No Cheer

Those on the violent left would much prefer that we roll over and stay mum as they throw one ridiculous proposition after another out into the public square. When we do push back the topic of their outrage instantly changes into a argument about class, privilege, or race. Unfortunately this is a tactic that more often than nay works. We are immediately put on the defensive and the issue now turns to one where we can no longer effectively argue.
So here is how to win against this herd; put out the race card first. If the topic is ‘cattle farts cause global warming’ the very first point you should make is that they (the person you want to hamstring) want to harm people of color. State it. As they attempt to recover and before they can complete a sentence ask them why they hate black people so much. While they are still reeling tell them you don’t argue with racists and then walk away. It’s not a fair way to fight, but there is no shame in using their tools against them.
If you make a fist like that, even if you’re as weak as xir looks, you will break your thumb. This is not something you learn in an advanced combat training class, it’s what every man learns when he is 8.
In what world did these loonies come of age?
According to The Washington Times President Trump canceled federal student loan debts Wednesday for tens of thousands of veterans who are 100% disabled, saying it’s the nation who owes them instead for their service. I’ve copied part of the article below and the full story is here.
At the 75th annual American Veterans convention in Louisville, Kentucky, the president signed an executive action directing the Education Department to eliminate “every penny” of student loan debt for about 25,000 disabled veterans who owe an average of $30,000.
The president said the action is worthy of veterans “who have made immense sacrifices, the ultimate sacrifice in many ways, for our nation.”
“That’s hundreds of millions of dollars in student debt held by our severely wounded warriors — it’s gone forever,” the president said.
Mr. Trump called to the stage retired Sgt. Katherine Cassell, who developed severe lung problems and other ailments after serving two tours in Iraq with the Army, Navy and Air Force. She is now working toward a degree at the University of Nevada.
“This is an amazing relief on my family, as well as — I know — many thousands of veterans,” she told the president.
This horses ass and the Detroit Police Department are swinging at each other on Twitter over law enforcement’s use of facial recognition technology. Tlaib calls the tool bullshit. I think in this case she may be right as it her face actually matches horseshit.
Update at 7:04 (central): In my earlier haste I overlooked an important attribute that an actual country boy (thanks John) called me on. Both images have utters! So, bullshit is closer than horseshit….but in either case her face matches shit.
I’m firmly against any type or Red Flag Law that could restrict gun ownership. This ass-hat, however, makes me wonder if my position is tenable. TDS is all of it’s glory!
Hat Tip to Ms Little “Big” Men for this funny.
Julia Yllescas stands next to a faint image of her father, Robert, who died after an IED attack in 2008 in Afghanistan. She had his image added to her graduation photos to honor his memory.