Rules to Live (or die) By

  1.  Guns have only two enemies:  rust and politicians.
  2. It’s always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
  3. Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.
  4. Never let someone or something that threatens you to get inside an arm’s length.
  5. Never say “I’ve got a gun.” If you need to use deadly force the first sound they hear should be the safety clicking off.
  6. The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes; the response time of a .357 is 1400 feet per second.
  7. The most important rule in a gunfight is always win.  Cheat if necessary.
  8. Make sure your attacker advances through a wall of bullets. You may be killed with your own gun, but he will have to beat you with it because it’ll be empty.
  9. If you’re in a gunfight:
    • If you’re not shooting you should be loading
    • If you’re not loading you should be moving
    • If you’re not shooting, loading, or moving you are probably dead
  10. In a life and death situation do something;  it may be wrong, but do something.
  11. If you carry a gun people will call you paranoid.  Nonsense.  If you have a gun what do you have to be paranoid about?
  12. You can say ‘stop’ or any other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much a universal language
  13. You cannot save the planet but you may be able to save yourself and family

“Peace is that glorious moment in time when everyone stands around reloading”

Rationalization | Justifying The Violence

I guess the best way to understand the absolutely insane pronouncements that come from the far left is to flip what we know about ’cause’ and ‘effect’. It is vitally important for these idiots to strike out at white males. I don’t know why: don’t care. But it’s clear to me that in order to justify their physically violent intent, they need to create a boogie man worthy of their hatred.

They do not become violent because they view white males as rapists and racists, they see white males as rapists and racists because they want to be violent. It will not end well with this crowd.


The only wealth distribution our fearless leaders are really interested in is the transfer of our earnings to their interests. Their interests are most often their pockets. “R” or “D” matters little, lining their own pockets matters much.

Rapala DT-4

The other day I mentioned that I got the boat into the water and farted around on the Elk River between Hwy 72 and the Wheeler Reservoir. What I didn’t mention is that as I was pulling my boat from the water an old man, maybe 75 or 80 was bringing his flat bottom boat into the dock. I pulled out and he backed his truck and trailer down the ramp and then went back to his boat. I figured it would probably be easier for me to help him load his boat than it would be to make a statement to the po-po or emergency responders when the old man fell off his boat/trailer/truck set-up (each component of which appeared to be of questionable serviceability) and cracked his skull. So I gave the guy a hand.

A short while later, after he had pulled off of the ramp and I was stowing gear on my own boat, he walked up to me and, as God is my witness, looked like a drug dealer that was marketing his wares. He pushed his shoulder up against mine and then looked quickly around to make sure no one was watching before opening his hand and showing me this:

A Rapala DT-4

Now, I’m a pretty poor fisherman. I’ve kinda fallen into that cycle where every time I go bass fishing I do so poorly that it’s followed by 4 or 5 trips out to catch catfish (something that requires less skill than dropping rocks). Having someone share what lure to use and both where and how to fish it is rare. I had to listen to another 15 minutes of fish stories about all of the fish (size, location where they were caught, time of year, weather, etc) he had caught with it, but I was willing to pay that price.

Anyway, I picked up one of these at Cabela’s today and another that is similar but with slightly different markings. It sure would be great to go bass fishing and actually catch bass. I’m optimistic. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Tractor Tale

Me and my baby during happier times

Still way behind the curve here at my place and it seems that small problems have a way of cascading into more and increasingly challenging issues. Earlier last week I was mowing a filed near the cabin and the tractor went limp. Three alerts flashed up on the instrument cluster at the same time; the dreaded red “STOP” indicator, a contaminated Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) warning, and the engine de-rated symbol.

After running through the fault troubleshooting/clearing decision tree in the owners manual, the fault cleared for roughly 2 seconds and came immediately back on. Damn.

When a New Holland tractor gets ‘de-rated’, the computer will not allow the engine to rev beyond idle. Once de-rated, the pencil-necks that designed the electronics figured they would give an owner three attempts at fixing the problem. Once you use up your three tries, the entire system, including engine, shuts completely down. The trouble is that what it counts as an attempt may not actually be one. For instance; turning the key ‘on’ without starting the tractor, then off again and waiting 15 seconds before turning the key on again and starting the tractor counts as an attempt. Being the conservative that I am, I was unwilling to risk attempting another reset on the off chance that it would be read as the third.

After chatting with the son-in-law we agree that we get the pro’s involved. For a small nominal fee (normally your first born male child) they will travel the 60 or so miles out to our place, pick up the tractor, and off they go to both their facilities and the bank. So far so good.

On Friday they bring the tractor back and while pulling onto the property the driver takes the corner to tight coming in the front gate….the trailer that the tractor is riding on catches the gate and not only bends the two mounting bolts that attaches the gate to the 8″ by 8″ post, but also “tilts” the post so that it is no longer perpendicular to the ground. Just for clarity, I now have a 14 foot gate hanging on a post that wants to wiggle when the gate is moved. No way to keep the free end of the heavy gate from plowing into the ground.

The worker unloads the tractor by the barn and he and I return to assess the damage to the gate: It’s pretty hosed up but in my estimation fixable with some bracing and ingenuity. I send him off. As I go to hook the tractor back up to the brush-hog, I notice that while the stop light had cleared and the engine de-rated symbol was off, the contaminated DEF warning was still on. WTF? Apparently the dealer determined that it was a bad DEF sensor that caused the engine to de-rate, but did nothing about the other sensor that was indicating contaminated DEF. In other words, fix the fucking problem

Bottom line on the tractor is that I do not know if the DEF is good or bad and so now need to drain and refill that system. I spent a good part of Saturday, pausing for the Alabama/Duke football game (Roll Tide), bracing and adjusting the front gate. It turns out that the mechanical/physics related portions of the repair were easier, but not easy, to execute than the electronic adjustments. It took me three attempts to set the mast and close limits for the gate, but finally got it so that it does not try and rip itself apart as it opens and closes. Given my experience with this gate, that’s a wonder all into itself.

So everything is all good—mo better (I suppose). My beloved tractor works well enough for me to perform corrective maintenance, Alabama topped Duke, and wifey can get in and out of the gate without getting in and out of her car.

Life on the farm is nothing but sweetness and light!

Around the Farm (No Posts!)

It’s been damn busy around here for the last couple of days and tomorrow is shot finishing up on work I started today.

I set out Wednesday AM to the bank and the road between my place and the ‘real road’ was blocked by a downed tree. There’s maybe 10 cars a day that use the road and everyone knows that if you backtrack there are two other ways to get out of this rural area. All ten of those cars also know that if they leave the tree in the road long enough someone else will clear it.

So I backtracked, detoured, did the bank thingy and returned about 2 hours later and the tree is still down. I guess it was my turn to be that someone else..

So I detoured again and worked my way around to my place gathered the chainsaw and some strapping and headed back out to clear the road. Job done. Wednesday morning gone.

Wednesday PM I pulled the last of the jalapeno’s, 5 more pints worth, and canned them and since I had the canner out and working I put up two types of ‘triple berry’ jam. One was strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry, and the other was strawberry, raspberry and blackberry. I was able to put up 18 half pint jars. Man that stuff is good. Anyway, Wednesday PM was shot. Come to think of it, between football (Roll Tide) and putting the canner to work on more jams, this coming Saturday looks like it’s toast as well.

Today I decided that the yard work I need to get to (we’ve had 4 days of wet weather) could wait until I put the boat into the water and relaxed some. I farted around on the bottom reaches of the Elk River and followed it out to the Tennessee River (Wheeler Reservoir) and back up to the launch point. Thursday morning…..gone.

This afternoon I powered up the zero turn and got about half of the weeds mowed before the light began to dim. PM gone.

I’m no psychic, but I can see what my Friday looks like: mowers and trimmers. Any open time I can manage to create will be spent on harvesting seeds from what remains of my garden.

All of this, dear reader, is my long winded explanation of why (as the Soup Nazi would say) NO POSTS FOR YOU !

Y’all enjoy the balance of the week and I’ll see you again on Sunday or Monday.

Destruction of the Deep State Via Tariffs

There were/are a lot of people lining their own pockets with cash from China, many of them traitors within our own government. Trump’s clamp-down on these communists are impacting the bottom line of the deep state cabal. More fighting to do, but at least we know how to fight against the evil that arises within.

This Guy Is Toast

“I want to be clear; I’m not going nuts,” the 76-year-old former vice president told an audience in New Hampshire on Friday after being unable to recollect a speech he gave at Dartmouth College only hours prior. “I’m not sure whether it was the medical school or where the hell I spoke. But it was on the campus.”

The defense comes as Biden has worried even his staunchest allies for often confusing times and places on the campaign. Last week, while addressing voters in Iowa, Biden mistakingly claimed that Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated during the late 1970s.

“Just like in my generation, when I got out of school, when Bobby Kennedy and Dr. King had been assassinated in the ’70s — the late ’70s — I got engaged,” Biden told the audience, before proceeding to ramble about the counter-culture movement of the 1960s.

The statement was quickly called out as false, as both men were assassinated within mere months of each other in 1968 — a turbulent year in American history. The confusion was especially troubling for Biden, who has often cited both men as big influences on his decision to enter politics.

Biden was supposedly so taken with Kennedy, whom he once called “the one true hero of my life,” that he plagiarized substantially from his fallen hero during the 1980s.

Loosing Their Ever-Loving Minds

As seen on the Daily Wire

As conservatives quietly issued prayers for the recovery of their long-time political opponent Ginsburg, leftists broke off their raucous celebrations of the death of libertarian billionaire David Koch to issue denunciations of the sexual misconduct committed by whoever Trump appoints as Ginsburg’s replacement should Ginsburg die.

At The New York Times, a former newspaper, editor-in-chief Blithering Prevarication the Third was informed of Ginsburg’s illness and immediately called off his Koch death celebration, stopped dancing around a pentagram while dressed as a goat, and assigned his entire op-ed page to women who had been sexually mistreated themselves and were therefore convinced that whoever came forward to accuse whoever was appointed to replace Ginsburg if Ginsburg died would be telling the truth.

Angry Times editorialist Michele Angry entitled her editorial “Someone I Know Once Got Whistled At On The Street So I Believe Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Will Be Guilty of Assault When We Find Out Who It Is.”

Angry’s angry editorial read in part, “It is way past time for us to stop thinking rationally and to instead believe every woman who levels charges against anyone we disagree with. I myself was once asked out on a date by someone I didn’t find attractive, so I know what it’s like to be murdered by the sort of deranged serial killer Trump will appoint if Ginsburg should pass.”

Editors at CNN cleared the schedule there to make room for all the women who would come forward after the first accuser to create an atmosphere of credibility that CNN commentators could discuss with sanctimonious looks on their faces. CNN was immediately besieged by neurotics, floozies and prostitutes auditioning for the accuser parts. Several of them will be hosting new talk shows on the cable network this fall.

An Accidental Truth

Quite by accident Andy has hit on an important point: Gender Studies grads cannot find meaningful work. This means that, despite what the left might be telling us, the vast majority of US citizenry does not value the expertise. No one gives a fuck about gender! That folks is great news.

AOC and The Three Fifths Solution

Alexandria Occasional Cortex came out hard over the weekend against the Electoral College, slamming the institution as a racist scam that makes white people’s votes count for “like, a lot more” than other people’s votes.

Not to worry, she has thought of a good solution: “What if we count all white people as three-fifths of a person instead of a full person? Then, good votes would count more than bad, racist votes. Like, four or five times more or something, because 3/5ths is only like 10% of a real vote.”

She then paused as she counted on her fingers and double-checked her math on her toes. “Yeah, it adds up. Case closed. This makes the program contain 247% fewer racisms.”

It was pointed out to her that this was racist, but she said that when you fight racism with other racism, it makes less racism. “1 bad racism plus 1 good racism equals zero racisms,” she said confidently.

I’ll note that just as I was publishing this breaking news, Occasional Cortex was still slamming the Electoral College as sexist after learning it doesn’t even have a gender studies program.

I Laughed, And Then……

I laughed when I first saw this and then it hit me: we are not that far away from some idiots in Hollywierd making heroes from this group of fools. It will probably come out as a love story between gays or transgenders (or some such) battling the forces of evil (a bigoted group of white males). I betcha.

Great Photo’s by de Kersauson

de Kersauson has a series of photo’s at The Eye of Photography that he titles “Marine Symphony” It’s good looking work done at sunset on the beaches of Normandy. All of his photos are taken freehand, slow exposure accompanied by a deliberate and studied movement of the camera.

He has a great perspective on the his subject: “When I look at the sea, I walk in the time of the world.”