Remember? The GOP Operative Who Committed Suicide.

From CBS news on 6/14/17:

Peter W. Smith, a wealthy Republican operative and businessman who reportedly attempted to recover missing emails from Hillary Clinton’s email server committed suicide in May, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Smith was found dead in a Rochester, Minnesota, hotel room on May 14.  A Rochester Police Department report seen by CBS News refers to Smith’s death as an “apparent suicide.” The report describes the scene where Smith’s body was found.

On May 4, Smith had told Wall Street Journal reporter Shane Harris about his efforts to secure emails that were deleted from Clinton’s server, which included contact with what he believed were Russian hackers. He had previously helped fund opposition research against President Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

A suicide note left by Smith states that “NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER” was involved and that he had decided to take his own life due to health troubles and the fear of a health insurance policy expiring, according to the Tribune report.

Lets see, he was wealthy and yet worried about his ability to pay for health insurance?

Stepped Over The Line by Just a Smidgen

Stephen Jennings is charged with possession of a stolen vehicle, transporting an open container of liquor, operating a vehicle with a suspended license, and failure to carry security verification form. Rachael Rivera is charged with possession of a firearm after a former felony conviction.

The traffic stop was made at 11 a.m. in a Guthrie neighborhood because the tag was expired. Jennings was in the driver’s seat and Rivera was in the passenger seat. Police said a Timber rattlesnake inside a terrarium was in the backseat.

While Jennings was informing officers he had a gun in the console, police learned the vehicle had been reported stolen.

“So now he’s got a rattlesnake, a stolen vehicle, firearm, and somebody under arrest,” said Guthrie Police Sgt. Anthony Gibbs.

Police also found an open bottle of Kentucky Deluxe next to the gun. During a search of the vehicle, officers found a canister of radioactive powdered uranium.

The Problem Space

How are we to reason with a people that have such a mindset? What logic can we use to convince such a lot that freedom and liberty lead to enlightenment? We can’t. The men enjoy the power and the women enjoy the security of victimhood.

A Read-Worthy Rant

Nolte over at Breitbart has a great rant going on the shape of things (ghosts of past/present/future) that is worth the read time. I clipped the words below from his article (have no idea why the links were included, but I left them so’s folk smarter than I can reflect on his drift). The photo of the enchanting ladies courtesy of the webtubes. Breitbart link here

This is what a Luddite looks like. This is what a backwards, anti-science, anti-progress, spoiled, imperialist, bullying bigot of a Luddite looks like. This, right here.

You know, we always laugh at this whackery; we always dismiss it and write it off to left-wing lunacy that no sane country will ever allow … and then the next thing you know men are marrying men, mentally ill men in skirts are sharing restrooms with our daughters, and we’re all being forced to bake their goddamned wedding cakes as the next Democrat nominee for the president promises to open the borders and confiscate our guns.

The left — and by the left I include the media — are already coming for our guns, our health insurance, our private schools, our churches, our automobiles, our backyard grills, and now they want to take away our cooled air.

So this is nothing to laugh at. Yesterday’s insanity almost always becomes tomorrow’s reality. The Luddites are dead serious. And this is not the first time the far-Left Times has come for our A/C, and it won’t be the last.

Someones Knocking at the Door

Democrat’s crammed a law down our throat that mandated we buy health insurance or pay a fine. Now they want to give it away, free, to foreigners that illegally traverse our borders. Let that sink in.


I am told that dissatisfaction arises when the outcome of an event or action is different than the anticipated outcome. That being the case, the needless raising of expectations of ‘reparations’ by our good friends on the left can have not any outcome other than to rend further the social fabric of our nation. There’s a war coming and it will be fought between those who have been manipulated and those that are determined to defend some semblance of a free society.

Oh, The Pain of It All

George Washington High School in San Francisco plans to remove an “offensive” mural of George Washington. At a school board meeting this week, no board members spoke in defense of the historical art, which one speaker claims causes “visual offense.”

George Washington High School in San Francisco plans to erase a 13-panel mural from 1936 that depicts George Washington. Many critics of the mural have condemned its depictions of slaves and Native Americans. Now, the school is on the verge of removing the mural altogether.

“Why do we have to explain the pain caused by visual offense that we see in that building that is supposed to be an institution of learning,” one local said.