Problem Solved !

This is the face of the evil that seeks to tell us how to live and how/who to worship. Europe may want to welcome him and his lot into their socialist hell, but (thanks to Trunp) he’ll never find a home in America.
Imagine for a moment if the dems were successful in opening our immigration system for the free flow of terrorists ‘refugees’, any doubt what future our nation would have?
The look you get when an absolute idiot from the Bronx steals your thunder. I didn’t think you could do stupid better than Auntie Maxine, but Occasional Cortex has proven me wrong.
Why anyone would have one of these government devices in their home is beyond me.
From the Daily Mail (here): Smart assistants could soon come with a ‘moral AI’ to decide whether to report their owners for breaking the law. That’s the suggestion of academics at who say that household gadgets like the Amazon Echo and Google Home should be enhanced with ethical smart software. This would let them to weigh-up whether to report illegal activity to the police, effectively putting millions of people under constant surveillance.
Researchers suggested that digital assistants should possess an ethical awareness that simultaneously represents both the owner and the authorities – or, in the case of a minor, their parents. Devices would then have an internal ‘discussion’ about suspect behavior, weighing up conflicting demands between the law and personal freedoms, before arriving at the ‘best’ course of action.
Meet Nebraska State Sen. Ernie Chambers (I-Omaha). Ernie likes to refer to the American flag as “a rag” and compares it to a swastika.
Chambers made the comments during a floor speech where he was criticizing a bill, LB 399, which would update civics requirements in the state’s schools to improve student literacy “in civics, history, economics, financial literacy, and geography.”
“I don’t come here for this rag every day, and it’s a rag. That’s all it is to me,” Chambers said, referring to the American flag. “When you show a way to persuade Jews to sanctify and worship the swastika, when you show me that I’ll come up here and stand while you all hypocritically pretend that rag is something that it definitely is not.”
Chambers represents parts of Omaha and has served in their senate since 1971. He’s been doing this same shit for 48 years.
A well written article at Breitbart. talks to the amazing disappearance of the AOC’s GND FAQ’s. It is hard to believe the idiots tugging at the levers of power within our country. The article reads (in part):
“The Green New Deal was announced on Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s website on Tuesday, February 5, accompanied by a set of talking points presented as “Frequently Asked Questions.” Of course, no one could be “frequently asking questions” about a plan that did not previously exist, but politicians long ago hijacked computer lingo to package their talking points as “FAQ sheets” to give the impression that everyone is buzzing about whatever idea the politician is pushing.
Ocasio-Cortez apparently did not like the buzz that erupted around her Green New Deal FAQ, because she scrubbed it from her website on Thursday, February 7 after 48 hours of ridicule and alarm. “
Not seen in my neck of the woods and it’s why I live in rural Tennessee. A society that allows this to persist, that allows their children to be exposed to this madness, will not long endure. I expect that there will soon be tremendous conflict between those portions of the nation that promote this insanity and those that recognize it as a sickness. As for my part, I’m just here for the show.
While surfing earlier I stumbled across a black nationalist (?) website that some poor downtrodden soul felt should be dedicated to criticizing the white race/culture. I cannot suggest that anyone emulate a race that is not their own, but strongly suggest that, even with the risk of being slammed for cultural appropriation, these folk undertake a careful examination of the features/benefits of various cultures and select one (or some) that have the potential to yield greater fruit than the one they seem to be so stuck in. I’ll not do you the disservice (and them the benefit) of naming the site where this graphic was found
We don’t see much of this out here in rural Tennessee. Every once in a while one of these idiots will take a wrong turn and wander into the area.
They don’t spring naturally from the environment, they are tweaked/warped into the creatures they have become by a society that encourages and reinforces their sickness.
Folks out here just don’t raise their children in a way that warps them so badly that they grow to accept the bizarre as acceptable or rational.
Unfortunately this will get worse, much worse, as the line that circumscribes moral and just behavior further fades. This is one of the many reasons that I live in rural Tennessee
20. “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great. We have not reached greatness.” — CNN host Andrew Cuomo
19. “And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.” – Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.)
18. “‘Don’t vote for the ching-chong!” —Detroit Rep. Bettie Cook Scott on Asian opponent
17. “‘But I can’t afford to pay my employees $15 an hour! I’d go out of business!’ Then go out of business. If you can’t afford to pay a #livingwage & make payroll, you shouldn’t be in business. It’s not your workers’ responsibility to subsidize your sh*tty business #FightFor15” —Civil rights activist Danielle Muscato
16. “I’m sorry, I know he lost his eye in war, or whatever.”— Pete Davidson on SNL mocks ex-SEAL Dan Crenshaw who lost his eye to an IED
15. “You’re a slave to free thinking.” — Blogger Perez Hilton
14. “Time for us white male Christians to take a step back and give power to others, and make ourselves dispensable.” —Political consultant Matthew Dowd
13. “They’ll say, ‘Well, I’m not racist. I just voted for him because I didn’t like Hillary Clinton.’ And I just want to say that’s not — that doesn’t make you not racist. It actually makes you racist.” — CNN analyst Kirsten Powers
12. “Never trust anyone who doesn’t regularly french kiss animals.” — Actor Lena Dunham
11. “Guess who’s perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. I just want to say to the men in this country, just shut up! And step up. Do the right thing for a change.” — Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii)
10. “Divorce your Republican husbands.” – Attorney Jill Filipovic
9. “Almost every single person I’ve ever heard of with an AR-15 has been a mass murderer.” — Author Nina Burleigh
8. “There’s a new axis of evil: Russia, Saudi Arabia — and the United States.” – New York Times columnist Paul Krugman
7. “The next Supreme Court justice should be an illegal immigrant.” — Maxine Waters
6. “White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through.” — Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
5. “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.” — CNN host Don Lemon
4. ” We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant @sshole she is married to.” — Actor Peter Fonda
3. “The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen. There is no definition of consent that would include that scenario.” — Minnesota State University associate professor Eric Sprankle
2. “I have noticed that [Trump] Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up. Please, keep it coming Jr – it’s definitely a ‘very, very large brain’ idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month. ” — Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)
1. “If you see anybody from that [Trump] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” — Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.)
A mass of articles have appeared at Breitbart that demonstrate how far we have fallen. A couple of note are:
The former vice chancellor at the University of Missouri argued during depositions that it is sexual assault for a tall male student to ask a short female student out on a date. She argued that male University of Missouri students should call the Title IX office before asking a female out on a date to determine whether or not they had a “legitimate purpose,” a turn of phrase from the university’s student handbook that determines whether or not an act constitutes harassment. Full story.
A report from Reason reveals not a single New Jersey resident has surrendered their “high capacity” magazines to state police since the implementation of the magazine ban. Not one, not a single person in the state obeyed the law ! Story here
Then there is this: Organizers who had been planning to hold a California Women’s March in January have now canceled the event, claiming the attendees would have been “overwhelmingly white.”. White is terrible, and any event that has two much white should be outlawed. Story here
Eight years ago, the California High-Speed Rail Authority estimated it would cost $332 million to acquire the route spanning the Central Valley’s orchards, vineyards, dairies and cities. Obviously that ain’t what’s happening.
The process has proven far more legally tangled. The 1,900 properties in the Central Valley are now budgeted at $1.5 billion, part of the reason the project is 13 years behind schedule and at $44 billion over budget.
There are fights about farm wells and trellises, the price of nut trees separate from the land and the emotional value of land held by families for more than a century.
There is only one judge that settles these many disputes, 85 year old Edward Ross. Once a month he drives 200 miles to preside over these land disputes. For some reason every Kings County Superior Court judge has refused to hear the cases — citing unspecified “personal reasons.
You can read what an unholy mess has been created by California’s quest for a useless rail system here.
As seen at Breitbart: Representative-elect Occasional Cortex cannot even name the three branches of the federal government as shown while she spoke on a video conference call with prospective left-wing candidates on Saturday.
“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress — uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,”
Contrary to this moonbats claim, the U.S. government is divided into branches and not chambers. From my youth: executive, judicial and legislative.
When it comes to mugshots, they are upping their game in Florida.
On the right is Lawrence Sullivan, a 30-year-old tattoo model from the Miami area. He was arrested for violating probation on a 2017 firearms violation.
I can’t tell you who the Neckman actually is, but wherever he is, I will be not.