I guarantee that this shit is not going to end well. There is a fresh hell that flows from dicking around in places where the downside is neither understood nor constrained.
Here is the story-line: Chinese scientists have created pig monkey hybrids – paving the way to a future in which human organs could be custom-grown in animals for transplant.
“This is the first report of full-term monkey-pig chimeras”, Tang Hai at the State Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology in Beijing told New Scientist.
The animals had only a small amount of monkey DNA – concentrated in the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and skin cells. The team is now trying to create healthy animals with a higher proportion of monkey cells, says Hai.
While the long-term goal is to incubate human-compatible organs in pig hosts, the team chose to develop the technique using monkey cells first.
This is at the result of criticism around work done by Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte’s team at California’s Salk Institute in 2017. In that case pig-human hybrids were created but concerns were raised that the animals could have partly human brains. Belmonte’s team is now working in China, while a rival team is working on a project to create a mouse with a brain made entirely of human cells.
It would be funny if it were not true. Europe is so hosed.
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It’s important to you that others buy into your fantasy because it somehow makes you feel ‘validated’. Damn, I really hate to say it, but I couldn’t give a rats ass whether you feel validated or not.
Sorry buddy, I’m not responsible for whatever demons you’ve introduced into your life and into our society. You’ve got to live with that nightmare on your own.
I’ve got some unwelcome news for this asshat; while your past service is admirable, you didn’t serve in the Middle East because you decided to keep the barbarians from the gates, you served there because you were told to go.
Crenshaw has a bias towards war and is too blind (no pun intended) to see that we are being manipulated by far away dictators who desire that our nations treasure be used as fodder to satisfy their quest for greater wealth and power.
It occurs to me that I may be the only one in the country that is NOT on the board of directors. Guess I’m missing out on the free cash.