Looks like someone didn’t get enough attention as a child. Oh, bye the way, this is why kool-aid is getting harder and harder to find over time.
Looks like someone didn’t get enough attention as a child. Oh, bye the way, this is why kool-aid is getting harder and harder to find over time.
Never the city to be outdone, Philly exploded last night. It seems like Ground Hod Day in Democrat Land: thug chases folk around with a knife, po-po intervene and become the target, shots are fired, tears are shed and then the same old refrain begins to play.
So now, ever the mindful of the ‘don’t let a good crisis go to waste’ lexicon, here is what folk in Antifa land are circulating:
First, tuffshit: Sorry his ‘take-a-knee, better than thee’ ass caught a cold. Now for the bullshit: 23 paragraphs talk to what a tragedy it is that the Kung Flu infected such a brave (and fit) soul as Ryquell……except the first paragraph of the article says that he doesn’t have it.
Is it so bad and so contagious that we now have to make up cases to frighten folk?
From Yahoo: On Sunday, ESPN reported that Jacksonville Jaguars running back Ryquell Armstead is expected to miss the rest of this season due to COVID-19 complications. It should be noted neither Armstead nor the Jaguars have confirmed he contracted the virus, but he has reportedly been hospitalized twice and continues to struggle with “significant respiratory issues” among other problems.
It was only a matter of time before this happened with an NFL player.
An optimist would believe that this could change minds, but it’s hard to be much of an optimist these days.
Armstead is just a few days shy of his 24th birthday. At his NFL scouting combine less than two years ago, he ran a 4.45-second 40-yard dash, put up the 225-pound bench press 22 times and showed off a 7.02-second three-cone.
The point is, he’s fit.
And young.
Just the type of human being some of us are repeatedly told on social media who won’t be affected by COVID. It’s implied that we shouldn’t be concerned whether human beings like Armstead contract the virus because they’ll be fine.
Another 16 paragraphs follow that attempt to generate fear and panic. Again, the entire article begins by stating that he/they have not confirmed they are infected with anything (other than an out-sized sense of privilege.
These folk in Washington must be absolutely twisted. In what universe does one abandon their means of self defense when the environment turns iffy? Let me see if I have this right; assholes are raging through the city…..they are assaulting people and damaging their property…..disarm yourselves for the sake of society!!
Deserving of the Darwin Award in the ‘Stupid City Folk’ category.
Your betters lay down the law
It’s amazingly interesting that once ‘white’ is added to the slogan then it’s all about racism and Nazi’s.
If the question was (and remains):
Then in Portland the answer must be:
But the question should have been: ‘Where are all the black folk at?” And the answer to that is written on the faces of those that have been arrested: “Anywhere but with these fools”!
A quick look at the last presidential go-round pollster shit show may be both enlightening and encouraging. I stripped this from Breitbart, in every instance the ‘by x points’ figure represents how many points the Hilderbeast was leading the Orange Man by. The date is the 2016 day that the poll was released. Same shit, different day.
1. PRRI/Brookings on October 19: by 15 points
2. NBC/Wall Street Journal October 10: by 14 points
3. AP October 26: by 14 points
4. Monmouth University October 17: by 12 points
5. ABC October 23: by 12 points
6. Atlantic/PRRI October 9: by 11 points
7. Saint Leo University October 26: by 11 points
8. USA Today/Suffolk University on October 27: by 10 points
9. Fairleigh Dickinson University on October 6: by 10 points
10. SurveyUSA/Boston Globe on October 14: by 10 points
11. CBS on October 17: by nine points
12. Bloomberg on October 19: by nine points
13. CNBC on October 27: by nine points
What’s really great is the links to the polls, in many cases, have really smug narratives on how and why the hag was trouncing Trump. Hilarity abounds.
It never occurred to me that some folk have servants follow them around with brushes and pallets where they mix and match colors to paint you in the best possible light.
I did notice that the little lady that is brushing on Harry is gazing into his eyes. Looks like she’s infatuated. I wonder how long before this scandal prone pair sparks another.
BLM is going to have a blast with this. Pay up or you’ll be reported!
I heard General Keane on Fox this morning trying to school the Trumpster on the error of his ways. Seems that Trump is going to bring home the folk in Afghanistan by Christmas. Keane kept touting a ‘conditions based withdrawal’. He said that the leverage we have over the Taliban goes away with a unilateral withdrawal. He kept saying that we would not be able to get them to agree to several things that we want if we withdraw.
Here is some late breaking news. When you adhere to a ‘conditions based withdrawal’ scheme it gives the Taliban the ability to control your actions (not the other way around). In other words they would now control when we left because they controlled the conditions. Because they are the aggressors, it also puts them in the position of deciding where/when we had to fight and at what level of intensity. Finally, because we were dumping truck-loads of cash into the country they became more interested in keeping us in the country and collecting the cash than in ending the violence.
I can’t believe that our senior military leaders are so friggin stupid. But then again, they make their bucks by fighting wars not bringing peace.
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I just cannot understand what thoughts go through a mind that would result in folk humiliating themselves so.
That moment when you realize the creepy old man has chosen you to sniff.
Nancy purges her cache about halfway through this set. All cannot be well.
Is there nothing that occurs in the mind of man that does not warrant violence in the streets?
Only a complete ass would ramble on on a topic he knows absolutely nothing about.