It’s Not The Remembering, It’s What’s Remembered

Our present batch of brainiacs are rewriting history so quickly that the time will shortly come when the ‘lessons of the past’ will be based on a fantasy. Future generations will not only be indoctrinated on how history unfolded, but also on how they should interpret and internalize whatever crap is being passed off as knowledge.

For my part I’m troubled with a false past masquerading as a historical reality. I’m not upset because I’m a purest or because history holds a special place in my heart (for the most part I could care less), rather I’m pissed because manipulating history changes the lessons history provides and gives cover/validity to those who’s want is to destroy the nation and enslave it’s people. I’ll venture to say, however, that 80+ percent of folk in this nation could not live without the enslavement they currently enjoy anyway.

Rewriting gives tyrants new tools to corrupt the weak minded. It makes it far easier to claim the high ground and proclaim themselves the harbingers of a bright new future where ‘equality, right, truth and justice’ prevail. The weak are just fine with the death and destruction that flows from a fantasy sold wholesale , as long at it’s your death and not their own.

All of this is made possible by a population that has abandoned the intent of their now demonized founders and turned their back on the moral compass the founders provided for the young nation.

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