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What the hell is going on in Baltimore? They tried to convict 6 innocent cops over a petty drug thug, who broke his own damn neck by slamming his own head against the inside of a police van. Then they paid Freddie Gray’s family $6M. The Mayor’s been arrested. The city records locked-down by “ransomware”. Baltimore is Elijah Cumming’s shithole and it’s epic.
You’d think that with all of the criticism Dirty Joe has received over the last several week he would have found less intimate way to greet his granddaughter. Damn Joe just give the ladies a little space!
A Seattle, Wash., councilman implied that a new effort to clean excrement off the side walk outside the local courthouse could be racist Tuesday.
The crime and smell of urine and excrement have gotten so bad outside a King County courthouse that two judges are scrambling to find ways to fix the situation, reports the Seattle Times.
King County councilmember Larry Gossett isn’t a fan of one solution to power wash the feces from the sidewalks to tamp down on the smell. Power washing the sidewalks is too reminiscent of civil rights activists being hosed down, he said.
Jessica Yaniv, a transgender woman, has filed a suit against Maria Da Silva for refusing to wax her balls. She’s filed the same claims against fifteen other women who refuse to to do the same.
“The people that discriminated against me are forcing their beliefs on society,”
According to The Post Millennial, Yaniv has requested “Brazilian” bikini waxes from 16 Vancouver-area estheticians even though there are other waxers in the immediate region who offer a “Manzilian,” a different procedure specifically designed for waxing male genitalia.
Who raised these kids?
Well folks it looks as if the race baiters have grown so frustrated at conservatives because they refuse to give a damn about the lefts constant whining over the imagined wrongs of the white man in general, and the Trumpster in particular, that they have turned their focus on there own. They know within the virtue signalling left their screeches have an audience. I’m not sure that that audience will long have patience for the obvious damage they are doing to their own patrons. Nancy may have to make this problem go away quickly or risk a full collapse of the party . I’ve snatched the narrative below from Breitbart who lifted some of the reporting from the Washington Post. (We who cut and paste also serve ! )
Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), a member of the “Squad” that Democrats claim was the target of a racist attack by Trump on Sunday, told left-wing bloggers Sunday afternoon: “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”
Pressley is one of the four left-wing Democrats disparaged out last week by Nancy Pelosi as the “Squad.” The most prominent member, Ocasio-Cortez, called Pelosi’s attack racist. That, in turn, drew criticism from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). In response, Pressley appeared to blast the members of the CBC according to the Washington Post, saying:
An all-out racially charged fight within the House Democratic Caucus escalated Saturday when an African American freshman lawmaker said the party doesn’t need “any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” Pressley made those comments during a speech at the liberal Netroots Nation conference where she, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib appeared after a week-long clash with Nancy Pelosi and her allies.
“This is the time to shake that table. . . . We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice,” Pressley said, seemingly taking a stab at the Congressional Black Caucus. “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”
There was a time in my life where part of my job was briefing leaders on the performance of weapon systems by using statistical information. I made the mistake (one time) of demonstrating the data the way it’s done below.
Why it might be technically correct (not likely) when you demonstrate the difference by amplifying the upper portion of two columns it makes it appear that the difference between the two columns is actually much larger than it actually is.
We don’t win the war against liberalism by deluding ourselves into thinking we are smarter or that they are stupid.
Face it, if the stupid predictions of famine and fire, floods and whole continents becoming uninhabitable, dogs sleeping with cats and other pronouncements of EOTWAWKI events didn’t do it, I doubt the loss of Viking DNA is gonna turn the tide. Who over at Yahoo slaps these articles together……Al Gore?