
Those on the violent left would much prefer that we roll over and stay mum as they throw one ridiculous proposition after another out into the public square. When we do push back the topic of their outrage instantly changes into a argument about class, privilege, or race. Unfortunately this is a tactic that more often than nay works. We are immediately put on the defensive and the issue now turns to one where we can no longer effectively argue.

So here is how to win against this herd; put out the race card first. If the topic is ‘cattle farts cause global warming’ the very first point you should make is that they (the person you want to hamstring) want to harm people of color. State it. As they attempt to recover and before they can complete a sentence ask them why they hate black people so much. While they are still reeling tell them you don’t argue with racists and then walk away. It’s not a fair way to fight, but there is no shame in using their tools against them.

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