Sign of the Times | Overlords & Tyrants

So Tommy Robinson gives a speech on free speech in the Great White North and is immediately arrested: so much for free speech.

It took about 10 law enforcement (LE) personnel, some of who were undercover, to arrest Tommy on an immigration warrant. Three simple questions come immediately to mind:
1. How many LE folk do they employ to take down your typical Roberto or Pablo?
2. How many undocumented newcomers do they typically take to jail?
3. Finally how many border walkers are actually named in a warrant prior to their arrest?

Some powerful folks are doing their best squelch voices among the Canucks. Breitbart had a good take on how the New World Order folk have been smothering Tommy R and folk of his stripe. The tweet below from some 8 years past.

Closer to home the Uni Party manages to replace Rino Romney with an over-the-top exemplar of Rino-ishness: John Curtis, the former head of the Utah Democratic Party.

The deal making and skid greasing that gets someone like Jumping John into the Senate as a Republican shall forever remain unknown. Unknown because our wonderful free press (yes that free press that just wrangled a massive government giveaway) is busy covering transvestites in Maryland winning state level beauty contests.

Finally (OK not a final finally, but a finally for now finally) your betters in congress look to have stumbled on hard evidence that the CIA colluded with the Democratic Party to get Brandon implanted as Commander in Chief.

To which half of our citizens immediately remark : No Shit.

This ain’t your daddy’s America folks, that America had slime embedded in high office that knew how not to get caught.

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