And. . .
Same Tired Song | Same Sad Voice
And. . .
And. . .
Damn, these folk look like they’ve woken from a long slumber only to find their government has been hijacked by a crafty set of slimy thieves.
This is exactly what happens when you take this shit to seriously. It’s a predicable outcome that flows from over saturating weak minds with political bullshit. Those ‘end days’ pronouncements (if the other side wins) results in this when/if they do.
The political bastards have gone scorched earth and should they fail to win their genteel constituents will morph to Mansons.
It’s a good thing that we have someone like Karine Jean-Pierre, a government employee whom we pony up the salary for, at the helm of the truth machine. Who knows what kind of mischief will ensue should Americans believe their lying eyes instead of the party line.
Almost 1,000 were killed or wounded in Israel’s hostage rescue. There are perhaps 2.5 million Palestinians and untold millions of observers planet wide that are familiar with the numbers. Imagine how much closer to a resolution of this conflict we would be if the words in the media used were: ‘showed the heavy cost of taking innocent Israeli prisoners’, instead of blasting the aggrieved party. Perhaps if the blame for Palestinian ills were laid at the feet of Hamas, Ahmed would feel a little more obliged to rat out the rats that oppress the people of that dusty land. Just a thought
How deep does it run, this manipulation of reality to fit an agenda? An agenda that the huddled masses in Palestine don’t even know is in play. The twist of a phrase here, the choice of word there, it’s all in a days work.
A hundred years from now this period in time will be remembered as an inflection point for the destiny of man. (Sounds dramatic doesn’t it?)
Between what they’ve been doing with the J6 crowd and with everyone associated with Trump in the last 8 or 9 years (including Trump) it sure looks a lot like the resurrection of McCarthyism (albeit via the judicial branch) to me. Does it make it OK when it’s done through the courts or is it the same old power play with a different set of players?
Had Trump walked and became president the world then would be an entirely different place than where our now current trajectory will land us. It no longer matters if he becomes president post conviction, what matters is that ‘lawfare’ has become normalized. I’d say also that by the looks of things it no longer matters if you, in good faith, follow the advice of your lawyers as they are as likely to blackmail your ass as they are to provide good council.
They should remove every copy of the Ten Commandments in every courthouse in the land and replace them with a simple plaque that says: “Just because you can prosecute and get a conviction, doesn’t mean you should.”
Sounds about right. There are wackos, bums and thieves on both sides of the aisle. Some are second and third generation professional politicians that have spent decades in the marble halls dedicated to the memories of the previous generation of thieves. Others are new at the game.
The difference between a McConnell and a Omar (or a Bush for that matter) is one has mastered the application of power and wealth and the other is a novice. As you can tell, I don’t have strong feelings on the subject one way or the other.
Speaking of ‘Do-Overs’, you know who doesn’t need one? The male runner named Veronica Garcia. This little bitch, who identifies as a female, drug his dick around the 400 meter course at the State Championship and beat the nearest real girl by more than a second.
All signs point to an active summer season and the folk out on the left coast were the first to kickoff what promises to be a stellar riot season. The confluence of anti-christian, anti-Jew, pro-Palestinian, unemployment, immigration, high inflation, summer heat, legalization of drugs, de-funding of police, lax enforcement of existing law, the election cycle, inability to determine ones own sex/gender, the entry of South American cartels to the trade-space, social unrest brought about by rabble-rousers of all persuasions, and the perceived ills caused by the existence of strait white males have pushed the citizenry beyond what they believe they should tolerate.
Before the actual games begin, here are a couple of videos that recap some of the preseason action:
First, the contestants provided the boys in blue a warm welcome.
Then a rousing, albeit short, tribute to their downtrodden brown brothers.
A good time was had by all .
Now that school is out and the last vestiges of social structure have been swept away, it is going to get damn spicy in America’s population centers. What this nation needs is a scoring and handicap system for these games. If we can gin up something reasonable and craft an online betting venue some good may come from the mess these folk are going to make.
So a boy who’s confused about why his genitalia defines him wants to compete against little girls. The school said the girls must compete against the boy. Here is how they dealt with it.
The board of education bans the girls from competition and called their actions discriminatory. Refusing to entertain the insanity means being banished from the herd.
So It goes to county court and they rule the girls can continue to compete, but they won’t stop the little gender confused one from playing along. They’re right back where they started.
This could have all been avoided if they had just thrown the shot put at the offending genitalia.
It looks as if a good number of Jewish folk have figured out that ‘passive resistance’ is a tactic that ends with long trains and ovens. A sorely learned lesson that goes along with the realization that if you give your enemies enough rope they’ll hang you with it.
BTW, another lesson to be learned is that those that hate you will do all that they can to paint you in the worst possible light: the ‘Pro-Israel Protestors’ are tearing down flags and ripping apart the encampment because they want ‘to fight people’.
Two important observations: As an ‘Investigative Journalist’ Joe Scott sucks (as the last sentence in the screed above demonstrates) and his bias is as apparent as the red ass on a baboon.
Good to see that our brothers of the Jewish faith have, at least in the short term, managed to demonstrate a desire for self preservation (grown a set of balls).
To be honest I haven’t been following the Trumpsters legal problems. He has had so many over such a long period that I suppose I’ve become numb to the constant thumping in the press.
Now, because abstinence has brought me to an arms-length and because I’m looking over the issue(s) with fresh eyes, I’m pretty appalled at what is being done in our name. Yep, if you are being tried in federal court that venue represents the interests of the citizens of the United States. When a judge or prosecutor acts for or against a man on trial for a federal offense then they (supposedly) act with our interests in mind. Do these folk think the nation agrees with the way this defendant is being treated?
I have questions:
–How in fucks sake did an accounting entry result in 34 felony charges? What gymnastics of the mind leads an impartial person to believe that this is fair, or right, or rational?
–Contempt of court? How in the world did our nation get to the point where a black robe could jail a citizen for speaking the truth? What a bunch of power-hungry egotists we’ve allowed to sit on the bench.
–Are they really talking about holding Trump in contempt for stating the absolute truth about Michael Cohen when he called him a ‘disgraced attorney and felon’? I mean, damn folks, he’s a disgraced attorney and felon! These clowns are not trying to protect Cohen (who is beyond redemption), they are trying to railroad Trump. Now, because Trump had the huevos to speak up, they have to ‘rehabilitate’ Cohen in the eyes of the jury or the state’s witness does them more harm than good.
–How about the truthiness of Trump saying that Fox News reported that liberal activists were trying to get on the jury when (1) that is exactly what Fox News reported and (2) that’s exactly what happened? We’re going to bust his balls for stating the obvious?
–Final question I’ll ask (although I’ve got a hundred more): if ‘they’ can puff up charges and gag a Presidential candidate (and former President) with the sole intent of forcing their will on him, just how fair do you think such a system will be to you and I?
These folk are so self-centered and so caught up in their 15 minutes (actually months) of fame that they are far beyond being able to see the damage they are doing to the country. What power in earth, heaven, or hell could mend a nation shredded by such petty tyrants?
While the nation of America will continue on, the great American Experiment is about to fail. A government of, by, and for the people cannot long endure in the presence of power-hungry politicians, prosecutors and judges. Freedom had, for a reasonably long time, a good run. I wonder how far into the future it will be before man has another opportunity to beat back the beast of tyranny and breath free air again?
The more radical R’s are running around shitting all over the commons because the Speaker blew off their threats. Looks to me like Biden and the D leadership have offered him cover and any ‘Motion to Vacate’ will fail.
I think the MTG’s and Gaetz’ of the world know this as well and won’t move that motion. They will however retreat to the shadows of their lair and scheme anew. To them it’s less about righteousness and more about power.
I may (or not) agree with the policy/funding decisions that were considered and passed. Those are not the subject of this screed; the uncivil and mindless thumping by R’s and D’s is. They (both sides) have turned the The Peoples House into a circus worthy of our ridicule.
The petty grabs for power and overt intimidation(s) sprawled out before a nation of sheep. 70 percent of the population has bought into the we/they, R v D shit show and have so thoroughly socialized their R-ness or D-ness that they cannot retract for fear of being abandoned by their herd.
So MTG, along with her sycophant Gaetz, would be wise to heed the words of the accidental sage Zack Van:
“Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It’s a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment”.
Police have arrested the hoodlum that bashed an elderly lady on the way into church. It turns out it’s a 16 year old. They say he has multiple felony arrests, including robberies of women. This is not saying that he had a single arrest warrant for multiple felonies, he’s committed multiple felonies and has multiple warrants.
Question (rhetorical) : How many felonies has he committed and not been charged with? It seems to me that if he gets caught half of the time (a guess) then he’s done a tremendous amount of damage in his thus far short lifespan.
The good news is that the police in NY anticipate him being a model citizen at some point in the future so they generously withheld the young mans identity. The last thing they want to do is damage his future prospects.
Homeboy Booth was busted for stealing a butt load (pun intended) of high-end vibrators.
After the police were contacted by the employees, investigators were able to find Booth because he listed the vibrators for sale on Facebook Marketplace.
Remember these folk?
Well, those chickens have wandered back to the coop (below). BTW, the way you know you’re hosed as a community is when your city council looks like the one pictured above. As Cleavon Little (the sheriff in ‘Blazing Saddles’) would say: “Where are all da white womens’. I would add: are there no white men in Oakland?
If you think what’s happening in America is an ‘erosion of our rights’ by bad actors in the deep state then you’re the model citizen that same state has worked so hard to create.
The fourth amendment: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized’
The bill passed 273 to 147 even though an amendment that would guarantee that the states intrusion into the lives of citizens was legit (a warrant required) failed on an earlier vote/tie of 212 to 212.
Apparently the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have no meaning to these folks and the oath they swore while ascending to office was eye candy for the masses.
So the score is somewhere around 70 to zip. But the score only matters if you believe that ‘the game’ is legit and not just another ring in a multi-ringed circus. The ideals of the founders expressed in the constitution are not even any longer suggestions, but rather punch lines used by the clowns within the ring.
Breitbart says: The United States believes that an Iranian attack on Israel may be imminent and has instructed its diplomatic employees in Israel not to travel far from their homes in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Be’er Sheva in the south.
And: The warning came after days of threats by Iran to retaliate against Israel for an airstrike April 1 in Damascus, Syria, that killed two generals and five officers responsible for attacks on Israel via terrorist proxy armies in recent months.
Garry says: The truth of the matter is that Iran realizes that the US is now so afraid of conflict that it will abandon it’s staunchest ally in the Middle East to avoid a shooting war. They can attack Israel without fear of reprisal because the US has lost it’s spine and the balance of the ‘west’ never had one.
These times have grown significantly more dangerous.
I’ve heard it said that the signs of a weakened nation include paradigms where their enemies no longer fear them and their ‘friends’ no longer trust them. It took a while, but we may have finally arrived. Rather than lament the fall of America, I’m going to spend a few moments in quiet contemplation over the ills that have befallen our friend and ally Israel.
Today Israel pulled its negotiators out of hostage talks after Hamas, encouraged by a UN Security Council resolution that calls for an unconditional ceasefire, toughened up its demands during negotiations. The US could have stopped the resolution but elected to roll over and toss this ally to the wolves.
Netanyahu canceled a meeting that the White House had sought with his advisers. He did release a statement however. It reads in part: Israel will not address Hamas’s delusional demands. Israel will pursue and achieve its just war objectives: Destroying Hamas’s military and governmental capacities, release of all the hostages, and ensuring Gaza will not pose a threat to the people of Israel in the future.
The future has just become that much more uncertain.
Two thousand calls is bad, but not as bad as a separate report from the Daily Beast indicates. Obviously good friends in 2001 as Wade’s cell phone shows he spent at least 35 nights at her place during the same period. This is that period that both Willis and Wade said was before any romantic involvement occurred. (the pre-bumping uglies period)
From the Daily Beast: The already sticky situation in which Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis has found herself, which centers on her romantic relationship with Special Counsel Nathan Wade, may have just gotten stickier.
Wade, the trial attorney Willis hired to help prosecute former President Donald Trump on state charges of election interference, allegedly visited the DA at home—occasionally arriving late at night and staying until the wee hours—some three dozen times between April 1, 2021, and November 30, 2021, according to Trump’s defense team, which reviewed cellphone data subpoenaed from AT&T.
An eight-page affidavit filed Friday in Fulton County Superior Court by Trump attorneys Steve Sadow and Jennifer Little allegedly reveals “a minimum of 35 occasions” during those months when Wade’s phone “connected for an extended period” to the cell towers nearest Willis’ condo in the Atlanta suburb of Hapeville. In it, criminal defense investigator Charles Mittelstadt describes his figures as “conservative,” explaining that he highlighted those times when Wade’s phone was “stationary and not in transit.”
Of course all of this will be brushed aside by Willis, with her dead-pan look, explaining that she merely borrowed Wade’s phone for an extended period. Nothing nefarious with this married man, simply borrowing his phone.
I really am beginning to understand the nature of the battle we find ourselves in. When I see that 4 Trillion Dollars is just a down payment (of sorts) toward fixing this ‘inequality’ thingy all the white folk have created, I can see that the first phase of the war will be the economic destruction of whitey’s world.
The war had begun unnoticed, the battles won thru capitulation. I guess that we’ll soon find that the victors will most certainly enslave the defeated majority.
I despise this asshole and the entire group of elitists that Plugs has resurrected from a well deserved exile. They absolutely reek with the disdain they have for Americans.
A quick gander at the news on Yahoo shows that Goebbels’ methods are still in use today. The first article (below) shows success, if the outcry is building then the press has succeeded.
Here is a neat little headline guaranteed to keep the descendants of African imports dissatisfied. I was going to say ‘African Americans’ but I’m tired of trying to figure out which phrase(s) is/are socially correct.
Oh by the way, if you are free to self identify anyway you choose, then I’m free to identify you anyway I choose. Two way street folks.
Then there is this:
Goebbels Rule 18 (propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.) appears to be in play.
Breitbart has an article titled Blue State Blues: Joe Biden and the Democrats Want Retribution, not Reconciliation. While the guys over at that rag normally have a pretty good take on whats what with the vermin that inhabit the hall of power, in this case I think they misread exactly what is going on. Those entrenched in that Gomorrah want both their pound of flesh from the man that dared challenge them and they want to set an example so sever that no one will ever dare challenge them again. On anything. On taxes, on statehood for DC, on reparations, on anything. Raise your voice and you will be steamrolled.
They, with the settling of the Georgia question, have felt the extreme rush that only overwhelming power can bring to the psyche and no power on hell or earth will keep them from their next hit of that toxin.
As for the sins of the MAGA, those who are salivating at the crushing of Trump are quick to forget (or more probably ignore) the lefts rampage in Wisconsin’s capital (and other sundry locales) in the not to distant past.
It seems that what was not only perfectly acceptable conduct (and perhaps even laudable patriotic conduct) is now not only unacceptable but rises to the level of tyranny. Amazingly those on the left, including many who banged the drum and lifted their voice in Wisconsin, have fallen for the false outrage spewing forth from those drunk on the influence of power.
Note to self: This is going to end well. After a long and costly spicy time it will end well.
With the Trumpster gone there is no way to stop this crowd. It is now a full court press. They are intense and resolute and absolutely will not stop until they subjugate every last person on the planet.
You know that this hag is eagerly anticipating a Dem win. She may opt to become the Secretary of Defense until Joe succumbs to whatever dementia related disease he’s battling, but ultimately she want Joe to go and for Kamala to name her as the new VP. All is possible if they win both the Presidency and the Senate.
I can’t even imagine the nightmares that Kamel toe would begin having knowing that the Clinton machine was breathing down her neck.
BLM is branching out somewhat and assaulting homes in the burbs. I guess the strategy is now to stretch police response requirements into a broadly dispersed geographical area. This frees up retail targets in the city.
Now that it is no longer vogue to defend ones home from these creatures (dems are getting the hand of the grand jury processes) we’ll see more and more of this.
I’ll beat you to it, ‘That’s no lady, thats the Speaker’
Don’t you know that what occupies her entire mind right now is the realization that should Trump succumb to the Kung Flu, and Pence become incapacitated. . . . she will make history as the first female President.
These times in which we live are wicked and dangerous.
The scandal plagued former governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson- who Virginia Roberts claimed she had underage sex with on Jeffrey Epstein‘s orders -has been accused of raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes and kickbacks while in office – money which allegedly funded a luxury and debauched lifestyle including ‘sexual services and favors’, according to a recently unsealed legal complaint obtained by
According to the lawsuit, Richardson ran a scam dubbed the ‘Richardson Ring’ which saw the one-time governor benefiting from money he grafted from business investments into the state of New Mexico in the early 2000s.
The greedy politician lined his own pockets with cash, used some money to fund his political campaigns and organizations and also enjoyed lavish meals, wine and liquor as well as luxury travel and entertainment, the legal filing claims.
Bill earned his shyster stripes under the watchful eye of Bill and Hilary. That’s probably why it took 10 years from the time he left office before he was charged.
What a vile group of grifters and thieves exist in the orbit of the Clintons.
Full article, including charges, over at the Daily Mail.
Wonder why this is not being widely reported in the US news?
Well, looks like massive warm up is forecast for November. I snagged the extract below from Brietbart. Entire article can be found here. It reads:
Under the guise of seeking to “prevent a constitutional crisis,” a massive network of well funded left-wing activists and progressive groups are training, organizing, and planning to mobilize millions of Americans should President Trump “contest the election results,” refuse to concede, or claim an early victory.
More than 80 advocacy groups and grassroots organizations have joined in a broad coalition calling itself “Protect the Results” and proclaiming that “we cannot ignore the threat that Trump poses to our democracy and a peaceful transition of power.”
The coalition is a joint project of Indivisible and Stand Up America, two left-wing groups founded in response to President Trump’s 2016 election and whose goals are “to organize and resist Trump’s dangerous agenda” and “to defeat Trump and his enablers.”
Seeking to “protect” election results by use of its millions of members, the coalition calls to “take coordinated action” and “prepare for a potential post-election crisis.”