The motion to vacate is the House’s procedure to remove the speaker. The current rules allow any one member, Democrat or Republican, to introduce the motion. If it is introduced as a “privileged” resolution, the House must consider it at some point, although it could be delayed with procedural votes. It only needs a simple majority to pass.

With R’s controlling the house by only one or two votes this means it only takes two or three malcontents to successfully remove the speaker, providing the D’s all vote to to toss him out as well (as they did with McCarthy)
My view is that these idiots the R’s have elected to office are to smart by half. That is to say they’re so stupid they would give away the keys to the kingdom just to get that rush that only the exercise of power provides.
We should have elected adults and problem solvers instead of characters of outrage and outrageous characters.
Who says ANY of these clowns were ‘elected’?