Breitbart ran a story about how the British government is “flying blind” on immigration and have found that they have an extra 1.25 million folk materialize without any explanation. “We don’t know who’s arriving or leaving, who’s here, or where they are,” .
I think that knowing who is in your neighborhood is generally a good idea. In troubled times it’s more important than in calm, but I have that sneaky feeling that governments are all about creating troubling times so that they might exercise power that otherwise would have been unwarranted.
When the border went wacko, so did our society. There was a time in Merica when the border was strong and there was no profit in tracking a man from year to year, month to month, birth to death (and then register the plot where he was buried). Your comings and going, like your life, were your own business.
Those days are over and will remain a footnote in history unless nationalism once again becomes a welcomed term and we become a nation capable of constraining the onslaught of migrating hoards. I personally think that we’ve passed the point where we could turn things around. That’s a GD shame. I really loved this country and it appears as if it is gone; gobbled up by the Landoleeres.
Perhaps God has a great reset planned a little further down the slip-stream of time. If he does I hope some future manly-men crank up a new nation that has some semblance to what our fore fathers tried to whip up, seems to me that was a pretty good idea.