A Prison of Their Own Making

The only reason Old Joe has not been subjected to the 25th Amendment and is still the presumptive D nominee is folk can’t figure out how to escape from that prison of their own making: Kamala. They are in a terrible bind.

The RNC is exploiting her go-to lines. Lines she has repeated in 62 separate speeches.

Unless something unfortunate happens to the silver tongued one and she becomes unavailable, the best play for the D’s would be to put on a good show, stay emotionally detached, and get an early start on the 2028 go-round.

I’ll bet the butt holes on her Secret Service detail are puckered so tight that when they stand up, the chairs come up with them.

As far as Biden and his adamant stance, his 100 percent in it to win it posture; does anyone expect him to say anything other than that? Imaging the chaos if he were to say: ‘I’m 85 percent in’ or ‘I need a nap need time to think’. All hell would break loose among the D and the D donors.

What the smart money knows is that Biden is toast and he and the D’s are buying time to do what needs to be done to replace him. He is 100 percent in until he isn’t. My bet is that ‘he isn’t’ once they solve the Kamala problem. Barring that, he’s out once the deep state figures out a path forward.

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