The End Of Wokeness?
Those Same Folks
What a Bratty Little ‘Man’
Lets Learn the Lessons Given To Us By The Past
Happy Columbus Day
When You’re Ruled By Criminals
Shifty Tastin Berries
Not OK
I look at this group of treasonous faces and wonder how we could have fallen into pit we find ourselves. I’m going to go out on a limb and blame each administration from Bush The Elder through Barry the Bastard.
I personally feel that the best first step in destroying this cabal that has infested our government is to physically decentralize the power. EPA to Wyoming, HUD to Alabama, DOJ to Kansas, etc. Let the DC area return to the swampland it was before all of the power and money from across the country moved in.
Hunter Explains His Duties
Shafting Man’s Future
“So Google bought this AI company called DeepMind,” Vorhies replied. “Let me just put it in plain language what that is, DeepMind was creating a god-like AI system that is able to ingest the available public information on the internet and make sense of it. Think of it like Amazon Alexa except much much much more intelligent. This AI system was moved out of the UK I believe and placed into China, and it’s been dubbed the AI Manhattan Project.”
Vorhies continued: “Peter Thiel — he accused Google of acting in a treasonous way. This is how serious this project is. It’s the most sophisticated and advanced AI project in the world made by an American company and placed in China.”
Mansour noted that Google was placing this AI project in a country with numerous human rights violations and asked if this AI was going to be used for surveillance of citizens.
Vorhies stated: “When people think of surveillance they usually think of country surveillance. This is planetary surveillance of all information that is available on the surface web and also any sources that it can get in the deep web and utilizing Google’s extensive deep analysis of its book scanning stuff. So think of the Library of Alexandria of all available websites that you can search for and all that data gets fused together and a decision-making process gets formed because of that. This is essentially what the Google DeepMind project is all about.”
Be Sure To Ask For Permission
Welcome Aboard !
Orwellian Brutality
Ask Yourself Why
More Light | What The Hell Is Going On?
It occurs to me that I may be the only one in the country that is NOT on the board of directors. Guess I’m missing out on the free cash.
Go Grab Napoleon and Have a Good Time
Where Were They Then?
The Blame (Whitey) Game
Drudge’s Turn To The Dark Side
The Snake Within
He’s Done Very Well For Himself | Pleased To Have Him Represent America
Whiteness Is Killing Us (And They Say White’s Are Racists)
Sometimes I Be Like……..
Her First Calf
This from out in the front pasture a short while ago. The mama’s name is Ginger and she was one of the first calves that was actually born on our Tennessee property. Today Ginger gave birth to her first calf. We have 22 head on the farm right now: 17 cows, 4 calves that have appeared in the last few days, and a borrowed (very, very large) bull. All of the cattle are Herefords.
The calf has no name yet because it seems that the only one qualified to name creatures that appear here in the woods is our granddaughter Brooke. Brooke has named both of our dogs (Dixie Star and Rusty Red) a stray cat (Tom), a huge black snake that inhabits a nearby woodpile (Bob), and every calf. While I can only tell the difference between most of the cows by the ear tag, Brooke knows them as ‘Booger’s mama’, or Ginger’s mom, etc.
Both cow and calf are doing fine. All is good in southern-middle Tennessee
How Things Work
It’s What We Would Demand Of Him
‘Gay’: The Gateway to Moral Decay
Seems Fitting For An “Indigenous Peoples Day”
Oh Shit, Will All Really Be Laid Bare?
Off To A Good Start
Finally, Aid For Those Most In Need
A Stern Warning | So Drunk On Power
A Fitting Analogy
A Conspicuous Absence
Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Trumpster Vs The Deep State
Let Them Work Through It On Their Own
The Face of A Political Creature | He Is Not Missed
Who Incurs The Risk? Who Reaps Rewards?
The Escapee Is Back At Home With Mama
This little guy was birthed yesterday and from the start you could tell his mama was going to have trouble keeping him in tow. At a couple of hours old he was hopping around and running back and forth. All mama wanted to do was nurse and comfort.
As you might guess this morning the little guy was nowhere to be found. His mom was bawling and calling out for him but to no avail. Son-in-law and I got in the jeep and covered all of the pastures and then did a three hour search through the woods that border pastures, through the thickets….everywhere, no calf.
This afternoon my wife and I decided to go up and see if the cow had found it’s calf….it had, kinda-sorta. She was over at the extreme south-east corner of the property, literally hugging the fence line, bawling with all she had. The calf had somehow managed to get through the barbed-wire, but could not get back.
I slipped through the fence about 50 yards away from the calf and walking through the woods to come up behind it and helped it navigate it’s way trough the strands.
Mama cow is happy and nursing, baby calf is happy, and (importantly) my wife is happy. Trust me on this, if wifey isn’t happy, no one is happy!