Ego and Control

What the hell is that on it’s collar?
Amazing. Jussie now claims victimhood because the po-po believed him!
You either agree with this lunacy or you’re a white supremacist. You will be called out as such.
Statement from Councilmember Steve Padilla
Re: Drag Queen Storytime at the Chula Vista Public Library in Otay Ranch
CHULA VISTA – The City of Chula Vista’s greatest strength is our diversity and sense of community. Throughout our history residents of many backgrounds, ideas, and perspectives have lived, worked, and played side by side and supported one another. Today, however, we are challenged to reaffirm these values.
I am disappointed that some voices both from inside and outside our community have chosen to use the upcoming Drag Queen Storytime as an opportunity to perpetuate long discredited false and discriminatory narratives targeting the LGBTQ+ community in the name of protecting children. This is wrong and must be called out for what it is – the spreading of ignorance, fear, and hate. Much of this fearmongering is being organized by the local chapter of a nationally known hate-group which promotes not just anti-LGBTQ beliefs, but also anti-immigrant and white supremacist beliefs. These ideas and tactics do not reflect the community I love and serve.
Despite this, our community’s public spaces are open to all no matter their color, creed, or political beliefs. Our libraries are critical to our community’s well-being and serve as places that provide access to a wealth and diversity of information, ideas, and thought. This Storytime event is among many designed to foster a love of reading, and most importantly of all -to model the importance of diversity in learning, love, and civility.
I guess the best way to understand the absolutely insane pronouncements that come from the far left is to flip what we know about ’cause’ and ‘effect’. It is vitally important for these idiots to strike out at white males. I don’t know why: don’t care. But it’s clear to me that in order to justify their physically violent intent, they need to create a boogie man worthy of their hatred.
They do not become violent because they view white males as rapists and racists, they see white males as rapists and racists because they want to be violent. It will not end well with this crowd.
This Asshat has sure been quite lately. Makes you wonder whats going down.
I laughed when I first saw this and then it hit me: we are not that far away from some idiots in Hollywierd making heroes from this group of fools. It will probably come out as a love story between gays or transgenders (or some such) battling the forces of evil (a bigoted group of white males). I betcha.
Classic socialist nut-case. Create a riot and then play the victim. When will we learn to shun these folk and condemn their actions? How is it possible that this hideous communist now occupies one of the seats of power in our government?
So let me see if I’ve got this right: he’s a she because he identifies as such. Using that logic then he is a hamster because I identify him as such. Ok, got it. What if I begin to identify whole groups of folk as something other than what they actually are? What if I identify others as sub-human? Using this idiots logic I’m free of the burden of science and rationality and can do as I damn well choose.
Those on the violent left would much prefer that we roll over and stay mum as they throw one ridiculous proposition after another out into the public square. When we do push back the topic of their outrage instantly changes into a argument about class, privilege, or race. Unfortunately this is a tactic that more often than nay works. We are immediately put on the defensive and the issue now turns to one where we can no longer effectively argue.
So here is how to win against this herd; put out the race card first. If the topic is ‘cattle farts cause global warming’ the very first point you should make is that they (the person you want to hamstring) want to harm people of color. State it. As they attempt to recover and before they can complete a sentence ask them why they hate black people so much. While they are still reeling tell them you don’t argue with racists and then walk away. It’s not a fair way to fight, but there is no shame in using their tools against them.
I’m firmly against any type or Red Flag Law that could restrict gun ownership. This ass-hat, however, makes me wonder if my position is tenable. TDS is all of it’s glory!