Most of the problems we have in this nation flow from the same root cause. vanity. What other mindset could cause the walls and halls of our ‘servants’ to be so ornately adorned.

Buildings with grand halls filled with granite and furnished with bronze statuary of the noble and elect.

I’ve heard all of the arguments that suggest that these spaces represent our proud nation and they should inspire all who view them to great and noble deeds. Bullshit.
These are the trappings of power, physical manifestations of the belief by our betters that they are worthy of such exaltation.
As a nation we’re going to pay a heavy price for allowing our elected leaders to become so vainglorious. In these ‘hallowed halls’ the distinction between R and D fades to grey. No rational policy or practice flows from from a political body so self-aggrandizing.
That’s my rant. Forget that I brought it up and have another round of Soma on the house.