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We don’t hear much about ‘The Big One’ any more. It’s been a hundred years since WW1 and when American bravery halted the march of tyranny. Above, some of America’s cherished warriors; the Harlem Hellfighters in 1919 as they returned from the European campaign.
When it comes to what news we view on many web sites, including Yahoo, we know that most of the articles are aggregated from a variety of sources. The choice of which of the gazillion articles that are floating around in the MSM however is Yahoo to make. They choose to exclusively run with those stories that portray this administration in the worst possible light.
The question, for both the MSM and the news aggregators, is why are their articles (and the aggregators choices) consistently biased against the administration. I think that there is more than simple hatred against all things conservative, I think that there is a long term strategy at work: to completely destroy any faith that American’s have in their institutions. And it’s working.
As for me, only article on Yahoo provided a rational response to this overwhelming push against our institutions. I’m getting off of the train-wreck the Fifth Estate has so craftily engineered.
When the 2016 campaign was running hot, I cannot count the number of times that I thought that Trump had committed an ‘unrecoverable’ error. Between his brash talk, unapologetic hammering of opponents, news of his outlandish behavior, and the stretching of truth beyond believable limits, I thought sure he was done for at least once a week. The deplorables (I proudly associate myself with this term) shrugged it off and we’ve put an alpha male in the most important position in the world.
I guess it’s a good time to rewind a few tapes in our lives and remember some of the more outlandish moments of last election cycle. One of those is below.
My neighbor brought the hay rake and bailer up this morning and together we gathered 34 bales of hay. A bail is about 5 feet in diameter and 6 feet long. I’d ran the rake pulled on the back of my New Holland while he pulled the bailer behind his John Deere.
I’ll get the hay spear put on tomorrow or the next day and move the hay out of the field and into a holding area, but there is no hurry as I choose not to go fishing with the weather in the high 90’s (as it is until next Saturday).
This hay is not as ‘clean’ as the bales we put up earlier in the year, it has a lot of mature sage grass in it….cows don’t like mature sage grass, but they are ok with it when is is younger. Lynn advised that we should feed this cutting to them first, in the early part of the hay cycle, when they are not relying on high nutritional content. As the winter progresses we give them the better content hay, big buckets of molasses (100+ pounds), sweet mix, and corn. This keeps them happy and healthy as they nurse whatever calves they are soon to drop.
I did go fishing the other day and tried out the new lures I purchased: caught two bass. Nothing worth keeping, and certainly nothing to brag about, but I went bass fishing and caught bass. Life is full of small pleasures!
I took a cursory look at what Yang’s proposed monthly $1,000 giveaway would look like. Yang isn’t going to get the nomination, but I guarantee there will be one of the 3 or 4 finalist proposing some program that mirrors what Yang has thought up. There are real winners and losers in this nifty little magic trick.
Lets look at the numbers. Lets say, for simplicity’s sake, that the total population of the United States is 1,000 people. The total annual cost would be $12,000,000 (1k monthly for 12 months times 1000 people). But we wouldn’t have a thousand folks paying for this program, we’d have 205. Here is how I got the 205 number:
Total Pop: 1000
Less those over 65 on Social Security (16% of the population) =160
Less children/kids (23 percent of total population less seniors) =193
Less those unemployed (5% of 1K less seniors and kids) =32
Less those that pay no tax (45% excluding those above) =410
Total Exempt 795
Total Payers 205
Now when you take the total cost ($12,000,000) divided by 205 payers you get an average cost per actual taxpayer of $58,594 a year in new taxes ($4,883 monthly).
The cost of Yang’s proposal? $3,924,000,000,000 annually.
So the real question becomes why would Yang propose such a ridiculous thing? Because the ‘winner to looser’ ratio is so great (795 to 205): Almost 4 to 1.
Now most people that pay taxes believe that this program would mean they would pay $1,000 more monthly and get $1,000 back. That guy sitting over in the corner with a wife and six kids is thinking he’s going to pay another $1,000 in taxes monthly and get $8,000 back. Now there is a whole shitload of folks that pay no taxes whatsoever thinking that they are going to get a free $1K monthly dropped into their account. That welfare queen with 4 little ones is looking at $5K monthly; there are thousands upon thousands of these folks.
I’m betting that as the field narrows one or more of the dem candidates will propose some variation of Yang’s folly. I’d bet that it will (to a large degree) be effective in garnering the votes of the gimmedats. Unfortunately, I also believe that this soft-selling of socialism is so attractive to our ignorant and un/mis-schooled masses that we won’t go slipping down the proverbial slope, we’ll be slamming the throttle to the firewall.
Patrick sent along another of his original creations. It reminded me of what our first half white president once so proudly proclaimed.
It’s hot. Damn hot. I was able to work around my garden plot yesterday and managed weed-eat around the fencing. No small feat when you consider that it had to be trimmed on both sides of 360 feet of fence (720 feet inside and out). It’s a metal mesh fence, so I burned through a massive amount of trimmer line.
I mowed down two of the three 30 X 40 foot planting areas using the zero turn and used the weed eater on the third….it still has about a dozen huge watermelon in it and I didn’t want to destroy those until I gave the kids and grand-kids a final chance at them.
My absentee neighbor (Lynn) drove his tractor and hay cutter over to our place yesterday evening and made a couple of laps in our back field. Before leaving he showed me how to operate the John Deere 6400 and position the cutter. As I was giving him a ride back to one of his properties (as far as I can figure he has three farm/ranch operations going in addition to his full time job with the Tennessee Valley Authority), he says: “that tractor won’t go all the way over on that steep hill, it just rises up some”. I had no idea what he was talking about, but given that it was a much smaller tractor than I was accustomed to, I figured I’d be able to figure it out on the fly.
This morning I set out to mow the rest of the field. Now a cutter is not the same as a brush-hog. The cutter operates from the back of the tractor and cuts from the right hand side. You cut whatever field you’re cutting in a clockwise direction that way you don’t mash down the hay with the tractor wheels. A brush hog operates from the back and is towed along behind the tractor (you can go any direction you choose).
So I get to this fairly steep hill that I had always cut (with a brush hog) by going down nose first…..this time I’m going up nose first and all of the sudden the front wheels were no longer on the ground! They finally get back down after about 20 yards after they cleared ground and about 10 feet before I had to take a right turn. Now I know what Lynn was talking about. I got the field cut, but for a while my butt hole was puckered so tight that had I stood up, the seat would have came with me.
This afternoon I broke out my tractor and brush hog and straightened up a little around the cabins, to the west of my garden plot, and down by the creek bottom. I need to get the weed-eater working, but again, it’s damn hot. Everything in it’s own time.
I’m going to coin a new term: ‘Overwoke’ (and Overwokeness). It’s to be used when ones wokeness transcends logic. Now, in other news, Burger King in South Africa came up with the brilliant idea to remove the word ‘ham’ from ‘hamburger’. Mighty bold, but Mohammad has a question.
You may not believe in God, but you cannot look at what’s happening in America right now and deny the existence of evil. Is this how the end begins?