The only reason that Trump is staring down a NY jury right now is not because he is being called to task for some great transgression against society, it’s, as others have so eloquently stated, to keep him the limelight with his pecker out. As long as he can be painted in that light, and off of the campaign trail (where he is always on the offensive) then the prosecution can be considered a success.

They could give a fuck about the truth and they don’t care for the appearance of a fair and impartial judicial system. Which, once given a little thought, means they damn sure don’t give a fuck about you/me and/or our country.

Here’s the star witness:

No where in the annals of criminal justice can we find an accused stand trial where the primary witness for the prosecution is a notorious liar and scumbag.. One former Assistant U.S. Attorney states this about Cohen’s latest antics:
“It is not a problem for Cohen’s credibility because he has none — he is a convicted perjurer and fraudster whose current ‘defense’ of his fraud convictions is that he wasn’t telling the truth when he pled guilty. “

Cohen has decided that the best course of action he could take is produce a running commentary on the trial in order to generate revenue on his nightly ‘podcasts’. Here how bad that move is (enter Stormy Daniels’ scheming attorney Michael Avenatti) sitting in the damp cell of a federal prison.

“Never underestimate this guy’s ability to screw something up due to his ignorance and arrogance. He’s dumber than a box of rocks. The state can’t win the case without him and because of his conduct in reviewing trial testimony in violation of the court’s order, which [he] just admitted to when speaking with ABC, the court must strike him as a witness, declare a mistrial, or both. Thus sayeth that grand champion of the downtrodden; Michael Avenatti .

What does all of this mean to the collective ‘us’? It leaves us with broken institutions. For a couple hundred years the barbarians have been kept from the gates by good men who believed in the promise of America. Not the ‘earn an honest buck’ promise, but rather the quasi-equal playing field promise. These idiots have managed to snatch that away from us and we are left with the worst possible promise for the future: Powerful people are to be feared and all of the systems are rigged to benefit them alone.

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