My first thoughts on this are : good on them. Not sure how they evacuate the holding tanks but suppose for folk that have no other place to crash that ‘inconvenience’ can be overcome.
I do expect that once the floodgates are opened on our south side we’ll see more and more of this.
After a rummaging through my seed bank I found that I had 5 varieties of carrots. Two packages are labeled for 2019 use which means that, as a guess, I stand a 50/50 chance of those seeds being viable. Carrot seeds are said to be viable for 3 years but what I don’t know is when the seeds were ‘put up’: 2019 may have been the third year of seeds saved from 2016. Guess I’ll find out in about 14-21 days.
So I turned the soil again in 5 of my raised beds, leveled them off, and planted the onion seedlings I had going and the seeds from the 5 carrot varieties.
Amsterdam Minicor (54-75 days). A gourmet carrot from Holland, grown for tender baby carrots 3-4 in. long, or 6-7 in. long when grown to full size. Sweet, fine-grained, deep orange, and uniform in size and shape.
Danvers 126 (65-75 days) . Carrots have a firm and crisp flesh with excellent flavor. Very productive and a fine keeper.
Danvers 126 Half Long (70-80 Days) An improvement on the original Danvers Half Long variety, it has a sweeter flavor, better crack resistance, and heavier yields. Fine grain, and a deep orange cortex and core without a halo.
Autumn King (70-85 days): Bright-orange Imperator-type roots that reach up to twelve inches long and two-and-one-half inches in diameter.
Berlicum (80 days) Beautiful 8”, good-sized roots are extra-smooth, long, and blunt. A deep orange color with a fine carrot flavor. Slender roots tend to stay tender and not become woody.
My ass is dragging today as it’s been several months since I’ve done that much bending over (OBTW, keep your dirty mind to yourself; that type of bending over ended when I retired!).
I’ve seen several of this guys videos, he has absolutely no qualms about busting the cover on stolen valor perps. In this video he shares some of the calls he takes while verifying the service of Navy SEALs
Peter was said to have thrice denied a relationship with Jesus as he (Jesus) was being arrested. The White House communications office has the same relationship with the truth as Peter did.
During the third presidential debate in October 2020, Biden stated emphatically that “nothing was unethical” about his son’s foreign business deals.
Biden also claimed, “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China.
The moderator of the third debate, NBC’s Kristen Welker, questioned White House communications directer Kate Bedingfield about Biden’s statements during the White House press briefing on Thursday.
“We absolutely stand by the president’s comment” Bedingfield replied.
Pressed by other reporters about Hunter Biden, Bedingfield refused to address any further questions about the new reports about his son’s laptops and his lucrative foreign business deals.
“I don’t have anything further to add from this podium,” she said, when asked about Biden’s reaction to the new stories.
“I don’t have anything additional to add from this podium,” Bedingfield repeated after another reporter questioned her about Hunter Biden.
“I don’t have anything additional to add on this from the podium. But thank you,” she repeated after a third reporter asked if President Biden had even read the latest stories about Hunter Biden.
Before anyone should brush off criticism of Biden as more political blather, it’s not Biden I’m so thoroughly sickened by.
Good ole Me Ma Max got deep into a reporter’s shit and told them they should back away from a story about her and her constituents. It seems that Maxine attempted to leverage an event to her advantage (I think this is called ‘Gorilla Marketing’) at a homeless encampment in Los Angeles.
The New York Post reported she was present and when the crowd became unruly, Waters reportedly told them, “I want everybody to go home.”
Telling a large group of homeless folk that they need to go home is not the kind of thing that soothes the savage breast. “We don’t got no home, that’s why we’re here!” member of the crowd shouted. “What home we gonna go to?”
Waters then grew frustrated and said, “Excuse me, there’s nobody in Washington who works for their people any fucking harder than I do. I don’t want to hear this. No, no, no.”
Smelling a story, a Los Angeles Times reporter thought it a good idea to contact Waters: Nope, bad idea. Here is what Water told him :
“You’ll hurt yourself and the community trying to put this together without background,” “I don’t want you to start trying to write it, you won’t understand it.”
The reporter (Conner Sheets) must have had one of those ‘deer in the headlights’ moments as we’ve not heard a peep from him on the topic since.
Sometimes the Bee hits it square on the head. The logic below is truthful, poignant, and totally lost on those who stumble through life with blinders affixed.
I don’t care who you are, you have to believe that this is one totally fucked up family.
This photo is not two adult men in an unscripted moment. It is done by a professional photographer in a studio.
I suggest that the mood and emotion that the photographer and the subjects are trying to exhibit are faithfully captured in the photo. This is two sick, sick fuckers right here.
The storms have passed without having dropped any trees across the fences. There will be no need for me to track down and coax back wayward cattle. Two weeks ago I had one that took a liking to the neighbors pasture and escaped twice. Both times it took about two hours of running up and down hillsides until I could guide her back into a section of fencing I had removed to allow her back in. I finally found the spot that she had been using to slip through (although I couldn’t believe she would/could get through at that spot) and reinforced it with additional wire. She has stayed put.
Here is one of life’s simple truths: It’s easier to keep cows up than it is to put cows up.
I did want to get carrot and onions planted this week, but it’s going to be another day or two after yesterdays rain before the ground can be worked.
For the previous three years I’ve planted onions without a the slightest success. Undaunted (actually, I had completely given up) I happened across an article that explained the difference between ‘short’, ‘intermediate’, and ‘long’ day onions. Apparently, you have to match the onion variety day length to the area of the country where it is being grown.
Who knew?
Armed with this new info, I decided that I’d grow 4 varieties of bubling onion and one variety of bunching onion this year. Here is what I’ve seeded:
Flat of Italy (Intermediate) : Sweet, flat cipollini used in Italy for eating and cooking. It is said to be a beautiful, red “cipollini” type, flat gourmet onion from Italy. Bright red in color and very flat. A very old Italian variety that was mentioned by Vilmorin in 1885. 80 days to maturity.
Texas Early Grano 502 PRR (Intermediate): A vedalia type onion with excellent eating quality. The gloves are uniform, straw colored skin with a whit flesh. Good flavored with mild to medium pungent taste. Released by Texas Agricultural Experimental Station in 1944. 180 days to harvest.
Red Burgundy (Short): Smooth, glossy skin that is purplish-red. Flesh is white with pink shading near the skin. 95 Days to harvest.
Australian Brown (Intermediate): A 19th Century variety by Q Atlee Burpee. Extra fine, large, yellow-brown bulbs with suburb flavor. 100 days to harvest.
For a bunching onion I’m putting in ‘Heshiko Japanese Bunching’ It is said to be a tender 12-14 inch variety that is flavorful, mild not overly pungent and easy to grow. 60 days to harvest.
I’ve got 40 seedlings of each variety that are ready to transplant. I’ll place them on the outside portion of the raised beds. I’ve ‘planted’ old decomposing firewood in the bottom outside of 4 the 12 food beds and filled over the top of them with 6 inches of soil. I’ve read that the decomposing wood establishes a great ecosystem for all things beneficial in a garden so thought I’d give it a shot.
Within the centers of the beds where the onions are going Ill be planting carrots in three of them and leeks in the last two.
Hope all of you were able to pass through the storms with minimal discomfort.
There is always a penalty to pay when the temps ramp up to 80+ in late March. In addition to the tornado that was spotted in the Tunica area, They are reporting a couple of spotted twisters near Jackson Mississippi.
Anything that falls on a line that is drawn roughly from Tunica to Jackson can reasonably be expected to impact my area (north and west of Huntsville AL) two hours or so later.
I don’t know if home gardeners face he same dilemma I do each spring. After seeing a highly favorable monthly forecast (my April forecast below) the temptation is to blow off caution and to get the party rocking in the garden.
For each passing day that the forecast proves to be kinda/sorta right the pressure to plant mounts. By the time the 17th of April (my average last frost date) arrives I’m typically battling both the ‘spring urge’ and the pressure that comes from seedlings that are rapidly outgrowing the seeding trays.
Without fail, we always (always, always, always) get a killing frost in the last week of April. What I can’t understand is: If I know that it will frost in the last week of April, why am I forced to battle the temptation to fill in the garden before the 1st of May? .
It’s not like I don’t have better things to do in the early spring. So why the look of indecision on my face?
I went up and did some needed dirt turning in the garden earlier today. I was going to put it off yet again until I ran across some photos I took late last year. Here are a few of those. that got me off of my ass and into the dirt. As I recall it was a salsa making day!
A countertop consumed by fresh salsa makins.
Now here are a few pictures of the garden while it was producing last year:
Some of plantings I’ll be making in the garden this year are ‘cautionary’: things that I’ll probably not harvest in earnest unless the economy tanks or the supply channels become more shaky. To that end I’ll be planting a great deal of those thing that can be easily preserved and provide good nutrition should the hard times come.
A few of the things (mainly some types of tomatoes, peppers, egg plant, cantaloupe, lettuce and cabbage) will be put in so as to harvest the seeds later in the year. Tomatoes are an example of this, over the last couple of years I accumulated seeds for 14 different types of tomatoes. I’ll be growing cherry tomatoes (Chadwick, Besser, Tommy Toe) for consumption and dehydrating. Two determinate paste varieties (Roma and Martino’s Roma) and one indeterminate (Amish Paste), are for this year’s canning and various sauces and, believe it or not, jam. Slicers are Homestead 24, Mortgage Lifter, Bonny Best, Beefsteak, and Red Brandywine. The rest (Katinka Cherry, Melanie’s Ballet, a VF variety of Roma, Bonny Best, and Red Brandywine) are being planted to keep a fresh supply of seeds on hand if needed.
I started all of my seedlings two weeks later this year. Last year they had grown sow large before I could get them into the garden that they were, in many cases root bound. My average frost date is said to be April 17th, but that ain’t the things have been breaking for the last 7 years or so: My garden goes in beginning on the 1st of May.
Will Smith romped up on stage and slapped the shit out of Chris Rock and now all the ‘woke folk have lit up the socials with their commentary on how out of line Will is/was. They are all aghast and clutching at their pearls. Will apologized profusely a short while later. He was all teary eyed as he begged for forgiveness from the audience and the artistic community. His wish, he said, was that the incident would not keep them from having him back in the future.
Well congratulations Will, for 3 or 4 minutes last night you actually had a set of balls. Of course you ripped your own balls off shortly after that in order to gain acceptance from a crowd of fagots and child predators but at least for a few moments in your life you knew what it felt like to be a man.
If there were a lot more bitch-slapping and a lot less knee bending in this country perhaps the nation could find a way out of woke wilderness we’ve wander into.
In my neck-o-dawoods what he did is obligatory and a real oddity would be to insult another mans wife and not pay a price..
Others have noted that while Will’s singular act of chivalry is commendable, his faith in his wife may be misplaced:
How screwed are we? Here are a couple of quick ‘news’ articles I’ve grabbed from the inter-tubes this morning. If there is an overarching lesson to be learned it is this: The ‘government’ and the ‘free press’ have colluded. The collusion makes the deception both more complete and, given the multiple channels of communication used, more ‘authoritative’.
First up: Don’t believe your lying eyes, gas prices aren’t really that high.
Second: Trust the Science (and the Scientists)?
Notice that in the two following graphics the 1981-2010 chart uses soft cool colors while the 1991 to 2020 chart uses harsh red tones and a lush green that now permeates the upper portion of the nation.
A close inspection, and a careful reading of the words that accompany the charts show that absolutely nothing has changed across the two time periods except the colors used in the graphic. Not one (1) single area in the country has had the date of it’s average last frost changed and yet NOAA says: “Climate change is making the end of winter more dangerous” .
And then there is this:
The title of the article is kinda/sorta deceptive as what they are really promoting is the fourth shot (vice 2nd booster).
What’s really damning are the words within the article itself. They are, in part,:
However, multiple issues complicate the plan as the administration has to calculate when the next COVID-19 wave could hit the U.S., sources told the Times. The administration will want to get the second booster to the elderly before another wave hits, but not too far before that protection could wane.
WTF? They’ve got to pull out a crystal ball and guess at when to give the shot because it doesn’t last? Big pharma really learned their lesson with Polio didn’t they. They are not about to cure this MF as long as they can push of shots to the entire population of the world every six months for eternity.
Sometimes the press screws up and gives subtle indications that they are gaslighting the population. Here are the last few words of the article:
Other complications include how to explain the plan to the public and how long the second booster’s protection will remain strong, the Times noted.
In other words the complication is in how to message the deception. If there were no messaging problem, there would be no ‘complication’.
One final note on this article (as I’ve beaten this drum a little longer than was needed). I copied this article from Yahoo News. If you look just to the right of the graphic we find that is categorized as ‘Politics’ (not health?) and the source was ‘The Hill‘. Well, The Hill may have written the article, but the article is actually a report on a story published in the ‘Times’.
There have been so many usurpation of our freedoms by so many tyrants (petty and profound) over the last 20 years that the collective ‘we’ can no longer claim to be the land of the free and brave. There are a few free/brave holdouts, but I submit that there are many hundreds of thousands that claim that crown that have no idea of what freedom is.
We have become conditioned to be more mouse than man.
I’ve long held that we’ve passed the tipping point as a nation and that our institutions have become so corrupt that there is no way to rebound. The actions of the petty wielders of power over the last couple of years highlights just how numb the nation has become to transgressions against their rights.
‘Leaders’ from the President down to the newest/lowest recently elected school-board official are drunk with power and position and the promise of personal enrichment. The balance of the nation trudges along aware of the graft but more concerned with matters closer to heart and hearth to push to forcefully against the ever growing, every crowding gaggle of tyrants.
What (assuming shit is as screwed up as I believe it to be) can be done?
1. Lead a good life 2. Encourage one another 3. Pass on what you can 4. Plan for the worst. Plan
Perhaps a little cryptic but here are a few related words that may guide your efforts when addressing #4:
From the words buried in the 21st saying in the Gospel of Thomas:: Arm yourselves with great strength lest the robbers find a way to come to you, for the difficulty which you expect will (surely) materialize. Let there be among you a man of understanding. When the grain ripened, he came quickly with his sickle in his hand and reaped it.
From the first paragraph of Albert Pikes Morals and Dogma: FORCE, unregulated or ill-regulated, is not only wasted in the void, like that of gunpowder burned in the open air, and steam unconfined by science; but, striking in the dark, and its blows meeting only the air, they recoil and bruise itself. It is destruction and ruin. It is the volcano, the earthquake, the cyclone;–not growth and progress. It is Polyphemus blinded, striking at random, and falling headlong among the sharp rocks by the impetus of his own blows.
I’ve been on that ‘road less traveled. for a little more than a year. It’s been rough and rewarding. It’s been a good while since I’ve subjected unsuspecting web crawlers to my self-absorbed drivel. It looks like their luck may have taken a turn for the worse.
Now that I’ve got the electrons working (mostly) the way the developers intended (vice the way the hackers and other sundry villains had devised), I’ll soon be exercising the keyboard once again. I say mostly working because I’m still constrained by my satellite dependent ISP whose speed can quite literally be measured as a baud rate.
After more than 2 years of phone messaging and unanswered emails to Loretto Telecom, they called me out of the blue 3 weeks ago and said they were laying fiber optic cable and asked if I would I be interested. They have three plans 250, 500 and 1,000 Mbps (both ways). the 250 is $55 monthly and I’d owe another 20 bucks for phone service. I’m over 100 monthly with now and the last time I checked the speed it was 1 Mbps. And, oh bye the way, it doesn’t work in the rain.
At first I thought that installation charges were going to eat me up as they will need to run the fiber underground from the edge of my property to the cabin: 2300 feet. They said that it cost 85 cents a foot for every foot over 400 from the property line. After a few exchanges we agreed on 600 free feet if my daughter and SIL signup as well. I don’t know how they can dig a trench, run the fiber and fill it back in for 85 cents a foot but they assured me that was the installed price. Once in, we will owe for 1700 feet (2300-600) times 85 cents divided between me and the SIL. That’s a little more than $700 each. Sign me up!
Anyway, I’ll soon be back from the road less traveled and be able to post with reasonable certainty that the site won’t ‘time-out’ before my electrons work their magic.
So this guy in Florida decides that he’s had about enough and wants to act out a little bit. He dawns his LGB T shirt, spends a couple of buck on a plane ticket, and then places a pink thong over his head instead of the diaper that Fauci recommends. The result? Instant national attention as he insults the Plugs Biden and the ridiculous mask mandates.
These last several years seem like they were nothing more than the sad, slow decent of our country into the cesspool. Until recently I had no idea just how far we’d fallen.
Others believe we have not fallen at all. The see the demise of freedoms and liberty as tyranny’s coin of passage. The price of admission if we are to achieve ‘world peace’.
Here is an interesting ‘organizational’ chart that I saw while poking around. It’s a little flawed, but does introduce an interesting way to view how freedom crushing policies can emerge. (have emerged?)
If we can imagine the membership’ of the Policy Makers is fluid, then the rest of the diagram is much more representative of reality.
This biological shit-show just keeps getting more deadly with each passing day. The creation and release of a deadly virus wasn’t enough for these brainiacs, now we have to deal with friggin biological robots.
It’s getting real ugly out there and it seems as if there is no constraint on the stupidity being exercised.
This is being carried in the ‘Daily Mail’:
The first ‘living robots’ that can REPRODUCE: Microscopic organisms made from frog cells assemble ‘babies’ in their Pac Man-shaped mouths.
Frog stem cells, shaped using artificial intelligence, will spontaneously replicate
They gather single cells inside a Pac-Man-shaped ‘mouth’ and release ‘babies’
Self-replicating living bio-robots could allow more personalised drug treatment
Scientists have created the first-ever living robots that can reproduce. The millimetre-sized living machines, called Xenobots 3.0, are neither traditional robots nor a species of animal, but living, programmable organisms.
Made from frog cells, the computer-designed organisms, created by a US team, gather single cells inside a Pac-Man-shaped ‘mouth’ and release ‘babies’ that look and move like their parents.
They can self-propel using hair-like ‘legs’ and have the ability to keep memories.
‘We found Xenobots that walk. We found Xenobots that swim. And now, in this study, we’ve found Xenobots that kinematically replicate,’ said study author Joshua Bongard.
Shit, it won’t be long until Democrats demand that they have voting rights!