Fear and Loathing

Tomorrows election results will be the first real test of whether the coalition behind Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan can evolve from a diffuse, personality-driven following to an organized political force.  Should republicans succeed in holding both the house and the senate we can expect all hell to break loose.  I believe our poor little meme will move from being afraid to being militant (actually, more militant).

Not all of this insanity will be unequally distributed because of the sociological and  geographical differences in a now divided nation.  What happens tomorrow will hit with unequal force and unequal vectors. If things break as the meme people hope (and as now appears possible) the election could wash away the republican majorities in the House and boost democrats in gubernatorial and state legislative races. But because it will probably leave democrats short of a majority in the senate we can expect a nation, and society, in turmoil for at least the next two years.

What sucks most about this outcome is we can expect a continuing of the outrage saturating the news cycle and the inevitable decay of civility in the nation.  So be it, we cannot rollover because doing otherwise will outrage the Meme People. 

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