NY’s 3rd and Why It Doesn’t Matter

The outcome of that race didn’t matter for two reason: It was a blue on blue contest (thanks to the reds) and AI is going bring us to our bony knees anyway.

Who was the Republican contestant in NY 3rd congressional district? Why it was a registered Democrat of course. Her name: Mazi Melesa Pilip. Ms Pilip, a registered democrat hails from Ethiopia and more recently from Israel.

Her husband was born in the Ukraine; small world isn’t it. Wiki says he’s an American-Ukrainian-Jewish medical student from a family of Holocaust survivors who had come from the United States to Haifa to study medicine at the Technion, later becoming a cardiologist. I can relate, as I have similar background (having been born in Virginia, am quasi Christian, and now live in Tennessee).

Back to Ms Mazi and the purpose of this lengthy drivel; The R’s in New York didn’t care anything about her politics, which way she would vote, or what crap they were hoisting on the rest of the country as long as they could get a check-mark in the W column. Besides that, they get extra points and a whole lotta boxes checked for selecting a woman, of African origin, who’s Jewish. Hell they even get point for inclusion by nominating a D to represent the R party.

This is the NY’s 3rd Congressional district. I’m pretty sure the R’s, both within this congressional district and within leadership positions at the national level, knew that this seat was toast.  What most of us commoners didn’t (and probably still don’t recognize) is that regardless of who won the special election in NY’s 3rd, it was a seat absolutely going to flip blue because you cannot, and I mean absolutely cannot find someone who is more RINO than a registered Democrat running as a Republican.

As for the district, it’s area of about 20 by 20 (400 square miles) made up of concrete and road signs. That’s about 2000 residents per square mile. It has about 100,000 more souls calling it home than the entire state of Wyoming where they have a land area of 97,818 square miles, or about 6 folk per square miles. Wyoming has one representative for the entire state. Which brings me to my second point; AI.

I wondered how large Wyoming was and searched on Yahoo. Here is what the wizard AI provided at the top of the page. Before you saw any other answer from any other source.

Somebody needs to grab a keyboard and start smashing it into the servers. Rip a few plugs out of the wall and teach this latest stone added to the pavement on our road to doom that there are 50 states. I could get a China-man with an abacus and a rotary phone to provide answers and get the results faster and more accurately than the pencil necks that have pushed this taint upon us.

I’m telling you, no good is going to come from having this ignorance available at your fingertips.

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