Why Not Just Make Your Own Space?

New York state officials say that the law that allows illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses is likely to also enable them to vote in elections. The law allows the 725,000 illegal aliens to be eligible for driver’s licenses and will effectively allow illegal aliens to vote in elections.
“Theoretically, they could have the ability to vote,” Democrat state Sen. Luis Sepúlvedahe (D) said. In New York, U.S. citizens only need a driver’s license to register to vote and though applicants are required to swear that they are eligible to vote, state election officials said that “it’s basically an honor system.”
A nonpartisan tribunal published a report Tuesday accusing China of “crimes against humanity,” cutting organs out of Falun Gong practitioners alive to transplant into paying clients, and potentially preparing an “organ bank” using the millions of mostly Uighur Muslims believed trapped in concentration camps in western China.
The China Tribunal – a panel of international legal experts led by Sir Geoffrey Nice, chief prosecutor in the case against Serbian war criminal Slobodan Milošević – held hearings featuring victims of China’s brutal repression of Falun Gong practitioners and ethnic Uighurs as well as eyewitnesses who testified to seeing and participating in organ testing and harvesting. The tribunal repeatedly highlighted in its report that it attempted to contact the Chinese government and bring in witnesses favorable to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but China failed to cooperate.
It concluded that China is currently harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners and has begun extensive testing of its captive Uighur camp population that does not have any other overt utility outside of organ harvesting. It also concluded that “some Tibetan Buddhists and House Church Christians” (those who do not worship in government-run churches) have likely suffered forced organ harvesting.
Memphis is lighting up over the death of one of its responsible citizens. Twitter is all lit up about how he is a ‘good daddy’, had planned to go to college, and was just a child. There is the usual whining about 20 bullet holes and how the body was left in the street.
A couple of brothers are trying to set the story straight in the video below. Despite their attempts my money in on weekend riots in 3……2…….1…….
Oh crap. Another Occasional Cortex has emerged in Denver.
Ripped from the pages of Truth and Action.
Liberals seem to find all manner of ways to feel guilty about their achievements and success, and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement plays on that white, liberal guilt. There is another group that is gaining traction, and it is even more preposterous than the BLM movement.
It is called the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, and it is an organization of white people created to work under the direction of the African People’s Socialist Party (of course), and has the goal of “liberating Africa and African people everywhere,” as well as demanding reparations for slavery that existed in the United States more than one hundred and fifty years ago. The video below demonstrates what the group is promoting.
It is not clear if Bernie Sanders supports this socialist offshoot, but as with virtually all socialist organizations, it seeks to divide the country by class and then to claim that they merely want equality and “fairness,” though it is actually seeking to create a new, privileged ruling class. In searching the Uhuru website, you can find out about how donations are spent but it does not include information on salaries paid to the leadership.
There is a sucker born every minute
Stephen Miller is Jewish. Wear that egg proudly Morgan.
Folk over in the EU better work on Making Europe Great Again, and soon, or their entire culture is doomed. Below from the ‘Sun’