow is having issues is to find it!
I also needed to clear up the garden. This year was the first year for my garden in its current location. The soil was so poor that most of my plantings would start but not do well. I’m commuted to beefing up the soil, so have a fairly large compost pile that I’m building. As you’ve probably guessed, I’m collecting cow dropping and using those as the primary ‘fuel’ for the pile, the balance is a half bale of hay left over from cutting the fields and the sparse remains of what the garden produced.
Finally, I broke down and washed the windows on the cabin. This is easy to do on the inside side, but all of the windows are either single hung or stationary. There are 36 widows that can be washed and 7 that cannot. I’ve built my cabin on a hillside. This means that the windows off the back side of the house are 10 or 12 feet above the ground (to the bottom of the window). These are cleaned with an extremely long telescoping pole with a soapy brush (for cleaning) and a squeegee (for ‘streak free’ water removal).
So that’s where I’ve been and done over the last couple of days.
Interlude: Lévon Minassian – Doudouk
There is No Downside
Democrats recognize the day is fast approaching when they cannot win elections without the numbers that migrating populations bring. These new neo-citizens will displace Americas existing minorities in jobs, benefits, and political power. There is only one hazardous point along the path; they must pacify the brothers and sisters until their new constituent base is in place. To get past this ‘choke point’ their strategy has two components: enrage the black population and expedite the accumulation of Hispanic citizens. The Democrats have America’s black population eating (literally) out of their hand; they know exactly what buttons to push to keep them both subservient and loyal. The rapid accumulation of new citizenry can be seen occurring before our eyes. In short, the Democrats can piss all over their constituents because there is no downside. The brothers and sisters are safely within the confines of the plantation and have no interest in wandering away.
I Wish I Could Tell You
I wish I could tell you that this was his Halloween costume, but unfortunately I can’t. This is what we are raising in our cities and urban areas; soy boys that have no moral base. No number of elections, no wise or brilliant leader can reverse this. It’s occurring in large scale in all nations, less those Islamic theocracies and of course that hell hole of North Korea. In short, we are not only stuck with this, but we can expect that it will grow increasing bizarre. It is brought about by the welfare state and the advance of a leisured society. Because ‘soft soil grows poor warriors’, it’s not hard to imagine conflict and war is in our future.
Johnny Cash: Do Lord
To Preserve Liberty
“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.”
– Richard Henry Lee
Wednesday’s Daily Cabin
The Gathering Storm
Gospel of Thomas Notes
One of the great things about the Gospel of Thomas is that no body of man has had 2000 years to work it over, twist it, or weaponize it to support their view or to support their motives. Everything within the Gospel of Thomas is compared to the canonical gospels, and beyond weighing the truthiness of Thomas, it also introduces an new introspection into the other gospels as well. More on that later. Stevan Davies has written extensively on The Gospel of Thomas, and one his observations strikes me as extremely important. He says:
John’s Gospel contrasts this world with another world from which Jesus comes (cf., e.g., 8:23; 17:13-19). Thomas is not dualistic in this sense. For Thomas there is no contrast between this world and another world; rather Thomas contrasts this world as apprehended properly with this world not apprehended properly. Thomas is replete with sayings contrasting the condition of people whodo and who do not apprehend the world through the primordial light of the beginning. Those who do are full; those who do not are empty (Gos. Thom. 28). Those who do are united and filled with light; those who do not are divided and in darkness (saying 61). Those who do are wealthy (sayings 85, 110); those who do not are in poverty (saying 3). Those who do drink from Jesus and become like Jesus (sayings 13, 108); those who do not are drunk and do not pay attention to Jesus (saying 28).
Countdown to November 6th
Guys/gals, America is counting on your help to reel this madness back in. Remember the other sides motto (vote early, vote often) means you need to take friends and family along to the polls.
A Good Act
“Without doubt one is allowed to resist against the unjust aggressor to one’s life, one’s goods or one’s physical integrity; sometimes, even ’til the aggressor’s death…. In fact, this act is aimed at preserving one’s life or one’s goods and to make the aggressor powerless. Thus, it is a good act, which is the right of the victim.”
– Thomas Aquinas
Again, the true object of the Climate Change junta is cash and control. I’ll join in: I’m climate poor…send cash !
Daily Cabin
Worthy of Our Pity
So she had roughly 55 years of adult experience and found nothing in those many years to believe strongly in enough to have her voice heard? My personal belief is that the Never Trumpers are not necessarily against Trump (although the believe they are) but rather they are longing for acceptance. They will be whatever the hive would have them be, if only the hive would accept them. They deserve our pity.
A Dated Poll Defines the Mindset
A very good read on the immigration problem can be found at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) The article discusses the idea that there are many folk that believe the southwest US does not belong to America, but rather it was improperly taken and should be returned to Mexico. Excerpt below:
A June 2002 Zogby poll of Mexicans found that a substantial majority of Mexican citizens believe that southwestern America is rightfully the territory of Mexico and that Mexicans do not need the permission of the U.S. to enter. The poll found that 58 percent of Mexicans agree with the statement, “The territory of the United States’ southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico.” Zogby said 28 percent disagreed, while another 14 percent said they weren’t sure.
The more radical of these shout: “Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die . . . Through love of having children, we are going to take over.” Hat tip to American Greatness for the quote.
Do You Think You Can Dance?
Check out this blast from the past before you commit to an answer.
I’ll Bet It Wasn’t a Lite Beer Either
Quote of the Day
“Kanye West is living proof that when you’re worth a quarter-billion dollars, you can walk off the plantation whenever you wish.”
Remember: Clear it With HQ First!
Lizzy’s Me Too Moment
I Thought It Would Have Taken Longer- It Begins
And the Beat Goes On: Hillary Edition
A longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, Philippe Reines, hinted that while it’s unlikely, it’s not impossible that the United States gets a rematch election in 2020.
He made the comments in Politico and examined, in detail, what Clinton’s role might be moving forward in Democratic politics. She is fighting hard to remain in the public eye after her shocking election loss to Trump, and she’s set to embark on a speaking tour with Bill.
While her future could be limited to appearing at rallies, if the door were to open, I’m sure she would dash right in.
Finally, An Explanation
Echoes (Salve to Get Me Past the Previous Post)
Skanky is Chic?
Where in the wide world of wankiness are these people comfortable in their environment. Can they really be proud of the look they have produced and desire to be seen this way by others? I suppose there is a vast underworld where this is, if not the norm, then at least chic. Good luck to that crowd. Where are they employed? What will they do if/when SHTF time rolls around? Someone help me out here.
46th Saying in the Gospel of Thomas
There is such great difference between the several translations of this verse, I thought it best to post 4 of them for your consideration.
Lambdin: Jesus said, “Among those born of women, from Adam until John the Baptist, there is no one so superior to John the Baptist that his eyes should not be lowered (before him). Yet I have said, whichever one of you comes to be a child will be acquainted with the kingdom and will become superior to John.”
Blatz: Jesus said: From Adam to John the Baptist there is among the children of women none higher than John the Baptist, for his eyes were not destroyed (?). But I have said: Whoever among you becomes small will know the kingdom and will be higher than John.
Layton: Jesus said, “From Adam unto John the Baptist there has been none among the offspring of women who has been more exalted than John the Baptist, so that such a person’s eyes might be broken. But I have said that whoever among you (plur.) becomes a little one will become acquainted with the kingdom, and will become more exalted than John.”
Doresse: Jesus says: “From Adam to John the Baptist, among those who have been born of women, there is none greater than John the Baptist! But for fear that the eyes <of such a one> should be lost I have said: He who among you shall be the small<est> shall know the Kingdom and be higher than John!”
Blinded So That I Might See
Why I Think Mueller is About Finished
Original Break-Dancing Troupe
While the music is not from the 30’s the dancing is. I’m given to understand that there were places in the country where this type of dance persisted many years before it hit mainstream in the 70’s.