It Is So Not Over

Regardless of where you come down on the innocence/guilt of Chauvin and/or/if the judicial system treated the accused fairly, there is one certainty:  the big city streets will continue to host the Wildings in their quest for retribution for past wrongs—real and imagined. There are a whole butt-load of folk on the left that work to keep the heat turned up on this crowd.

Every race-baiting hustler has their hustle on and will do all they can to both keep their name and the game in play. God forbid the cash generating race cow should cease production.

It’s all about the game. It has nothing to do with inequality, race, justice, wealth, poverty, education, immigration, or queer/tranny rights. It’s about the game of keeping the idiots in the street in the street. Rioting in the streets by racists, faggots, anarchists, communists, and socialists will intensify over the summer.  The hustlers are on a roll and won’t back away from the game while things are breaking their way.

Worse yet, a group of absolute idiots are at the helm of our nation and are flooding the mush brained, under educated, indoctrinated, manipulated, and overly privileged snowflakes with so much cash and freebies that we’ll not see a conservative recurrence/resurgence in several lifetimes.  There is a strong chance that should this crowd damage the nation enough then China will move to put a quick end to it.  We are, after all, a damn sharp stick in their eye and he only thing that keeps them from their quest for world domination. 

So all of these assholes working in their own self interest will eventually weaken the nation to the point where we become a very attractive target.

You cannot stop it. You cannot group together with like minded patriots and stop it. Soon, if you’ll lift your patriotic head and make a little noise, you’ll find yourself in the same difficulties that those good folk in the nations capital did on January 6.

So, what the hell should be done? If the old sag about the best revenge being a life well lived holds true, then lead a good life and thank God for granting you the wisdom to see what can and cannot be changed.

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