A Civics Lesson for the Cortex

As seen at Breitbart:  Representative-elect Occasional Cortex cannot even name the three branches of the federal government as shown while she spoke on a video conference call with prospective left-wing candidates on Saturday.

“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress — uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House,”

Contrary to this moonbats claim, the U.S. government is divided into branches and not chambers.  From my youth: executive, judicial and legislative.

One Reply to “A Civics Lesson for the Cortex”

  1. She well represents those with their heads filled with oatmeal. They were taught to be that way, they refuse to be less ignorant than boxes of rocks, and have no clue of how many just like them moldered in mass graves, before they were covered by the bulldozers.

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