Always the Victim

The only folk that mocked Melania were the press. The only folk who promoted Timberlands on Camel Toe were, you guessed it, the press.
I thought that this had to be parody! Stay inside and tape your doors, that way we know where to find your corpse.
What we see on the mainstream media. This view is designed to give the impression that there is a large audience and that Ole Joe is addressing them without the use of a teleprompter. With this shot we believe that he is not afraid to go out and meet the masses.
Here is the reality of the event. An audience of three ‘journalists’, none of which will be asking questions. Note the extremely large teleprompter (looks like a 70 inch flat-screen) at the base of assembly in the upper right of the photo.
I saw this on one of the pages I haunt and decided to run a little trial to see how it would come out.
So I tried it on Google. Here is what I got:
How about Yahoo? I got this:
There is no one to hold big tech into account. The Asshats we’ve sent to Washington are there to collect the buckets of cash that flow from these huge firms. This radical new world is not just being ushered in, its being slammed down the throat of our citizenry and the balance of the western world. Me thinks the nation has slipped away and that is an absolute disaster for freedom on this planet.
Who knows, perhaps in another few hundred years another America can be birthed.
I cannot get over how very happy this asshat is that his state is on fire, folk have been burned alive, and all that many have worked for has gone up in smoke. He’s happy because he’s made the national news again and can proclaim the ‘climate crisis’ is real and it’s here.
He’s so ecstatic that he looks about to nut. Meanwhile, the National Interagency Fire Center reported that 97 fires have burned 4.7 million acres across the west. “More than 29,000 firefighters and support personnel are assigned to wildfires. Evacuation orders are in place for 40 large fires in California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Idaho, and Utah,” the agency reported.
Perhaps he should give pause and look beyond his own smoke and mirrors as Breitbart is reporting that at least four of the fires are the result of malcontents and matchbooks–four folk; two in Washington, one in Oregon, and another in California — have been arrested for arson as firefighters battle dozens of blazes across the West Coast. One of the arrestees is reportedly a “regular attendee” of anti-police rallies in Seattle.
Given all of the violence directed at their creed, I guess these folk need a safe place to go. My question is why does this look like an abandoned cotton field?
Some several months ago I wrote about the quandary some preppers might find themselves in: when/if to pull the trigger. I wrote:
So how do you know when/if the SHTF moment is here and it’s time to start doing lion shit? This question is not rhetorical. Let me frame the same question a little differently: Does the corona virus have the potential to cause irrational responses in our communities and can those responses be disastrous enough to crash the economy/society. Can COVID-19 usher in a world wide collapse?
The rest of that drivel is here.
Right now I’m of the opinion that ‘The Great Unraveling’ will be more like the proverbial frog in a comfortably warm pot than the flash/bang of a singular event. But in all of the scenarios that run through my mind, none of them result in a world that is as equally (or more) free than the one we are in now. An that my friends, sucks.
So when I see a page like the one above from SHTFplan, I’m of two minds: (1) somewhat concerned about sensationalism used by these folks as they honestly attempt to educate others on how to survive the impending disaster. And (2) whether some folk were attempting to leverage the fear others feel in these trying times to make a few bucks.
Looks like #2 won out.
I entered my email, weaved my way pasted their captcha quiz and was presented this:
Then this:
And finally this:
I’ll let y’all make your own determination on what is going on here. For my part I’d question anyone that shows our billionaire President in a 50 cent face mask.
Saw this on Yahoo a short while ago. It’s like saying; “here is the news, no news”.
A California judge ruled this week that the University of California will no longer be permitted to consider SAT or ACT scores as part of their admissions process.
According to a report by the San Francisco Chronicle, the nine campuses of the University of California system will no longer be permitted to consider an applicant’s SAT and ACT score as part of the admissions process.
This week, a California court held that standardized test scores gave an unfair advantage to students that were able to find a testing location during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
The court specifically claimed that disabled students were penalized by the system’s decision because the pandemic made it impractical for them to find an administration of the SAT that accommodated their specific needs
Here’s a warning for all of the soi boys that believe they are standing up for social justice: once you are forced to adhere to their ‘silence is violence’ BLM drivel, they’ll have no problem staking a claim to the balance of your beliefs.
The slope is both slippery and steep.
This from the Associated Press
A judge in Washington halted the federal government’s planned Friday execution of a man who kidnapped, raped and killed a 10-year-old Kansas girl, saying the law requires the government to get a prescription for the drug it plans to use.
In an opinion early Thursday, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan said a federal law that regulates drugs requires the government to get a prescription for the lethal injection drug pentobarbital, which it plans to use to execute Keith Dwayne Nelson. The government is appealing.
Nelson’s execution was scheduled to be the fifth carried out this year by the federal government at the death chamber of the federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana. The executions followed the Trump administration’s announcement last year that it would resume executing death row inmates for the first time since 2003.
Chutkan’s 13-page opinion came hours after the government carried out the execution of Lezmond Mitchell, the only Native American on federal death row, despite objections from many Navajo leaders. With Mitchell’s execution, the federal government has now carried out more executions in 2020 than it had in the previous 56 years combined. Two more executions are scheduled for September. All of the executions have been carried out using pentobarbital.- A
“It is also undisputed,” she wrote, “that the government has not obtained a prescription — nor does it intend to — for the use of pentobarbital in Nelson’s execution.”
But Chutkan said that under previous court decisions, when pentobarbital is being used for an execution it is still subject to the requirements in the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act so a prescription is required.
“The court hereby enjoins Defendants from executing Keith Nelson until they have met the requirements of the FDCA,” Chutkan wrote.
As seen on Yahoo
“There have been racial disparities in breastfeeding rates for as long as data has been collected in this country — and that has huge implications on both infant and maternal health,” says Kimberly Seals Allers
“We don’t think of this about a lifestyle issue or quote-unquote choice — that’s another issue — but how we recognize it in our community is as a matter of life or death for our infants. It’s also a social justice issue that these babies are missing out on what can influence their health trajectory.”
Good grief! Has everyone in the country turned into a victim of racial injustice?
This wonderful creature, with all of it’s wonderful ideas, will bless the life of some poor somebody. All day long, day in and day out.
Count your blessings
Y’all be careful out there
So this is what leadership looks like? The nation’s ruin is surely a few short steps away.
I do very much suppose that the leadership in Iran has, over the last couple of years, relied on promises from former US officials that they could do pretty much as they chose in the middle east. Those promises and the perception that Trump has been weakened by the impeachment proceeding probably had them feeling pretty smug abut their prospects in the broader sandbox. Additionally, they view Americans as weak and lacking the resolve necessary to hinder Iran’s march.
Iran may have just gotten their wake-up call and are probably rethinking how far they can push Trump before he comes crashing down on them once again.
As for Kerry, what the hell is there in this for him? Why would he do what he’s doing? I can’t believe that he is taking this very risky action because he believes its the right thing to do, but rather it is either to conceal a wrongdoing or enable some same such.
Friggin treasonous is what it is.
When Frank can explain the problem better than the average citizen, we are completely screwed.
Breitbart is carrying the story about the trio of lunitics (AOC, Bernie, and Cornel West) and their traveling circus. Full story is here.
AOC says: “We can’t go back to the way things were before, because the way thing were before is how we got to where we are now. ” You really can’t make this stuff up folks
“Establishing a loving society in the United States of America” isn’t an “irrational, overly feeling, sympathetic statement,” Ocasio-Cortez said. Instead, it’s part of an ongoing mission to achieve “an advanced society,” she argued, citing past remarks by Harvard University professor and fellow Sanders surrogate Cornel West.
God help us all.
When it comes to the 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, 4th amendment, the left calls them old world relics that belong to a forgotten time. They are now a danger to our country! However, whatever shit there might be in there about us getting rid of Orange Man, that’s important stuff….sacred I tell you!
I don’t know how these fucking idiots are able to rationalize impeachment because they can read Trumps mind and know he was thinking sinister thoughts, just the way they imagine what the founders may have thought (vice what they put on paper) because it justifies their unconstitutional act.
If this shit stands, our nation is not only destined to the ash heap of history, it will belong there.