Gingrich’s Two Things

I think two words are going to define the night of the 2018 election in the next three weeks. One is ‘Kavanaugh’ and the other is ‘caravan’.

And the combination of anger over how the left smeared, engaged in character assassination, lied, used bullying tactics with Judge Kavanaugh is going to be one part of this; and the degree to which the left is eager to have 3,000 people in a caravan cross the American border, break American law, recognizing that if that happens, the next caravan will be bigger; and the next caravan after that will be even bigger.

And I think the American people are going to reject both the way they treated Kavanaugh and the way they are dealing with the border. And I think those will end up being the reasons the Republicans keep the House and dramatically increase the number of senators they have.

Full story here

One Reply to “Gingrich’s Two Things”

  1. I hope this is what happens. I am a 49 year old woman. The day Kavanaugh testified, I was driving my car, tears streaming down my face. In an instant, it was as if the floor beneath our country started to sway. Buckle. I could not believe how fast, how easily half the country was ready to throw out the concept of “innocent until proven guilty.” Their mask that they had worn for so long came off and the ugliness of evil was evident for those with eyes to see. I told my family that that day felt a little like D-day or 9-11 – only in the sense that there was a before and now there would be an after and people would remember for a long time this significant event as a turning point.

    I don’t want to believe that so many Americans really can not see how much danger we are in.

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