A Reasonable Question

Here is question that really demands an answer: Did Biden’s activity in the Ukraine have the blessing of Obozo, or did Biden inform him of his strong arm activities after the fact. If it is the former, then more was going on in Ukraine than the simple passing of funds to Joe’s little boy.

More to know here, and it has nothing to do with Hunter Biden. It seems that the Ukraine is the center of the universe when it comes to corruption: Clinton’s server, the Russia probe, Hunter Biden. There is so much travel to/from the Ukraine right now, just keeping track of it all has become a cottage industry.

Exploding Heads

They went absolutely batshit crazy: ripped them down, took them to the police, reported sightings on social media.

What’s causing so much pain? They are forced to consider the profundity of those 5 words. It’s a foundational conflict between two warring ideas that cannot be resolved.