I Have Questions

I have questions.
1. Do they ‘prevent’ vice ‘outlaw’. If they do ‘prevent’ then how is that fucking possible? Is there some notation or code on their drivers license that demonstrates total ownership?
2. Who is counting and who is keeping score? Are the Texas Rangers going to inspect for unmentionables or does this fall under the purview of local law enforcement
3. Are they going to set up check-stations at all points of entry along Texas’ extensive state line to prevent smuggling of unregistered ‘devices’.

Inquiring minds will find the full article here.

What Condition Your Condition Is In

This explains bunches:

But, current fucked condition not withstanding, you’re going to be truly and duly fucked once self learning AI meets meets up with Willow. Willow?

Google scientists have created a new quantum processor that, in five minutes, cracked a problem that would have taken the world’s best supercomputer 10 septillion years to solve. The breakthrough will allow quantum computers to become less error-prone the bigger they get, achieving a milestone that overcomes a decades-long obstacle.

That little puppy can figure out more shit than a super computer could ponder on if it were to crunch the numbers for longer than 100 times the life of the universe.

Fucked indeed!

Freeing Up a Little Space

These are the same folk that Biden decided to import into the US under a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) order. One could then reasonably expect that barnyard chickens (in addition to cats and dog being disappeared, ducks and geese magically disappearing from the public parks) will be in high demand in urban areas across America as the voodoo priests ply their craft.

Here is what our good friends in government say:

After consultation with interagency partners, Secretary Mayorkas determined on June 3, 2024, that an 18-month extension and redesignation of Haiti for TPS is warranted because conditions that support Haiti’s designation are ongoing and that doing so was not contrary to the national interest of the United States. Several regions in Haiti continue to face violence or insecurity, and many have limited access to safety, health care, food, and water. Haiti is particularly prone to flooding and mudslides, and often experiences significant damage due to storms, flooding, and earthquakes. These overlapping humanitarian challenges have resulted in ongoing urgent humanitarian needs.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: More than you ever wanted to know about the demographics of our guest from Haiti are squatting at the ‘Migration Policy Institute’ and include:

Size of Immigrant Population over Time — Distribution by U.S. State and Key Cities– English Proficiency–Age, Education, and Employment–Income and Poverty–Immigration Pathways and Naturalization–Unauthorized Immigrant Population–Health Coverage–Diaspora–Top Global Destinations–Remittances

I’m pretty sure the roughly 1 million Haitians that have bellied up to the US teats aren’t likely to head back to the island paradise of their birth. I’m also willing to bet that the article that above about the voodoo led forced obsolescence of the 60 plus crowd is actually a US run influence operation to keep Trump from sending folk back to Haiti. After all, they now have a credible (at least the deep state press would have us think this is credible) death threat that preempts their repatriation.

Part and Parcel (a brief rant)

Part and parcel to ninety percent of what is wrong with this country.

Was coasting through the news this morning and stumbled across the ‘filthy’ image below.; when did our elected officials become royalty? What self aggrandizing shit-for-thoughts power obsessed legislators thought it would be a good idea to spend the peoples money on these trapping of power.

Just because we don’t have kings and other royalty, doesn’t mean these asses won’t build monuments unto themselves and bask in the prerogatives of power.

And because all public servants deserve to work within marbled halls and gold clad imagery and domes, there is this:

Bat Shit Crazy

This is one of the many reasons that Australia is totally fucked. Twisted minds providing the news and a government that steals away your weapons. What could possibly go wrong?

Trumps 3D’s | Disrupt, Dismantle, Distract

Andy Mc has a moment of clarity wherein that profundity once uttered by Obamy comes to the fore: elections have consequences. In this, the most recent series of consequences, the Trumpster would like to introduce you to his selection of Kash Patel to be chief head-lobber over at the FBI:

That den of inequity (one of many in the bowels of government) is about to be exposed to a little well deserved shredding and Andy busted his as to get to CNN to sound the alarm.

Of Jeeps and Other Demons

I’ve been doing a little work on my Jeep to keep it roadworthy and to update some of the electronics. 

If you’ve ever worked on a Wrangler JK then you know that it has two personalities: 1) under the hood it’s a bitch to work on and 2) everything else on the vehicle can be thought of as a Lego set.

While I didn’t have to go under the hood recently, I did have to replace the clock spring.  If God had not created YouTube and had the faithful not posted how-to videos I’d have never attempted it.  But he did and they did so I did.

For the uninitiated, the clock spring is a signal carrying ribbon housed in a plastic case that sits under the steering wheel.  It allows you to turn the steering wheel and still have use of all of the mounted functions:  Horn, cruise control, turn signals, lights, volume and channel control for the radio, voice recognition, windshield wipers, and finally the man/vehicle interface for vehicle information.

To get to it you have to first disconnect the battery and wait 15 minutes, remove the airbag, remove the steering wheel, remove driver knee panel, remove steering column covers (upper and lower), and then remove the clock spring.  Once it is out you’ll need to remove both ‘stalk’ one for the turn signal and lights and one for the windshield wipers.

This is what I was staring down once it was disassembled.

When everything stubbornly went back into place all of bells and whistles returned.  Feels good to lay into the horn again, driving with anger is just not the same without it.

I also swapped out the radio with a great little ‘plug and play’ package created by Trail Seven. This video shows what I needed to do to get the head unit into dash.

I’ve done more and (of course) there is more to do. It’s all worth it when you consider the many ‘perks of owning a jeep’

Clown World

Last month, on the 23rd, I highlighted an article that touted the great strides the folk out west were making in the never ending war on our common enemy; the hot/cold wet/dry nemesis.

I called bullshit, and posted this.

Along comes the month of September and we find that there was a small flaw in the timing of their news release. They should have waited for reality to catch up with their fantasies. But, they wouldn’t be called progressive if they had, would they?

From Breitbart: “California residents are once again struggling to keep the lights on after as many as 50,000 people lost electricity in a heat wave this past weekend that caused the famed Hollywood Bowl to cancel a concert due to the power outage.

I Regret To Inform. . .

Folks, it is with some great reluctance that I report that I’ve been yanked into the slipstream of political humor. I am riding on those winds that shift between nonsense and no sense.

The storm will pass, but until it does and the madness abates, I’ll be shit-posting the more titillating memes and commentary the wild-west world of the intertubes has thrown my way.

Your prayers and best wishes for some semblance of sanity to reenter my troubled days are most appreciated. Until then, enjoy.

By What Measure?

Is there some standard where-by a person can judge himself, quasi-officially judge, to be a cynic? What can I hold myself up against to determine if I’ve fallen from that high station of impartial observer to critical crackpot?

I’ve taken a quick look at the headlines this morning and can’t help but think that there is a vast conspiracy afoot to further subjugate populations world wide. All part of that new Global Community, One World Government thingy.

Now, everyone knows things suck in Venezuela. Folks have been under the thumb of a tyrant there for a good long while. Ever wonder why no other government has done anything of consequence about it? I have and the conclusion I’ve arrived at is that they like Venezuela just the way it is. As long as they are in the news and setting new standard lows for the mistreatment of their citizens no one looks at any of the other many acts of repression going on around the globe.

An example of this is from Germany. They’ve had a manhunt going on for a 15 year old not for the attack, but for failing to report the crime! Damn, there was a shitload of folk stabbed with three of them succumbing to their injuries and the focus is on a kid that didn’t report it? Seems to me that the authorities knew it happened and the voice of this child would have been redundant. But that is not the case, because the end goal of government is control of the population and not necessarily the safety of the population.

In other news, the news folk are getting their shits and giggles by ridiculing/embarrassing the Tyrant of The East. Folks, I’m telling you that no good will come from continually poking sticks in this guys eyes. The best way to ensure stockpile reliability and simultaneously reduce that stockpile is to expend a few nuclear weapons to rid yourself of the newest burr under the saddle.

In France ‘they’ arrested the CEO of social media app Telegram and have charged him with all manner of dastardly deeds.

Durov—a 39-year-old billionaire of Russian origin—founded the social media platform Vkontakte in 2006 and it became known as Russia’s version of Facebook.  

In 2013 Durov founded Telegram, a messaging platform similar to WhatsApp, later saying he decided to create Telegram because “it doesn’t matter how many messaging apps are out there if all of them suck,” noting that for him WhatsApp “suck(ed) most.

Durov told CNN in 2016 after the app was used to plan a terrorist attack in Paris that “you cannot make it safe against criminals and open for governments … It’s either secure or not secure.”   Telegram’s headquarters are in Dubai where Durov says:  “it’s the best place for a neutral platform like ours to be in if we want to make sure we can defend our users’ privacy and freedom of speech.”

All of this doesn’t sit well with the dictatorial in high places which promptly placed his ass beneath the prison while they figure out the best way to either crack open the apps security features or crush him into submission.

So I’m back to my original rhetorical, how does one measure cynicism? For that matter how can one tell whether he’s being a cynic or if his disdain is a rational response to tyranny?

Am I to be taken to the couch for further assessment or carried on the shoulders of men and lauded for foreseeing the tyrannical overreach?

Overly Engaged: Exhibit One (1)

This is exactly what happens when you take this shit to seriously. It’s a predicable outcome that flows from over saturating weak minds with political bullshit. Those ‘end days’ pronouncements (if the other side wins) results in this when/if they do.

The political bastards have gone scorched earth and should they fail to win their genteel constituents will morph to Mansons.

From the Left Shore

Things weren’t quite bat-shit crazy enough in Paris for the last couple of weeks and those ‘one world, one people’ kinda folk are tripping over each other to show stupidity at its grandest.

LA Mayor Karen Bass and the organizers for 2028 Olympics in LA are planning to force spectators to take public transportation to Olympic events. Just in case that doesn’t fuck up enough peoples lives, the plan is to twist the arms of area business to ‘encourage’ remote working in order to clear the streets a mite.

Here is how ignorant these folk are: In order to have enough busses for all of these folk to get from A to B they will have to borrow 3000 busses from other cities in the country. That means that instead of stupid folk in LA paying for their stupidity they will, of course, have others pay for their stupidity. Talk about ‘Net Zero’, this effectively results in net zero carbon savings as what you save in LA you spend in St. Paul.

If I could offer Ms Bass some helpful advice: better get someone working on that homeless problem y’all been toying with for the last 40 years or so. Thing could get real ugly real quick otherwise.

This from Yahoo News: Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said 2028 chiefs want the LA Olympics to be “The No Car Games” by investing in public transportation and encouraging Angelenos to adopt pandemic-style remote-working for the duration of the event.

“The No Car Games’ means that you will have to take public transportation to get to all of the venues,” Bass told a press conference ahead of Sunday’s Paris Olympics closing ceremony.  “In order to do that we have been building out our transportation system.”

The plan would require borrowing more than 3,000 buses from other parts of the United States, she added.

Bass was adamant however that Los Angeles’s traffic, where rush hour congestion can lead to car journeys of just a few miles taking an hour or more, would not be a problem, citing the history of the 1984 Olympics in the city.

My Mothers First Dog

On Thursday I was floating around on that endless stream of information that the wonders technology now bring to our fingertips. Electrons, on either side of thousands of miles of photon pushing fiber, happily dance around in anonymity until called upon to render up a solution to the requests of untold millions slapping at their keyboards.

By happenstance I landed at (tripped over) the National Personnel Records Center of the National Archives. I thought: ‘I’m a vet, wonder what they’ve managed to store on me’?

I followed along through several menu’s and ended up on the actual page that promised to provide me a copy of my service record, providing I could answer a few simple questions: (DOB; last name first, first name last, MI; country and state of birth, date/time of first orgasm; name of my mothers first dog). This, again, was on Thursday. By mid morning Friday I had an email stating the search was complete and I could download the PDF file. Not everything I thought should be in the records was in them, but there were some things there that I had completely forgotten about; like the Amphibious Warfare Training Course in the dead of winter, 40 years ago, three weeks after returning from a two year tour in Panama. I’ve never been so cold in my friggin life.

Anyway, I seem to have made a simple subject unduly complicated. If you’re a vet and are up for a few laughs, check out the archives and remember somethings that you may have forgotten.

NEA: Two Things

Numero A: How in the world did we arrive at a place where absolute radicals are charged with educating the children of this nation?

    Number secondly: sure seems to me that for the sake of diversity they should have placed a couple of white folk on that stage.

    We’ll pay the price for letting this madness persist.

    Phishing, Joe, and FEMA

    One of the more challenging realities of growing old is the loss of reasoning skills, another is impatience. Coupled together, in world that is more and more digital, it’s easy to see how folk fall prey to online scams. Here (2 screenshots of the same email) is something that popped up in my garry@thomaswispered.com mailbox.

    My first thought was, of course: well shit, what a way to begin a Sunday. I pay good money to protect my site from hijackers and one got through that firewall. Then my rational mind returned and I saw the several clues indicative of a phishing attack:
    –‘Dear User’ instead of my name
    –[Your Company Name] in the signature block
    –The ‘Support Team’ in the signature block.
    –The header says Bluehost.com (which is correct) followed by @rewalkjapan.com. Here is an enlarged screenshot of the message header

    Here is what the search engine returns when I look up www.rewalkjapan.com:

    Finally, I remembered to remember that all of the correspondence I have with service providers is through a different email account (other than Thomas account). So I was being phished. Not a big deal when you catch it; a real friggin pain if you don’t.

    It occurred to me that I, at 70, am facing the same demons that Old Slow Joe is battling; cognitive decline. The difference between his demons and those that will (providing God extends my years) appear on my doorstep is that I’m now aware there are actually 2 problems. Which is to say that I may not always be aware of that there are 2 problems.

    The first problem is a decline in cognitive skills and the second is recognition of the decline in cognitive skills. Old Joe has pushed through the ‘sweet spot’ of cognitive decline (where there is a problem and is aware of it) and arrived in a mental wilderness where he has cognitive problems he is unaware of.

    Not to push a point but the last person in this country that should be making decisions on Joe ‘staying in the race’ is Joe. We are quite literally in 25th Amendment territory and at an inflection point in the future of mankind.

    Given that there are 197 days until Inauguration Day 2025 and our enemies are nipping at our heels, a pressing question comes to the fore: Are there no patriots left in the marbled halls of our nations capital capable of doing what the constitution demands?

    OBTW, here is a little something that the thoughtful folk over at FEMA have contributed to the conversation.

    Keep your heads down and powder dry.

    That’s Going to Leave a Mark

    The Don had harsh words for the Emperor’s minions:

    Make no mistake that Democrats, the mainstream media, and the swamp colluded to hide the truth from the American public—Joe Biden is weak, failed, dishonest, and not fit for the White House,” the statement continued.

    Every one of them has lied about Joe Biden’s cognitive state and supported his disastrous policies over the past four years, especially Cackling Copilot Kamala Harris,” it added.

    So Don is out and about, hacking at the ball and bashing at the bitch while Joe meets with a pack of D governors and complains about not getting enough sleep.

    The latest approach by the D’s is to claim that competence doesn’t matter. Sorta makes you wonder if the fix is already in. Perhaps elections no longer matter, they’ve become nothing more than a useful distraction, another ring in the circus that entertains the masses while the largess is raided.

    Everything was going just fine until that ass named Donald showed up and began chasing the money changers from the temple.

    She’s Done

    From February 24. There are many a D that wish they didn’t know now what they didn’t know then.

    May 2024: Words with zero credibility. Surely she knew how far gone he was before she made these statements. She was betting on the gullibility of the American people

    Our Diversity is Our Strength

    The Presidency DEI’d

    Should have seen it coming.

    The Paris Olympics are just around the corner but the real gymnastics will come from the D’s if they try to replace Slow Joe with anyone other than Kamel-toe. Kinda difficult to keep the black vote if/when that house of cards falls and she’s not at the top of the ticket.

    Voices from Kamala’s orbit:

    “The fact that people keep coming back to this is so offensive to so many of us,” one Harris ally told the outlet. “They still don’t get that the message you’re saying to people, to this Democratic Party, is, we prefer a white person.”

    “If they think they are going to get through South Carolina bashing an effective and qualified Black woman vice president — their instincts are as bad as I thought they were,” added a second source.

    What a sticky spot: Joe has to go and the replacement must be the candidate still lingering long after her 2020 DEI windfall.


    I guess it was bound to happen. The lap dogs smart folk that the President has surrounded himself with have now wheeled out their newest remake: Old-Mad-Orange-Brandon.

    In the haste to rehabilitate his image someone, Jill?, over corrected in an astonishing way. If I were Trump I’d try the ‘imitation is the greatest flattery’ line for a week or two.

    I guess here is what we can expect to see flow from this crowd next:

    Shout it Down

    The D’s are working real hard to put Thursdays disaster into the dust bin of history. The path forward, the plan, appears to be to act like it didn’t even happen. Onward ! Forward!

    That enthusiasm might just blind enough D’s and I’s to look past the naked emperor, but at the end of the day we will all end up with a babbling old man at the reins of power in a very dangerous world.

    Could this be how it all begins/ends? Are the fingers of a madman inching towards a big red button?

    A Few Too Many Mushrooms

    So here’s the deal, it is illegal to be a homosexual in Gaza (under Hamas control) and in the West Bank (under Palestinian Authority control).

    Israel is the only country in the Middle East that does not persecute members of the alphabet community. Israel is ‘tolerant’ enough that it holds its own Pride parades. That word ‘tolerant’ has really changed meaning since our nations jumped on the Pride bandwagon by the way. Tolerance, when attached to concept of perversity, means we must remove our hats, bow slightly, and give reverence to all things rainbow-ish.

    OK, back to the alphabet, what does the far left do when the clock has wound down on our nations month long Pride tribute? Why they instigate a counter protest of their own counter culture celebration.

    Here is how progressive these brainiacs are: The group they are counter protesting for have the right, have the duty, to drop the rainbow people from high places until they no longer bounce. Be careful what you wish for.

    This could only happen in San Francisco.

    John Deere vs The Pressure People

    There is a lot of whining going on over the movement of a large slice JD production to Mexico. The Daily Mail has an extensive write-up detailing all of the hurt this brings to middle America. There is much crying and gnashing of teeth.

    First two lines in the article: 
    –John Deere is sparking outrage by laying off American workers and moving more of its agricultural equipment manufacturing to Mexico.
    –Since October 2023, more than 1,000 John Deere workers have either been laid off or pushed into an early retirement across several plants in Iowa and Illinois.

    Then there is this at around the 55th paragraph mark:
    –The layoffs began after 10,000 unionized John Deere workers went on strike for five weeks in October 2021.

    Well shit folks, you didn’t think that John Deere became a 187 year old king of jungle by rolling over every time the natives became restless did you? In this instance the natives were all upset about the company making good profit and the CEO making his millions. Consider this:

    The CEO managed to triple the value of the company stock and improve the quarterly dividend it pays to all stockholders. Given that level of wealth creation I think the CEO was worthy of his pay.

    When the union made the employee-employer all about the money and promoted a we vs they mentality among their members they also promoted that same mentality in the leadership of JD. If it’s all about the money then there is a much greater value proposition to be found in dozens of far flung locales on this planet.

    Congrats to the union and the union employees, you’ve proven that Adam Smith’s invisible hand was correctly extrapolated by Samuelson:
    —–Free markets are self-regulating systems that create economically optimal outcomes, which can’t be improved upon by government intervention.
    —-The idea of trade and market exchange perfectly channeling self-interest toward socially desirable ends is a central justification for newer versions of the laissez-faire economic philosophy which lie behind neoclassical economics.

    Unfortunately for the those in Iowa and Illinois the ‘economically optimal outcome’ favored the folk in Mexico. Had the legal tender, the value proposition, been based on mutually favorable outcomes then this would never had happened.

    A Thousand Years

    The leaders within allied nations around the globe will certainly be busy in the coming days and weeks.  It seems that the relatively peaceful world they’ve become accustomed to now teeters itself on the cliffs of chaos. 

    What The Fuck (spelled out because WTF is not sufficiently exasperating) was the President’s campaign (and the presidential administration) thinking when they trotted this senile old man out in front of the world?  The level of incompetence within the deep state is staggering and the comfort that came from knowing that Old Joe wasn’t really calling the shots is no longer comforting. 

    The bad guys are probably hurrying to their own huddle.  I regret to inform that no good will come from their new found confidence, a confidence born from the emperor’s nakedness.  Born from the realization of how utterly incompetent the American deep state has become. 

    Consider the words of The Great Communicator. . . .   

    “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.”

    . . . and then replace this sock puppet and his vice-sock puppet post haste.  ‘A thousand years of darkness’ is a long, long time.

    An Explanation Was Warranted?

    CNN must be expecting some pretty dumb folk to tune into the debates this evening. Why else would they feel the need to explain how a person sounds (actually doesn’t sound) when their mic is turned off?

    With all of these rules staged to protect less cognitively endowed it makes you wonder what post debate propaganda imagery will be generated.

    One thing is absolutely certain: putting Slow Joe on the world stage for an extended period is a national security risk. The worse he does the more emboldened our enemies become.

    How the fuck did we end up in such a sticky mess?

    Beyond My Abilities | A Kinder Master

    I’ve looked really hard at why Juneteenth was named a holiday and why, given that you’d want to celebrate when a message was delivered (vice what the message conveyed) you’d want to title it in bad English. It’s almost as if you were playing a racial game; as if you were poking fun at that element of our citizenry. If I were black I’d be embarrassed that my fellow blacks joyfully accepted this studied insult.

    Some little scratch at the surface meaning of the holiday reveals that it is the day that blacks in one city of the US found out that the thousands of whites that died for their freedom were successful. Is it a holiday in honor of those lost lives? Nope. It honors nothing. It’s a black holiday just to remind folk that Dems wanted black folks to know they value them enough to give the 87 percent of Americans that aren’t black another holiday and a good laugh (at the bad English) at the expense of the 13 percent.

    But no matter, as Genesius Times points out, we’ve managed to replace one master with another. A kind and gentle master, but a master none the less.

    At One Time

    There was a time when a shirt worn by Joe M would not have made the news. It seems that now demonstrating ones faith takes an act of faith. Faith that even though some unknown cupcake sitting in their unknown corner of their little sprinkles on the cupcakes world is going to find a way to sue him into oblivion (or submission) for showing a faith that the cupcake cannot understand or own.

    To be clear: I find Catholics to be an odd lot. Almost cult-like and a lot more rigid than my ever-backsliding ass could comfortably ascribe to. However, Joe shows the kind of ‘moral big balls’ that our society desperately needs to be reminded of. Thanks Coach.

    Senior Abuse

    The shit show continues:

    But WTF, we didn’t really want a world at peace anyway. . . did we?

    Zen via Chicken Stew

    I spent a little time cooking and canning yesterday. There was a lot of cutting involved and so the several prep steps came embedded with a zen like pleasure that only repetition with a sharp implement brings. A firm affection for each of my fingers and respect for freshly stoned knives kept me from wandering to far from the present (and reality) but it was a thoroughly enjoyable set of tasks .

    The resulting Chicken Stew was the best I’ve ever had. The recipe I used came from a nameless blogger in the mid-west. If you’re into canning/preserving then you’ll want to visit. Her little corner is a great resource and she has a command of the language that has avoided me all my many years.

    I made two 6 pint runs of this and then put up an additional 4 pints of chicken breasts from the remaining chicken. The recipe is here.

    Another Bang-up Job by the Investigative Press

    Here are two paragraphs from our good friends in the press as they talk about Hunter Biden’s choice of weapons. Below that my comments on a brief read of those great journalists.

    The gun Hunter Biden purchased and held onto for 11 days in 2018 is a .38 caliber Cold Cobra, known as a 38 special. The revolver is a rimmed, centerfire cartridge designed by Smith & Wesson that can range in price from a couple hundred to a thousand dollars.

    The handgun is known for its accuracy and is often used for small-game hunting, recreational target shooting, and personal defense. The president’s son told Delaware State Police he bought it for target practice in 2018.

    1. Not ‘Cold Cobra’
    2. Not know as a 38 special
    3. The revolver is not rimmed
    4. The revolver is not a cartridge
    5. The cartridge does not cost a couple of hundred bucks
    6. A 38 Special is not know for it’s accuracy
    7. A 38 Special is never used for small-game hunting
    8. Rarely does someone use an expensive round for recreational target shooting.

    Can they really be that confused? Really? These folks don’t know the difference between a firearm and a round yet they pull up their big girl pants and take us to school.

    I’m Not Saying, I’m Just Saying. . .

    By now I guess everyone who wanders onto my little stoop on the interwebs knows that I have a real hard on for a manipulative press. Is the truth not startling enough without them adding both content and context?

    An overlooked element of the hostage rescue in Gaza is where they were rescued from. Take a gander at the print on the bottom of the screen beginning at the 45 second mark and running to the 55 second mark. I’m not saying that all journalists are full of shit and willing to do whatever it takes to claim some fame, I’m just saying I think all journalists are full of shit, etc.

    Hats off to the brave souls that traversed hostile territory to rescue their fellow countrymen, they are true heroes.

    Rare Beauty?

    The rainbow people are slowly becoming aware that the Religion of Peace has a real hard on (pun intended) for demonstrating their life choices. The idea that the Dem party is a big tent party is about to be tested; couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group.

    What surprised me most about the clip is how well the alphabet people are organized. Now that these two sides have found themselves in an ‘intersectional civil war’ what new players will emerge and what alliances will be constructed.

    It’s truly one of those grab the popcorn moments worthy of our wonder.

    Is it Me?

    Am I all confused about how things work or is the Sec Def and the media pulling my chain?

    First, I hadn’t thought war with China was either imminent or unavoidable. I thought they took a look at the US, looked at their watch, and then shrugged knowingly; they are willing to wait while we tear it all down ourselves. BUT now that he has said it, I can’t think of anyone less intellectually trustworthy to receive that message from. Why did he feel the need to share that message with us, and why now?

    Now, the real scary part is in small type on the graphic above; The Sec Def doesn’t inform ‘top security officials’, they inform him. If what the article says is true then where is the Sec Def getting his information from? China?

    Who is feeding this line of shit to the Associated Press, and who in there is still naive enough to slurp this stuff up?

    They’re Running In Monaco

    The Monaco Grand Prix is probably the greatest event in motorsports. ABC is streaming the pre-race hoopla that includes million dollar yachts backed into viewing position , stars of screen and stage looking for a mic, pro athletes with their trim blond and bosomed wives, and thousands of ladies in their summer finery. It’s a spectacular demonstration of wealth and privilege. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for wealth/privilege and hope both will visit me some day.

    It’s a great course with spectacular views and challenging turns.

    If the past provides any hint at what the future brings, there will be some broken hearts and destroyed machinery at the end of the day.


    On June 6th it will have been 80 years since the landings of D Day In 1944. The undertaking was enormous and the number of lives lost in the liberation of Europe was staggering.

    Operation Market Garden was the largest military operation mankind has ever conceived. On the side of the Allies three nations with completely different geopolitical views: Russia, the US and England somehow bridged their differences and nursed a very difficult alliance to challenge and then collapse the tyranny that gripped the world.

    Millions of families across our nation had family that traveled to war in those foreign lands. Both of my uncles on my fathers side fought in that war. They left the family home in Ozark, Mo., fought in a world war and, upon returning, both married patriotic women they found along train stops as they went to war. One became a milk delivery driver in Detroit and the other delivered ice and coal. An uncle on my mothers side left his home in Ottumwa Iowa and gave his life on some distant and obscure battlefield.

    As you enjoy this great Memorial Day weekend, take time to lift a glass to those that gave that last greatest measure of devotion and count the blessings in your life that came at such a dear cost.

    The Wisdom In Job

    I’ve been in one of ‘those’ moods for several weeks now; teetering between “someone needs to burn this whole thing down” and “fuckit, you broke it now it’s your problem”. 

    I am, of course, engaged in careful reflection of the state of our nation given the two absolute idiots we have running for President. I don’t blame them, they’re just simpletons caught up in the times. I blame the character of the nation.

    My conclusion (burn or abandon)?  It has to be the latter because the former won’t fix shit.  Besides, any Phoenix rising from these ashes would not be a kind and gentle beast.

    The second course of action (actually inaction), the broke/fix it path, will eventually lead to the same outcome of the ‘burn it down’ alternative except someone else does the burning. 

    Apparently, we are incapable of self-determination, and because we don’t live in a vacuum, there are a surprising number of ugly nations lined up with matches in hand.   They have been a patient lot so far.

    America is a one and done phenomena.  The confluence of sentiment and opportunity that allowed men of great character to crank up a new nation will likely never again occur.  No force on earth could reconstitute that recipe and even if they could there are no avatars of the type ‘founder’ waiting to be invoked.  Men of means willing to pledge to each other their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor have been replaced with the most ignoble among us. 

    So there we have it; the indispensable nation is both dispensable and disposable.  There are a shitload of nefarious folk leveraging the vast wealth of many nations against the last redoubt of liberty even though that ‘liberty’ hasn’t existed here in a hundred years.  We are now but an empty shell, the riches within have been repeatedly drained by a continuing train of power-hungry vermin. 

    A Rant on Truthiness

    I’m normally not one to rant and rave, I’m the guy that pretty much takes things as they come and marvel/remark at the wonders and weirdness of this place/reality we’ve all been cast into. But as of late I can’t help but notice that what is usually a tolerable level of incongruence, mischief, and deceit has dramatically escalated. I’m being swarmed with untruthfulness and chicanery from every quadrant.

    Has this always been so and I never realized it? Have I been blind and only now shaken off the innocence and naivete to process it?

    While not on the top of the list of falsehoods being visited up me is the notion that we should jail the former president for 34 (turdy fo) felony counts for signing a lawful check? It was a just debt incurred for a lawful act. 34 felonies because the CFO of his multi billion dollar firm chose to use ‘services rendered’ instead of ‘reimbursement’ in the notes section of the check? Are you shitting me?

    Next, my inbox is now a minefield. Here is a sample of the trickery some endless stream of Nigerian never-do-wells have decided needed to be sent my way.

    I turn to the news and get this:

    The intertubes are swamped by AI entities that can’t seem to get it right:

    Until the AI can figure out how a mirror works or the number of fingers that belong on a hand I’m not worried about them taking over the world.

    I am worried that given enough time the technology will become proficient enough and prolific enough that a tipping point will be reached. Until then, a false image (and narrative) such as that shown below will receive north of 12 thousand up votes without anyone realizing the ‘boy’ has 3 arms.

    The worst part of all of this is that the government, under the guise of solving the ‘truthiness’ problem, will develop and deploy a set of cyber tools that squash all narratives that don’t match the reality they choose to impose.

    We all knew it was to good to last anyway. Right?