Of Two Minds

Breitbart ran a story about how the British government is “flying blind” on immigration and have found that they have an extra 1.25 million folk materialize without any explanation. “We don’t know who’s arriving or leaving, who’s here, or where they are,” .

I think that knowing who is in your neighborhood is generally a good idea. In troubled times it’s more important than in calm, but I have that sneaky feeling that governments are all about creating troubling times so that they might exercise power that otherwise would have been unwarranted.

When the border went wacko, so did our society. There was a time in Merica when the border was strong and there was no profit in tracking a man from year to year, month to month, birth to death (and then register the plot where he was buried). Your comings and going, like your life, were your own business.

Those days are over and will remain a footnote in history unless nationalism once again becomes a welcomed term and we become a nation capable of constraining the onslaught of migrating hoards. I personally think that we’ve passed the point where we could turn things around. That’s a GD shame. I really loved this country and it appears as if it is gone; gobbled up by the Landoleeres.

Perhaps God has a great reset planned a little further down the slip-stream of time. If he does I hope some future manly-men crank up a new nation that has some semblance to what our fore fathers tried to whip up, seems to me that was a pretty good idea.

From Whole Cloth

I guess the run that the moral majority enjoyed here in Am Murica is well over, now comes the days of the Orcs. It wasn’t that long ago when headlining an article captioned as below would have been unthinkable. Now the dark side has become so emboldened that they don’t even pretend to conceal the hatred they have for Christians.

It’s a neat trick the author/publisher is playing with the words and image. They would have the weak minded believe that the ‘Christian Nationalist’ (those folk who believe that God shines his light on America) are barbarians, anti-democratic, and are subverting (‘working quietly to take America’) the government to satisfy their own wants. It really is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Lies made from whole cloth.


Here is a nifty little lead into an article published in Politico:

“The deadly siege of the Capitol in Washington, which sought to overturn a legitimate election by targeting lawmakers with assassination, was not the first attempted insurrection in American history”

Damn, ‘targeting lawmakers with assassination’ sounds like some serious shit. You know, once I think about it a little bit, it sure seems like the ‘assassins’ were kinda fucking inept if their goal was to assassinate lawmakers. They not only didn’t kill a single one, they never fired a shot or swung an axe!

These folk are going to keep beating that drum and blowing on the insurrection trumpet long enough and loud enough to really set things alight!

Y’all keep safe out there.

How Shit Works

How to funnel bribe money to the VP (explained).

Vice President Kamala Harris’ 21-year-old stepdaughter Ella Emhoff has signed a deal with one of the world’s most prestigious modeling agencies, IMG Models.

“It’s not really about shape, size or gender any more,” Ivan Bart, the president of IMG Models, told the New York Times on Thursday. “Ella communicates this moment in time. There’s a cheekiness and a joy she exudes.”

Ah, lets see if her peers think she’s ‘cheeky’. First a photo:

Then the words from this idiot:


my new uniform
that I where inside
because we should all be staying inside
( also beanies have proven hard to make so props to y’all out there making beanies )

Then the flames:

@ellaemhoff I’m gonna use your picutre as visual representation of a living libtard. Thanks 😂
official_clean_plate_club: You probably smell worse than you look
jofo1118: The face of someone in need of mental health help
dirtbaginv: Lmao beat as fck

I guess you get the picture (tongue firmly in cheek). Here are more that shows exactly what talent IMG Models acquired:


and finally

I don’t know which selling point tipped the scales in her favor, the armpits full of hair or the milk cow tattooed on her bicep.

A model my ass. They don’t even try to hide their shitty corruption any longer.

Oh and by-the-way, why the fuck didn’t we see this bizarro during the run-up to the election?

Friggin Elitists

I despise this asshole and the entire group of elitists that Plugs has resurrected from a well deserved exile. They absolutely reek with the disdain they have for Americans.

Tales From The Cabbage Patch

This is a great video by a couple of rural folk talking about their garden. One thing they hit on was the scarcity of seeds across the entire industry. That chat begins at about the 6 minute mark.

Hmmmmm, slaw made with cilantro and cumin !

Goebbels is Alive and Well

A quick gander at the news on Yahoo shows that Goebbels’ methods are still in use today. The first article (below) shows success, if the outcry is building then the press has succeeded.

Here is a neat little headline guaranteed to keep the descendants of African imports dissatisfied. I was going to say ‘African Americans’ but I’m tired of trying to figure out which phrase(s) is/are socially correct.

Oh by the way, if you are free to self identify anyway you choose, then I’m free to identify you anyway I choose. Two way street folks.

Then there is this:

Goebbels Rule 18 (propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.) appears to be in play.

All of Goebbels principles are here.

Slow Boat

My latest pet project, homemade soy sauce, has been ridiculously delayed. You cannot make the Japanese/Chinese style of ‘Shoyu’ without a specific type of mold: Aspergillus Oryzae. Preferably the mold will have been nurtured along on soy beans (vice rice).

I ordered some from a source in Austria. Shipping seemed a little high at 5 euro’s , but what the hell–I’d get what I wanted/needed. Had I known that when they said ‘shipping’ they meant that tit would be on an actual ship, I might have gone a different way. Here is the latest tracking information on my order.

Yep, that’s a little vague to me. I quizzed the folk I had purchased from to see if they knew of an English language site to track from. I got this:

That’s just friggin great. Somewhere in the North Atlantic a slow boat has my tiny little package. I’m guessing that the odds of me actually getting what I ordered, in a form/condition I need it to be, are pretty slim.

This recipe had better be legit, because the wait time, once fermentation begins, is 6-14 months. Guess I should have ordered ‘merican’.

Wild Wild West | Sleepless in Seattle

Who the hell is running? Murder suspect Travis Berge had racked up over 100 police contacts, dozens of civil infractions, and 47 criminal cases, one an attempted rape, in the five years he lived in Seattle. On September 18, he was found dead at the bottom of a 10-foot deep tank filled with 50 gallons of a 12% bleach solution. Why wasn’t he in jail long ago?

Earlier in the day, the fire department and police were called to Cal Anderson Park, near the former, now-infamous, “CHOP zone” to tend to an “unresponsive female” found in a makeshift shelter there.

Their efforts were unsuccessful. She was pronounced dead at the scene, victim of a homicide. Witnesses on the scene explained that the woman and Berge had a domestic relationship. Initial observations indicate she was beaten to death.

Police were then made aware that someone had broken into the pump house on the west side of the park. They went to the location, where they found Berge. He barricaded himself inside, and a four hour long standoff ensued.

After a SWAT team arrived, police entered the building and discovered Berge’s body at the bottom of a tank filled with 50 gallons of bleach, used to treat the city’s drinking water supply.

Thus ended the criminal career and reign of terror imposed on the people of Seattle by Travis Berge. Significantly, the criminal courts and justice system in Seattle had nothing to do with it.

That’s how the criminal justice system seems to “work” in Seattle. Unless the criminal solves the problem himself or herself, the problem continues.

Before the Hard Landing

This photo taken in 1968. It’s emblematic of the short life she burned through, crashing hard at 27with an overdose on heroin. That was a little more than 50 years ago. I can’t help but wonder what delights she could have provided had she lived.

I’ve posted this before, but just cannot get over the wonder of her voice and demeanor as she performs in Monterey. Enjoy the performance and enjoy your Monday!

Heading For Third World Nation Status

By the time these asshats finish our nation will be in tatters. Swing wide the gates and let all those who appear at the threshold pass. And, because we be doling out free shit by the shovel full, not only will the treasury be drained, but we’ll have a population that demands a sacrifice of the future for the wants of today.

This from Breitbart (less graphic):

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, tasked with enforcing federal immigration law, are being instructed to free all detainees in their custody, as President Joe Biden’s administration halts deportations.

An internal January 21 ICE memo, independently reviewed by Breitbart News and first reported by Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, orders agents to “stop all removals,” including land and air deportations.

In addition, the memo tells agents that “all cases” of detainees in ICE custody are now to be considered “no significant likelihood of removal in foreseeable future” — suggesting all detainees will need to be released.

“Release them all, immediately,” the ICE official wrote to staff in the memo. Typically, if detainees do not have sponsors in the United States, agents can hold an individual in their custody. The memo, though, states that is no longer the case and that even detainees without sponsors must be released.

The Turning of a Page

He’s left an amazing legacy but in doing so he pissed off so many people so completely that he needed to move on to his life after Presidency unceremoniously.  Hate him or love him he did it his way.

While determining if the election was free or fair is important work, and Americans need to know just WTF happened, it won’t change the outcome and it damn sure will not change the trajectory of our society.  The pendulum is swinging toward socialism and anarchy, two seeming opposing political structures (or in the case of anarchy the absence of a political structure).  These folk will coexist until control (centralization) of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of resources is complete.  That day is closer than we yet realize.  Then the anarchists will be either fed or shot.  They will not overcome the crushing weight of a socialist regime.

I’m being a realist, not a defeatist, when I suppose the hard left voices in the nation have poisoned enough gimmedat minds to influence every future decision at the national and many state and local levels.  In my mind the only uncertainty is in the velocity of the fall.

With a totally malleable President and control of all of the levers by power hungry socialists, a hot civil war is unwinnable and thanks to the advocacy of a fourth estate with the intention and ability to both frame every narrative and squelch every dissenting voice, the cold civil war we are presently engaged in will shortly end.  I’m sorry to report that we will not be the victors.

So then what’s a man to do?  We should do what we should have been doing all along regardless of which millionaire or billionaire sits on the throne:  live a good life and worship our God in the way he would have us. 

Ya’ll have a great day.

Changing Times

The festival was over, the boys were all plannin’ for a fall,
The cabaret was quiet except for the drillin’ in the wall.
The curfew had been lifted and the gamblin’ wheel shut down,
Anyone who had any sense had already left town.

–Bob Dylan

I’m thinking that I need to become emotionally detached. That just may keep my head from exploding.

Joe Biden is planning to sign dozens of executive orders later this week and in doing so crushes some of Orange Mans favorite policies.  Three main areas are addressed:  immigration, climate change, and the kung flu.

Specifically he plans on rescinding the travel ban on sand people, rejoining the Paris climate scam, and mandate the wear of masks on federal property or during interstate travel.  I suppose this would include wearing a mask in your new sparky vehicles.

But, but, but, what about fixin raaaaaysim?  Ron Klain says:  “These actions will change the course of COVID-19, combat climate change, promote racial equity and support other underserved communities, and rebuild our economy in ways that strengthen the backbone of this country: the working men and women who built our nation,”

On the second day in office, Plugs  will sign executive actions on Covid-19, including ways to help schools and business reopen safely (flooding the education unions with cash), expand testing, protect workers and establish clearer public health standards.

They say on the third day he will ‘direct his Cabinet to work on delivering economic relief to families most affected by the crisis.’  I wonder who these folk might be and what form the economic relief might take?

In the days that follow he will expand the Buy America provisions, by ”taking action to advance “equity and support communities of color,”.  He will tinker with the criminal justice system, push for single payer, and reunite families separated at the border (I assume this means that if a family member got through during the last round of insanity, the balance of the clan just hit the lottery. 

That’s a lot to accomplish in a few short days, wonder what this place is going to look like in a couple of years?

Growing Ugly

American Thinker founder Thomas Lifson on Thursday (14th):

It is news to almost nobody who reads American Thinker that a political witch hunt is underway. Parties in and out of government are looking for excuses to suppress and destroy voices that oppose the left.

Because AT lacks the ability to monitor comments in real time, and because our position that comments are a forum, not something we publish, is being called into question, we can no longer publish comments.

We take this action with a heavy heart.

Yesterday (15th). Deputy Editor Andrea Widburg gave this as a follow-up:

Yesterday, we announced that we are closing comments at American Thinker. We immediately received a couple of hundred very unhappy, angry, and sometimes insulting emails about that decision. Without divulging why we made that decision, here are a few points to ponder.

First, 90% of the assumptions in the emails were wrong. This meant that a lot of people were theorizing in advance of their data. America is currently deeply destabilized, and things are happening that most people can’t imagine. Sometimes, those things hit close to home.

Second, it’s lovely that many of you came here for the conversation in the comments. To have the comments abruptly turned off was the equivalent of our breaking up your party, the great party at which all the guests were interesting and delightful. We appreciate what an unpleasant shock and disappointment that was, and we hate to be the mean parent who broke up the party, but, again, sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

Third, this site is a labor of love for everyone involved, especially for its founder, Thomas Lifson. If you imagine that he would ever authorize such a difficult decision when there were other choices to be made, well, you don’t know Thomas. All of us who work here agree that the choice was binary: shut down the comments or shut down the site. Or to use an analogy, amputate the limb or watch the patient die. Looked at from that perspective, there really was no choice.

They conspired to, and were successful in, taking down the President. They much more easily did the same to Parler. Small independent sites, the only remaining voices of opposition, are getting their asses kicked while armed troops march in the streets of the capital.

Censorship: It’s Getting Ugly Out There

Spineless Bastard(s)

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) has apologized to Black Oklahomans for challenging Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory, saying he did not realize his actions would be seen as “casting doubt on the validity of votes” in predominantly Black cities like Atlanta, Philadelphia and Detroit.

If nothing else Trumps exodus has illuminated the cesspool that is DC and the slimy creatures that haunt that swamp. This ass joins that growing list of human filth that have sold out their nation and licked the boots of the ass clowns that are peddling the white man bad narrative. All this to gain the favor of socialists and would be tyrants.

Great, Just Great

These are the folk that will now not only chart the path of the nation but also choose the topics and set the tone for whatever discourse and banter appear in the public square.

We now all must pay homage to the new wokeness. It does not matter if we couldn’t care less, we will be made to care. Blocking out their blather or ignoring their obviously false pronouncements will not be tolerated. If the truth de jour is that 2+2=5 then you will be required to pronounce their truth on the matter. That folks is how Black Live Matter and all lives don’t came into being.

They are about to visit judgement on how well you align to their view of the world. God have mercy on the poor soul that fails to bend a knee.

A Winter’s Ferment

In the first few days of this year, after watching one of the Liziqi videos, I decided that a good way for me to introduce a little more frustration into my life and to waste both time and money would be to try my hand at fermenting soy sauce. Because I’m pretty much pleased with life and I’ve not quite saved enough for the funeral that would surely follow if I attempted the Korean variety, I decided on fermenting a traditional Japanese sauce.

Off I went looking at the types that are commonly made and the methods used. I settled on a Aspergillus Oryzae mold and found a source in Austria. These folk seemed to know what they were doing and had a great tutorial, in English, on exactly how ferment ‘Shoyu’. That tutorial is here.

I’ve got pieces and parts of the recipe inbound. Mold from Austria, soy beans from Iowa, wheat from Washington state and salt from the Bahamas. I’ll use water from one of the springs that feed the little stream out back.

I had wanted to make this from soy beans raised in my garden and wheat from a nearby farm, but it will be another 8 months before my garden will kick out the beans. This has got a brew time of 14 months so I’ll be in soy heaven come March of 2022.

A Mid-Week Rant

All of these national level gyrations have served to get folk ‘woked up’ to just how fragile our society is. Our once shared perception of higher societal ideals such as liberty, freedom, self sufficiency, and personal independence have been scrapped. They have been replaced by other lofty ideals such as ‘social justice’ and ‘equality’. These are much more powerful terms and they can be wielded (unlike liberty/freedom) by tyrants large and small to satisfy their personal ambitions and quests for power.

What good comes from gaining a fortune from developing software for tweets and sharing timelines if you cannot use that fortune for shaping a more ‘just and equitable’ world. When Jack kicks the President of the United States off of his platform and threatens to do the same to half of the nation, with impunity, we’ve got a problem. When Jeff de-platforms a new and struggling social media firm that allows speech that he disagrees with without consequence, we are all fucked. There is not a politician anywhere on the left side of the spectrum that is not leveraging ‘social justice and equality’ into a term of office that makes them more equal.

On the other end of the spectrum, the causes of social justice and equality give purpose to lives that otherwise really have no meaning. What the hell do all of the young folk living in an urban environment dream of accomplishing? They can easily attach themselves to ‘the cause’ because it’s about the only game in town. Their self worth is wrapped up in their level of commitment and sacrifice to assist the ‘downtrodden’. That boys and girls is why all those BLM marches are filled with white faces.

All of these ills are visited upon a people who’s lives have grown far to soft and, paradoxically, who’s lives are relegated to the stone and streets of an inner city. Were these folks to lose power and water for a few weeks, that entire social justice blather would immediately dissipate.

Our Oh-Shit Moment

I don’t think that at this time last week anyone really thought our society would go so south so quickly.  The coms channels are quashing speech, truth, ideas.  Virtually every news station in the nation spewing propaganda, purge lists are being drawn up, evil rises. 

All the bad shit witnessed in the last week is just the beginning. Once the rush of raw power flows over them every left leaning ass in the country will be demanding retribution for any number of perceived wrongs.  Those demands will fall on welcoming ears.

This is the ‘oh shit’ moment for the country; the great purge nears, history is to be rewritten, wrong-thinkers punished, society restructured.  

The world is a dangerous place and more than one adversary would like nothing more than a weakened and vulnerable America.  Their desire to dominate never falters, never fails.  It’s an itch that cannot be scratched.

Insulated But Not Immune

There are both pro’s and con’s of living a rural life. For some the relative isolation is unbearable, for others a God send. Dragging my butt 25 or so miles each way to pick up weekly groceries is a pain and now that I’m aged, my back hurts and my legs are cramped on both ends of the journey. While I think the thousands of pro/con comparisons weigh heavily towards the rural, I’m obviously a minority as only 17 percent of Americans feel the same. The other 83 percent live the urban/suburban life.

The 17 percent number is eroding exponentially. Right now rural areas are loosing roughly 300,000 annually while city dwellers are growing by a little over 2,000,000 annually. As things stand, our 330 million in population is split 273 million to 57. As this degradation in population continues so goes the political influence and value system. In 10 years little or no consideration will be given to the wants/needs of the rural population in America. It’s probably a good thing that the most important want/need is centered around ‘keep the hell out of my life’.

In short, we are insulated from the insanity that springs up in the population centers. No riots, no BLM/Antifa, no men running around in skirts with green hair and nose rings. But, to think/say that we are immune to the decisions made by politicians (and their fine constituents) is a mistake. Case in point: canning lids.

You may be able to detect that I’m still pissed about not being able to instantly go on line and execute a resupply. There is absolutely no logical reason that a commodity that is used almost exclusively by a rural population, a population that is shrinking, should be completely sold out at every retail outlet in the country. What few items are available are selling at 5+ times their normal price. Lids are now so expensive that, when they can be found, you can actually buy two 12 packs of canning jars (with glass jars, rings, and lids) for less that 12 individual lids. This is insane!

I’ve solved my lid issue. I’ve invested in bunches of ‘reusables’ that are said to have an 8 year life. I’m not sure that whatever drags us back into the stone age is going to last that long, but I am sure whatever causes it can be laid at the feet of the wondrous ‘leaders’ the urbanites install into office.

Another Memory Flushed

Breitbart has an article titled Blue State Blues: Joe Biden and the Democrats Want Retribution, not Reconciliation. While the guys over at that rag normally have a pretty good take on whats what with the vermin that inhabit the hall of power, in this case I think they misread exactly what is going on. Those entrenched in that Gomorrah want both their pound of flesh from the man that dared challenge them and they want to set an example so sever that no one will ever dare challenge them again. On anything. On taxes, on statehood for DC, on reparations, on anything. Raise your voice and you will be steamrolled.

They, with the settling of the Georgia question, have felt the extreme rush that only overwhelming power can bring to the psyche and no power on hell or earth will keep them from their next hit of that toxin.

As for the sins of the MAGA, those who are salivating at the crushing of Trump are quick to forget (or more probably ignore) the lefts rampage in Wisconsin’s capital (and other sundry locales) in the not to distant past.

It seems that what was not only perfectly acceptable conduct (and perhaps even laudable patriotic conduct) is now not only unacceptable but rises to the level of tyranny. Amazingly those on the left, including many who banged the drum and lifted their voice in Wisconsin, have fallen for the false outrage spewing forth from those drunk on the influence of power.

Note to self: This is going to end well. After a long and costly spicy time it will end well.

Where We Were

A little review seems to appropriate.

We were in a hot war with Great Britain long before we inked the Declaration of Independence. It’s been 244 years since it’s adoption and one burning question remains: do American patriots still have the character/will to defend their God given rights.

“The People’s House”

Things went south real quick at Sodom on the Potomac. Yet another expensive lesson on how complete the delusion is: the Peoples House my ass.

Was this the first volley or simply a one off? Will future generations remember those who perished as patriots or as malcontents?

Thoughts and prayers go to the family and friends of those gunned down.


Looks to me that 2021 will be more ‘interesting’ than 2020.

Increasingly fervent voices are pushing for a hot civil war and all indications are that those narratives have found a home in the minds of folk on both side of the societal divide.

Prep up, Spicy Time in 3……2……1…..

First Out-Ah-Da Chute | Did You See This Coming?

“As House Speaker, I am proud to announce the creation of the new, bipartisan Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth, which will be an essential force in Congressional Democrats’ action to combat the crisis of income and wealth disparity in America.  It is molded after the mission of the Temporary National Economic Committee, founded by President Roosevelt and the Congress after the Great Depression to study and combat the concentration of wealth in America and its role in triggering economic collapse. 

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is seeking reparations and more for black Americans as a result of slavery.  Yesterday she submitted H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act.  Her goal with the legislation is to study how slavery impacts our country today and to develop a monetary payout.  The commission will explore reparations for black Americans and how to get white folk to apologize for their sins as a part of atonement.

2020 was rough, but at the end of the year we saw hope on the horizon. Will we be as optimistic in December of 2021?

Good News ?

  • Mercury and Pluto link up in the sign of Capricorn on January 4th, adding power and certainty to your words.
  • Two days later, action planet Mars enters Taurus and allows you to take a more passive approach to confrontation.
  • Next, Mercury enters Aquarius and Venus enters Capricorn on January 8th, pushing you to step up your communication with your relationships.
  • Later in the day, the Capricorn sun and Neptune connect adding loftiness to your visions.
  • Mercury and Mars square off in the evening of the 8th, creating drama and arguments (if you aren’t careful).
  • Venus and Mars softly align on January 9th, blending tenderness into romance.
  • And then Mercury and Saturn conjunct each other in the late evening on the 9th, urging you to speak your truth and mean what you say.

A quiz may follow later in the week.

That Hell Called Chicago

It’s really hard for those of us that live in flyover country to understand how it is that folk in the socialist stronghold of Chicago manage to retain any dignity or sense of self worth. You would have thought that the dictatorial mayor and criminal political operatives would have been enough to cause a rational people to rally and rail against the injustice; I guess that’s just not the Chicago way.

Now, that unholy alliance consisting of the ‘aldermen’ and the teachers union have decided that it does not matter if the population wants the schools opened or not, they won’t allow it unless an entire laundry list of conditions are met; not the least of which is ‘increasing equity for students’. The list? Here goes:

  • Establish and promote clear public health criteria and a detailed testing and contact-tracing plan
  • Improve internet access and connection     
  • Reduce screen time, especially for younger students
  • Strengthen hybrid-learning plans
  • Give advance notice to social workers, speech therapists and other clinicians about returning students, those opting for remote learning, or both
  • Provide timely and transparent decisions on accommodations, including those under the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Offer clearer guidelines on paid leave
  • Provide regular public updates on the 2,000 employees to be hired for pandemic-related responsibilities

A union attorney has said that members have a right to work in a safe environment. “We expect a lot of members will invoke that right,” he said, adding. “This isn’t a strike. We haven’t called for a strike. We’re not saying we’re refusing to work … (we’re) willing and available to continue working remotely”.

He’s right, it’s not a strike: It’s blackmail.

“If CPS responds by taking draconian measures, that could result in our entire membership deciding they want to engage in a work stoppage.”

Do they have all of the exits blocked in Chicago? Are there any freedom loving people remaining in lefty land?

First Thought For The New Year

Be prepared!

Man is born gentle and weak | At death he is hard and stiff.
Green plants are tender | At death they are withered and dry.

Stiff and unbending is the disciple of death.
The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.

A tree that is unbending is easily broken.
An army without flexibility never wins.

Bastardized from the Art of War