SNL's Leslie Jones goes on unhinged tirade about white people and Trump: Leslie Jones: "Trump brought out all those people who really are racists because most white people are. They just don't understand that they have that microaggression. Y'all mostly are. You don't even…
Equity=Equal Outcomes=Communism. It must take government force to redistribute wealth in order to achieve equal outcomes. I survived communism, I know how they talk and what they believe. It is an evil and failed ideology.
I’ve looked really hard at why Juneteenth was named a holiday and why, given that you’d want to celebrate when a message was delivered (vice what the message conveyed) you’d want to title it in bad English. It’s almost as if you were playing a racial game; as if you were poking fun at that element of our citizenry. If I were black I’d be embarrassed that my fellow blacks joyfully accepted this studied insult.
Some little scratch at the surface meaning of the holiday reveals that it is the day that blacks in one city of the US found out that the thousands of whites that died for their freedom were successful. Is it a holiday in honor of those lost lives? Nope. It honors nothing. It’s a black holiday just to remind folk that Dems wanted black folks to know they value them enough to give the 87 percent of Americans that aren’t black another holiday and a good laugh (at the bad English) at the expense of the 13 percent.
But no matter, as Genesius Times points out, we’ve managed to replace one master with another. A kind and gentle master, but a master none the less.
The rainbow people are slowly becoming aware that the Religion of Peace has a real hard on (pun intended) for demonstrating their life choices. The idea that the Dem party is a big tent party is about to be tested; couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group.
"No pride in genocide!" A scene of rare beauty as PaIestine protesters in Philadelphia refuse to let the 'Pride' march through. PLEASE LET THIS GO GLOBAL 😂😂😂😂
What surprised me most about the clip is how well the alphabet people are organized. Now that these two sides have found themselves in an ‘intersectional civil war’ what new players will emerge and what alliances will be constructed.
Pro-"Palestine" thugs blocking the way for the Philadelphia Pride Parade
Sounds about right. There are wackos, bums and thieves on both sides of the aisle. Some are second and third generation professional politicians that have spent decades in the marble halls dedicated to the memories of the previous generation of thieves. Others are new at the game.
The difference between a McConnell and a Omar (or a Bush for that matter) is one has mastered the application of power and wealth and the other is a novice. As you can tell, I don’t have strong feelings on the subject one way or the other.
Speaking of ‘Do-Overs’, you know who doesn’t need one? The male runner named Veronica Garcia. This little bitch, who identifies as a female, drug his dick around the 400 meter course at the State Championship and beat the nearest real girl by more than a second.
Wow, look at Veronica Garcia winning the girls' 400m at the Washington State Championship today! No one else even came close!
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that all the other runners are female, while Veronica is male and just 'identifies' as a girl, though.
All signs point to an active summer season and the folk out on the left coast were the first to kickoff what promises to be a stellar riot season. The confluence of anti-christian, anti-Jew, pro-Palestinian, unemployment, immigration, high inflation, summer heat, legalization of drugs, de-funding of police, lax enforcement of existing law, the election cycle, inability to determine ones own sex/gender, the entry of South American cartels to the trade-space, social unrest brought about by rabble-rousers of all persuasions, and the perceived ills caused by the existence of strait white males have pushed the citizenry beyond what they believe they should tolerate.
Before the actual games begin, here are a couple of videos that recap some of the preseason action:
First, the contestants provided the boys in blue a warm welcome.
Then a rousing, albeit short, tribute to their downtrodden brown brothers.
A street takeover led to a wild break-in at a Mexican bakery in Compton in which a large mob of looters ransacked the store, leaving the business in total disarray.
Now that school is out and the last vestiges of social structure have been swept away, it is going to get damn spicy in America’s population centers. What this nation needs is a scoring and handicap system for these games. If we can gin up something reasonable and craft an online betting venue some good may come from the mess these folk are going to make.
UNEDITED RAW VIDEO: Large fight between gangs Sunday, May 5, 2024 near the cancelled Cinco de Mayo parade in Chicago, Illinois near S Rockwell St and Cermak. Be advised that there is foul language and viewer discretion is advised, there were arrests by Chicago Police. Several…
Firstly, I really don’t think that leadership within these many universities were ‘managing the encampments’. Nice to shift the blame from the protestors to the protested when you can get away with it though.
Secondly, I found these words in the articles narrative:
In a letter shared exclusively with NBC News, two Fordham faculty members presented an analysis of what they consider to be Tetlow’s “inaccurate and misleading statements” to the Fordham community.
Assistant professor Leo Guardado and associate professor Carey Kasten provided an in-depth timeline of the May 1 events to the Fordham Faculty Senate on Friday. They also presented a compilation of photos and videos taken by faculty members who elected to serve as observers of the encampment.
That narrative is longhand for ‘you’ve been stabbed in the back by your staff’. These institutions have gone so far left that they’ve began eating their own. . . and I’m OK with that.
This level of perceived entitlement is telling. It’s a testimony to the coddling by parents and ‘authority’ figures that have historically bent to her every desire.
I wonder how her pleas would have been received had she been held captive by Hamas?
So a boy who’s confused about why his genitalia defines him wants to compete against little girls. The school said the girls must compete against the boy. Here is how they dealt with it.
5 middle school female athletes in West Virginia on Thursday refused to throw shot put against male Becky Pepper-Jackson.
They “stepped in” then “stepped out” in protest.
This is how you finally stop men from ruining women’s sports.
The board of education bans the girls from competition and called their actions discriminatory. Refusing to entertain the insanity means being banished from the herd.
So It goes to county court and they rule the girls can continue to compete, but they won’t stop the little gender confused one from playing along. They’re right back where they started.
This could have all been avoided if they had just thrown the shot put at the offending genitalia.
A transgender sex offender was caught ‘ allegedly’ trying to kidnap a child on recess at an elementary school in Colorado.
33-year-old Solomon Galligan entered the playfield at Black Forest Hills Elementary School in Aurora and approached the children and tried tried to grab a boy. He tripped and fell and then lunged at another child. Witnesses told police that the kids began yelling “stranger danger,” and Galligan left the yard. One child said “he had white powder on his face and smelled of alcohol.”
Adds new meaning to the term ‘Rocky Mountain Horror Show’.
So while the folk on the left coast were busy working through their issues, the kind and gentle townfolk of NYC were sharing the love that only comes through diversity.
#BREAKING Protesters announce "From the walls to the gate, IT IS TIME TO ESCALATE! Here at City College of New York" as they rush the police line outside CUNY Encampment.
It looks as if a good number of Jewish folk have figured out that ‘passive resistance’ is a tactic that ends with long trains and ovens. A sorely learned lesson that goes along with the realization that if you give your enemies enough rope they’ll hang you with it.
NOW at UCLA: Pro-Israel protesters just tore down the metal barricades and began ripping flags off the encampment. They trying to break in the encampment to fight people.
BTW, another lesson to be learned is that those that hate you will do all that they can to paint you in the worst possible light: the ‘Pro-Israel Protestors’ are tearing down flags and ripping apart the encampment because they want ‘to fight people’.
Two important observations: As an ‘Investigative Journalist’ Joe Scott sucks (as the last sentence in the screed above demonstrates) and his bias is as apparent as the red ass on a baboon.
Good to see that our brothers of the Jewish faith have, at least in the short term, managed to demonstrate a desire for self preservation (grown a set of balls).
I never thought about who would attend a concert headlined by one of the many ‘gangster bitches’ that currently bless the nation with ghetto rhymes.
But now (owing to the wonders of the I-Phone) that topic is thrust to the fore. Amazingly the audience is almost exclusively white. Whoda thunkit !
I guess that if you’re white and identify as other than white then it’s appropriate (in a large group setting) to carry the flag of that group. Man, that’s a lot of white folk.
I guess a large percentage of whites born after 1990 believe they were born in the wrong body. They identify as black and what better way to demonstrate your ‘other than whiteness’ is to act according to your perception of how ghetto folk act.
I can’t blame Nicki or any of the other gangster ladies for finding their own path to reparations. I could quote LoopTroop (Don’t hate the player don’t hate the game), but few folk could explain the black boy in white skin syndrome than they can: Ladies and gentlemen I give you LoopTroop:
Interesting, but can’t say that I have any sympathy for a man that lets this little dick slap him around.
Can you imagine if it had been a white boy slapping a black transvestite? We’d be looking to set another Easter aside just to bring the issue into focus.
One of the most profoundly ironic (idiotic) positions for a leftist to hold is one that supports a group of folk that would just as soon see them dead as to carry on a conversation with them.
How the left ended up in the Palestinian camp is a mystery to me.
Jean’s little problem with the ladies could, perhaps, be solved with a trip out to the great wild west environs of Nebraska. It seems Ms Ward is perfectly willing to take folk to school and demonstrate the proper way for a man to hit on a woman.
Coachella is back! It kicks off this weekend and fans, celebs, and influences are flocking to the desert to show their ass oops, fashion sense. Here is what the follow-on generation is shaping up to look like. If nothing else, if the Chinese don’t put us out of business it’s going to be entertaining next few decades.
Need a spot to stay while there? You can grab a tent for two nights for $11,000.
The Pitch: This glamping option comes furnished with all the sleeping or lounging essentials plus golf cart service between the campground and stages, air-conditioned restroom and showers, breakfast and late-night snacks in the air-conditioned Safari Lounge, and of course Guest Passes to Coachella Weekend One or Two. Safari Tent packages include accommodations, passes and concierge services for 2 people, with the option to add up to two additional guests for a fee.
A ‘cabana’ for two will run you $12,000 for two folk for two nights. That’s it below, stuffed between a couple tents:
They also have a ‘resort’ where all of the high end folk will be staying. I’d share the price with you but, apparently, that figure is classified.
Police have arrested the hoodlum that bashed an elderly lady on the way into church. It turns out it’s a 16 year old. They say he has multiple felony arrests, including robberies of women. This is not saying that he had a single arrest warrant for multiple felonies, he’s committed multiple felonies and has multiple warrants.
Question (rhetorical) : How many felonies has he committed and not been charged with? It seems to me that if he gets caught half of the time (a guess) then he’s done a tremendous amount of damage in his thus far short lifespan.
The good news is that the police in NY anticipate him being a model citizen at some point in the future so they generously withheld the young mans identity. The last thing they want to do is damage his future prospects.
Homeboy Booth was busted for stealing a butt load (pun intended) of high-end vibrators.
An Overland man stole $1,500 worth of vibrators, only to get busted by police thanks to his giant-ass neck tattoo. Talk about a buzzkill!
After the police were contacted by the employees, investigators were able to find Booth because he listed the vibrators for sale on Facebook Marketplace.
Remember these folk?
Well, those chickens have wandered back to the coop (below). BTW, the way you know you’re hosed as a community is when your city council looks like the one pictured above. As Cleavon Little (the sheriff in ‘Blazing Saddles’) would say: “Where are all da white womens’. I would add: are there no white men in Oakland?
8 armed suspects ransacked the legacy Oakland Chinatown business Phuong Jewelry yesterday at around 12:30.
The family tells me, in less than one minute 85-90% of their inventory was taken.
Watch as owner Diane runs to the back & gets her 76-year old husband. He storms out…
Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) suggested that black Americans should be exempt from paying taxes as a form of reparations but then said it might not work because of the black people who are “not paying taxes in the first place.”
I’m certainly glad she said the quiet part out loud; for a while I was beginning to think that I was the only one who immediately came to the same conclusion. There would be an inner city set on fire somewhere in America had white folk uttered these same words.
Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) suggests exempting blacks from taxes.
She then says maybe it's not the best idea because many blacks don't pay any taxes anyway… so maybe give free checks.
Yesterday I shared a paper (book) by Hawking that talked to time and space. In contrast, this morning, I give you America’s own brainchild Ms Jackson Lee of Texas. May God have mercy on us all.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee says the moon is made out of “gases” and the sun is “almost” too hot for us to go near.
I’ve posted a couple of times about this gift to humanity (and Dolton). She’s back in the news with her latest solution to combat all of the haters that somehow miraculously appeared in the community.
What’s different about today vs yesterday in Chicago is that some of the minions are beginning to recognize that importing thousands of new ‘citizens’ (visitors?) has a cost and there is no way they are going to avoid paying it.
For those that think the gimmedats in Chicago don’t have anything of value that can be taken, consider the comments made by the homeless man in the tweet below. His condition almost proves out Matthew 25:29 (which by the way has a mirror in Thomas 41): Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. I guess they can kiss all of those sweet social services they’ve been basking in goodbye.
The Great Marginalization V2 is inbound.
What’s also astounding is that the people in the windy place have managed to create a society that is impervious to their own will. They are locked in.
There is an upside to this: In 2 years when all of the ‘newcomers’ have jobs and are settling in to their middle class life, they’ll be generating the revenue needed by the city to produce/distribute more Soma for the generationaly less fortunate.
"They will spend $252 MILLION on the illegal migrants"
"17,000 migrants come into this city and that's just in Chicago"
"In one generation, the black vote will be null" "You are damning our youth, our next generation to poverty"
Two thousand calls is bad, but not as bad as a separate report from the Daily Beast indicates. Obviously good friends in 2001 as Wade’s cell phone shows he spent at least 35 nights at her place during the same period. This is that period that both Willis and Wade said was before any romantic involvement occurred. (the pre-bumping uglies period)
From the Daily Beast: The already sticky situation in which Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis has found herself, which centers on her romantic relationship with Special Counsel Nathan Wade, may have just gotten stickier.
Wade, the trial attorney Willis hired to help prosecute former President Donald Trump on state charges of election interference, allegedly visited the DA at home—occasionally arriving late at night and staying until the wee hours—some three dozen times between April 1, 2021, and November 30, 2021, according to Trump’s defense team, which reviewed cellphone data subpoenaed from AT&T.
An eight-page affidavit filed Friday in Fulton County Superior Court by Trump attorneys Steve Sadow and Jennifer Little allegedly reveals “a minimum of 35 occasions” during those months when Wade’s phone “connected for an extended period” to the cell towers nearest Willis’ condo in the Atlanta suburb of Hapeville. In it, criminal defense investigator Charles Mittelstadt describes his figures as “conservative,” explaining that he highlighted those times when Wade’s phone was “stationary and not in transit.”
Of course all of this will be brushed aside by Willis, with her dead-pan look, explaining that she merely borrowed Wade’s phone for an extended period. Nothing nefarious with this married man, simply borrowing his phone.
So many have now flooded over the border that it’s impossible to remove them. Given the heart felt gratitude shown by these bellwethers why would we want to?
Diversity, the gift that keeps on giving.
Jhoan Boada, 22, was caught on camera again, this time not for beating up police officers, but for flipping off the media.
Jhoan was involved in the attack on NYPD officers near Times Square. He and his fellow…
These video’s are a little dated and the 3 month delay between the events captured and the video’s wandering around in cyberspace until finally grabbing he attention of the news media (the ‘non-news’ media that initially shared he video’s was Carscoop) reinforces my belief that our society is in it’s last throws. While almost all of the insanity that permeates our culture radiates from large cities, those hell holes compose a far greater center of mass (population wise) than the tamer environs of the burbs or distant countryside. That ‘mass’, importantly, drives the focus of the rule-makers and thus most new rule-making is designed to bring to heel (thank Hilary for this great expression) the ungovernable.
Such is our fate now: every new rule/law now either diminishes our freedoms (in a vain attempt to bring the unheelable to heel) or to increase the power/wealth of those making the rules. It very well could be that that ‘great experiment’ of of/for/by the peeps didn’t quite work out as planned.
The good new is that mankind has many more thousands of years of experiment time. Given enough time we may just get it right. The bad news is that until we do the great majority of the population will suffer under the thumb of tyranny. That’s not to say that living under tyranny is in-and-of-itself the cause of suffering, rather it means that tyrannical governments insert themselves into every facet of a populations life. Given the great and wonderful new tools flowing from our embrace of technologies, that insertion can now be nearly complete and overwhelming.
The very wealthy and very privileged are well isolated from the ills of the world and it’s that isolation that encourages their meddling. After all the greatest gift proceeding from acquiring great wealth and power is the exercise of that power and the use of that wealth to demonstrate power.
Yep, I got all of that from what looks to be a few lowland gorilla’s and a Tesla.
Saw this sitting over at Breitbart this morning and can’t help but think that the sirens call for diversity for the sake of diversity truly is a fools errand.
Last night in front of Brandon’s place.
🚨: DC police and Secret Service had to rush to one part of the security fence to prevent a breach from the Palestinian crowd.
Finland made a special show of virtue signaling to the transgender community by showcasing a 59-year-old transgender farmer who bore the country’s flag during the opening ceremony for the European Figure Skating Championships.
The skater is a 59-year-old biological male who suddenly came out as trans a few years ago and decided to take up figure skating. In the video he (she/it?) delivered a sort of shaky, slow-motion spin around the ice, then fell and could not get up until a young woman skated over to offer a helping hand.
These are the folk that want to join NATO to ensure our mutual defense. OBTW:
So here’s a guy, a Space Force head analyst, that wore a chartreuse mankini over his clothes in the office and kept sex toys at work. What’s a ‘mankini’? Think Borat:
Andrew Cox is the Director of the Pentagon’s Space Security and Defense Program is said to ‘act like a 13-year-old boy’ and he created an environment unsuitable for a federal workplace. There was a six-month investigation: he has managed to keep his job.
It’s said that his behavior reportedly making employees feel “ostracized and uncomfortable” (no shit) and prompting one female employee to quit — did not result in Cox’s suspension or termination. In fact, Cox became the head of the Space Force’s new Space Warfighting Analysis Center.
I’m really surprised that they would fire this fuckin deviant from his cushy job within the DOE. I thought sure they would send him to counseling or couch him as a victim of some sort or another (capitalism made he/she/it steal).
The tragedy is not that he was fired, the tragedy is that the administration put this sicko out in front of our kids and touted his behavior as acceptable while clearly he is product of a society in deep decline. What a sad nation we have become.
“Sam Brinton is no longer a DOE employee. By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters,” says the DOE.
Brinton, who was appointed to his former position in June, was caught on surveillance cameras making off with a $320 bag from Las Vegas’ Harry Reid International Airport’s baggage claim area — a bag that contained more than $3,500 worth of jewelry, clothing and makeup, according to police.
I can’t believe this is the quality of nominees that the admin is putting forward. These shits-4-brains are damaging the country for generations to come. Such a sad state we’ve fallen to.
"I can't believe you've been nominated for this position. I can't believe that the President of the United States would nominate someone from [the Southern Poverty Law Center] with this record," says @HawleyMO to Biden's latest far-left judicial nominee
I’m so glad this big mouth had his ass handed to him.
After the first quarter, it was all downhill for Newton, who finished completing 5 of 21 passes for 92 yards with two interceptions and no touchdowns through the air.
Newton’s 23.8% completion rate was the worst for a quarterback with at least 20 attempts since Joey Harrington’s 5-for-22 effort for the Detroit Lions in 2004.
Worst friggin QB in 17 years , and yet he can’t just STFU.