On The Impending Cold

For the last several weeks the local weather has been forecasting a night time temp that was in the teens. In every instance after a day or two the forecast would change and we would enjoy milder temps in the mid 20’s or so.

This 17 degree low popped up two days ago and continues to haunt the forecast; creeping closer day by day. While I hate weather that cold, I guess this is a small discomfort in what has otherwise been a mild and very enjoyable winter. We had a new calf appear two weeks ago and thankfully it is far enough along to take this very brief low spell in stride. Plenty of hay in the barn. the pond is filled with water. all fences repaired, and our little creek flush with rain late last week.

The garden is completely closed and all of the beds and planting areas were reinforced with compost, fertilized and then tucked in nicely under woven cloth. All the seeds I’ve ordered have been delivered, a germination test on the beans I purchased at the grocery store (pinto, black, lima, and kidney) all came out well and I have a pound of soy seeds left over from my soy sauce ferment, so along with the bean seeds I’ve purchased (Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lake) I’m good bean-wise.

My mold spores came in on Monday so I’ve got 4 gallon jugs filled about 4/5th full with what was a molded soy and wheat substrate and water drawn from a spring near the cabin. This is a long running ferment (6-14 months) so it will be quite awhile before I’ll know if I inoculated correctly (or nay).

Hope each of you find a way to stay warm and comfy during the days of cold !

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