6 Replies to “The Gathering Storm”

  1. OK, so WTAF am I seeing in this photo? AK-47, obviously… a person holding it, awkwardly. Please ‘splain further. — A fellow Tennessean

    1. Uh yeah… well, that’s not gonna happen. Tender snowflakes like this guy seldom leave their comfy parents’ homes, feel safe in numbers, and run away at the first hint of REAL opposition. It’s in their DNA, and it’s not changeable any more than their chromosomes. In any real SHTF scenario, they will be dead in the first couple of days, and good riddance, I don’t want them polluting the gene pool any more than they already have. If you get a chance, read up on r/K Theory. The soyboi in the pic above is definitely a rabbit in a world of wolves.

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