Two Americas

John Edwards, the politician from NC that ran for President a few cycles ago, had a well developed pitch about ‘Two Americas’. His line of propaganda divided the nation between the have’s and the have-nots. His little speel worked well until he got caught hanging pipe with his photographer and taking 300 dollar haircuts on the airport tarmac.

I’d like to suggest that. while Edwards had it completely wrong about how he divided his ‘Two Americas’, there is indeed two separate realities in this country. Nolte over at Breitbart did an excellent job of piecing together the various data points that well demonstrates our two nations paradigm. First, here is the reality (as shown on Breitbart) that most of the people in our country experience:

It sure must suck to be a sane citizen in a democratic stronghold. A typical urban world looks like:

My rural world looks like (courtesy Nolte’s article):

Nolte has put together a damn good (and lengthy) compare/contrast on the two realities that are America. Link is here and a snippet of his lead in is below:

If I had to boil down the political wisdom I’ve learned over four decades of observing, studying, writing, and debating, it would be this…

Life in Rural America (which is where Republican Trump voters live and govern), is clean, safe and racially tolerant. Most places in America where life is dirty, polluted, dangerous, violent, and plagued with racial hate and race riots, are cities that are almost exclusively populated by and governed by Democrats.

Outside of these Democrat-run cities, America is peaceful, safe, clean, and racially tolerant.

What’s more, if you remove these Democrat-run cities from our national statistics, you will find an America that is overwhelmingly peaceful, safe, clean, and racially tolerant.

Nevertheless, Democrats and their fake-media allies still blame Republicans for all of their problems.

According to them, it is Republicans who are responsible for racism, pollution, and gun violence — even though, out here where we all live, our air, water, and streets are safe and clean… We all own guns, but where we live there is no gun violence crisis… We are all supposed to be racists and responsible for all the hate crimes, but out here where we all live, there is no hate crime crisis.

Now, there will be exceptions, but those exceptions only serve to prove the rule. Let me lay this out for you…

It’s a good read and chock full of data and reference points. But you know that no matter how much truth and proof you throw at the lunatics in their inner city hell, they are just to fuckin stupid to understand. Their lot in life not mine.

On Island Or Off?

Sometimes—actually more often than I care to admit—I feel like I’m living in that one Kurt Vonnegut novel where the lead character believes he is the only real person on earth and everyone else is just some construct placed on earth for his entertainment or to give his life context.

In what world—let me restate that: in what real world—would Bill (Intern) Clinton pair up with Kamala (Knees) Harris to lead a discussion on ‘Empowering Women and Girls’.  I know this is a gag (pun intended), right?  I mean if you were going to ask the horn-dog anything would it not be about the 27 trips he took with Epstein and, perhaps, an explanation of just exactly goes on at Pedophile Isle?

I cannot think of two more-worser scumbags to have a young girl take advice from      

Requiem For A Nation

I’ve been off-line for a little more than a month.  I didn’t post so often and so wildly that a well deserved break was warranted and, no, it’s not a swarm of doldrums that held me at bay.  I’ve been off-line in deep thought about the future of mankind.  The good news for readers is that I don’t do the ‘deep thoughts worthy of lengthy narration’ type of thought, I’m more the ‘let’s just jump to the bottom line:  we’re fucked’ type of deep thinker.

Shit is rapidly going sideways and there is not a damn thing that can be done about it.  This nation alone could have halted the world-wide slide into tyranny and subjugation.  Coulda, woulda, shouda be damned, we’ve crossed the tipping point as a nation and will now never be able to recapture the moment when rights and freedoms outweighed the ‘good of the masses’. 

The time of man’s reign has ended, now comes the time of the gimmedats.  The gimmedat era is the precursor to thousands of years of oppression.  The endless march of technology ensures the oppression will be both enforceable and complete. 

It seems appropriate to do a little fiddlin as Rome burns.

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes again

Can you picture what will be?
So limitless and free
Desperately in need
Of some stranger’s hand
In a desperate land

Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

There’s danger on the edge of town
Ride the King’s Highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake, he’s long, seven miles
Ride the snake
He’s old and his skin is cold
The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here and we’ll do the rest
The blue bus is calling us
The blue bus is calling us
Driver, where you taking us?

The killer awoke before dawn
He put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door
And he looked inside
“Father?” “Yes, son?” “I want to kill you”
“Mother? I want to…”

Come on baby, take a chance with us
Come on baby, take a chance with us
Come on baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Of the blue bus, on the blue bus, on the blue bus

(Note:  I shit-canned the 19 Fu** on 17 lines)

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free
But you’ll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end

Fine Tuning the Gene Pool

People with learning disabilities are still being given do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders in England despite widespread condemnation of the practice leading to an investigation by the Care Quality Commission (CQQ).

Charity, Mencap, told The Guardian that many with learning disabilities were told they would not be resuscitated if they got ill from COVID-19 without their or their family’s consent in January. A DNR is a medical order instructing health care providers not to do CPR if a patient stops breathing or heart stops.

Mencap CEO Edel Harris told The Guardian: “Throughout the pandemic, many people with a learning disability have faced shocking discrimination and obstacles to accessing healthcare, with inappropriate Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) notices put on their files and cuts made to their social care support.”

Here is the question that needs to be asked: How the fuck would the care provider know the patient has a learning disability?

Timely? Certainly Appropriate

Come gather ’round people Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters Around you have grown
And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you Is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’
Or you’ll sink like a stone

For the times they are a-changin’.

Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who That it’s namin’.
For the loser now Will be later to win

For the times they are a-changin’.

Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside And it is ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls

For the times they are a-changin’.

Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land
And don’t criticize What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command
Your old road is Rapidly agin’.
Please get out of the new one If you can’t lend your hand

For the times they are a-changin’.

The line it is drawn The curse it is cast
The slow one now Will later be fast
As the present now Will later be past
The order is Rapidly fadin’.
And the first one now Will later be last

For the times they are a-changin’.

It’s Not The Remembering, It’s What’s Remembered

Our present batch of brainiacs are rewriting history so quickly that the time will shortly come when the ‘lessons of the past’ will be based on a fantasy. Future generations will not only be indoctrinated on how history unfolded, but also on how they should interpret and internalize whatever crap is being passed off as knowledge.

For my part I’m troubled with a false past masquerading as a historical reality. I’m not upset because I’m a purest or because history holds a special place in my heart (for the most part I could care less), rather I’m pissed because manipulating history changes the lessons history provides and gives cover/validity to those who’s want is to destroy the nation and enslave it’s people. I’ll venture to say, however, that 80+ percent of folk in this nation could not live without the enslavement they currently enjoy anyway.

Rewriting gives tyrants new tools to corrupt the weak minded. It makes it far easier to claim the high ground and proclaim themselves the harbingers of a bright new future where ‘equality, right, truth and justice’ prevail. The weak are just fine with the death and destruction that flows from a fantasy sold wholesale , as long at it’s your death and not their own.

All of this is made possible by a population that has abandoned the intent of their now demonized founders and turned their back on the moral compass the founders provided for the young nation.

Of Two Minds

Breitbart ran a story about how the British government is “flying blind” on immigration and have found that they have an extra 1.25 million folk materialize without any explanation. “We don’t know who’s arriving or leaving, who’s here, or where they are,” .

I think that knowing who is in your neighborhood is generally a good idea. In troubled times it’s more important than in calm, but I have that sneaky feeling that governments are all about creating troubling times so that they might exercise power that otherwise would have been unwarranted.

When the border went wacko, so did our society. There was a time in Merica when the border was strong and there was no profit in tracking a man from year to year, month to month, birth to death (and then register the plot where he was buried). Your comings and going, like your life, were your own business.

Those days are over and will remain a footnote in history unless nationalism once again becomes a welcomed term and we become a nation capable of constraining the onslaught of migrating hoards. I personally think that we’ve passed the point where we could turn things around. That’s a GD shame. I really loved this country and it appears as if it is gone; gobbled up by the Landoleeres.

Perhaps God has a great reset planned a little further down the slip-stream of time. If he does I hope some future manly-men crank up a new nation that has some semblance to what our fore fathers tried to whip up, seems to me that was a pretty good idea.

From Whole Cloth

I guess the run that the moral majority enjoyed here in Am Murica is well over, now comes the days of the Orcs. It wasn’t that long ago when headlining an article captioned as below would have been unthinkable. Now the dark side has become so emboldened that they don’t even pretend to conceal the hatred they have for Christians.

It’s a neat trick the author/publisher is playing with the words and image. They would have the weak minded believe that the ‘Christian Nationalist’ (those folk who believe that God shines his light on America) are barbarians, anti-democratic, and are subverting (‘working quietly to take America’) the government to satisfy their own wants. It really is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Lies made from whole cloth.


Here is a nifty little lead into an article published in Politico:

“The deadly siege of the Capitol in Washington, which sought to overturn a legitimate election by targeting lawmakers with assassination, was not the first attempted insurrection in American history”

Damn, ‘targeting lawmakers with assassination’ sounds like some serious shit. You know, once I think about it a little bit, it sure seems like the ‘assassins’ were kinda fucking inept if their goal was to assassinate lawmakers. They not only didn’t kill a single one, they never fired a shot or swung an axe!

These folk are going to keep beating that drum and blowing on the insurrection trumpet long enough and loud enough to really set things alight!

Y’all keep safe out there.

Wild Wild West | Sleepless in Seattle

Who the hell is running? Murder suspect Travis Berge had racked up over 100 police contacts, dozens of civil infractions, and 47 criminal cases, one an attempted rape, in the five years he lived in Seattle. On September 18, he was found dead at the bottom of a 10-foot deep tank filled with 50 gallons of a 12% bleach solution. Why wasn’t he in jail long ago?

Earlier in the day, the fire department and police were called to Cal Anderson Park, near the former, now-infamous, “CHOP zone” to tend to an “unresponsive female” found in a makeshift shelter there.

Their efforts were unsuccessful. She was pronounced dead at the scene, victim of a homicide. Witnesses on the scene explained that the woman and Berge had a domestic relationship. Initial observations indicate she was beaten to death.

Police were then made aware that someone had broken into the pump house on the west side of the park. They went to the location, where they found Berge. He barricaded himself inside, and a four hour long standoff ensued.

After a SWAT team arrived, police entered the building and discovered Berge’s body at the bottom of a tank filled with 50 gallons of bleach, used to treat the city’s drinking water supply.

Thus ended the criminal career and reign of terror imposed on the people of Seattle by Travis Berge. Significantly, the criminal courts and justice system in Seattle had nothing to do with it.

That’s how the criminal justice system seems to “work” in Seattle. Unless the criminal solves the problem himself or herself, the problem continues.

Changing Times

The festival was over, the boys were all plannin’ for a fall,
The cabaret was quiet except for the drillin’ in the wall.
The curfew had been lifted and the gamblin’ wheel shut down,
Anyone who had any sense had already left town.

–Bob Dylan

I’m thinking that I need to become emotionally detached. That just may keep my head from exploding.

Joe Biden is planning to sign dozens of executive orders later this week and in doing so crushes some of Orange Mans favorite policies.  Three main areas are addressed:  immigration, climate change, and the kung flu.

Specifically he plans on rescinding the travel ban on sand people, rejoining the Paris climate scam, and mandate the wear of masks on federal property or during interstate travel.  I suppose this would include wearing a mask in your new sparky vehicles.

But, but, but, what about fixin raaaaaysim?  Ron Klain says:  “These actions will change the course of COVID-19, combat climate change, promote racial equity and support other underserved communities, and rebuild our economy in ways that strengthen the backbone of this country: the working men and women who built our nation,”

On the second day in office, Plugs  will sign executive actions on Covid-19, including ways to help schools and business reopen safely (flooding the education unions with cash), expand testing, protect workers and establish clearer public health standards.

They say on the third day he will ‘direct his Cabinet to work on delivering economic relief to families most affected by the crisis.’  I wonder who these folk might be and what form the economic relief might take?

In the days that follow he will expand the Buy America provisions, by ”taking action to advance “equity and support communities of color,”.  He will tinker with the criminal justice system, push for single payer, and reunite families separated at the border (I assume this means that if a family member got through during the last round of insanity, the balance of the clan just hit the lottery. 

That’s a lot to accomplish in a few short days, wonder what this place is going to look like in a couple of years?

A Mid-Week Rant

All of these national level gyrations have served to get folk ‘woked up’ to just how fragile our society is. Our once shared perception of higher societal ideals such as liberty, freedom, self sufficiency, and personal independence have been scrapped. They have been replaced by other lofty ideals such as ‘social justice’ and ‘equality’. These are much more powerful terms and they can be wielded (unlike liberty/freedom) by tyrants large and small to satisfy their personal ambitions and quests for power.

What good comes from gaining a fortune from developing software for tweets and sharing timelines if you cannot use that fortune for shaping a more ‘just and equitable’ world. When Jack kicks the President of the United States off of his platform and threatens to do the same to half of the nation, with impunity, we’ve got a problem. When Jeff de-platforms a new and struggling social media firm that allows speech that he disagrees with without consequence, we are all fucked. There is not a politician anywhere on the left side of the spectrum that is not leveraging ‘social justice and equality’ into a term of office that makes them more equal.

On the other end of the spectrum, the causes of social justice and equality give purpose to lives that otherwise really have no meaning. What the hell do all of the young folk living in an urban environment dream of accomplishing? They can easily attach themselves to ‘the cause’ because it’s about the only game in town. Their self worth is wrapped up in their level of commitment and sacrifice to assist the ‘downtrodden’. That boys and girls is why all those BLM marches are filled with white faces.

All of these ills are visited upon a people who’s lives have grown far to soft and, paradoxically, who’s lives are relegated to the stone and streets of an inner city. Were these folks to lose power and water for a few weeks, that entire social justice blather would immediately dissipate.

Our Oh-Shit Moment

I don’t think that at this time last week anyone really thought our society would go so south so quickly.  The coms channels are quashing speech, truth, ideas.  Virtually every news station in the nation spewing propaganda, purge lists are being drawn up, evil rises. 

All the bad shit witnessed in the last week is just the beginning. Once the rush of raw power flows over them every left leaning ass in the country will be demanding retribution for any number of perceived wrongs.  Those demands will fall on welcoming ears.

This is the ‘oh shit’ moment for the country; the great purge nears, history is to be rewritten, wrong-thinkers punished, society restructured.  

The world is a dangerous place and more than one adversary would like nothing more than a weakened and vulnerable America.  Their desire to dominate never falters, never fails.  It’s an itch that cannot be scratched.

Another Memory Flushed

Breitbart has an article titled Blue State Blues: Joe Biden and the Democrats Want Retribution, not Reconciliation. While the guys over at that rag normally have a pretty good take on whats what with the vermin that inhabit the hall of power, in this case I think they misread exactly what is going on. Those entrenched in that Gomorrah want both their pound of flesh from the man that dared challenge them and they want to set an example so sever that no one will ever dare challenge them again. On anything. On taxes, on statehood for DC, on reparations, on anything. Raise your voice and you will be steamrolled.

They, with the settling of the Georgia question, have felt the extreme rush that only overwhelming power can bring to the psyche and no power on hell or earth will keep them from their next hit of that toxin.

As for the sins of the MAGA, those who are salivating at the crushing of Trump are quick to forget (or more probably ignore) the lefts rampage in Wisconsin’s capital (and other sundry locales) in the not to distant past.

It seems that what was not only perfectly acceptable conduct (and perhaps even laudable patriotic conduct) is now not only unacceptable but rises to the level of tyranny. Amazingly those on the left, including many who banged the drum and lifted their voice in Wisconsin, have fallen for the false outrage spewing forth from those drunk on the influence of power.

Note to self: This is going to end well. After a long and costly spicy time it will end well.

“The People’s House”

Things went south real quick at Sodom on the Potomac. Yet another expensive lesson on how complete the delusion is: the Peoples House my ass.

Was this the first volley or simply a one off? Will future generations remember those who perished as patriots or as malcontents?

Thoughts and prayers go to the family and friends of those gunned down.

First Out-Ah-Da Chute | Did You See This Coming?

“As House Speaker, I am proud to announce the creation of the new, bipartisan Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth, which will be an essential force in Congressional Democrats’ action to combat the crisis of income and wealth disparity in America.  It is molded after the mission of the Temporary National Economic Committee, founded by President Roosevelt and the Congress after the Great Depression to study and combat the concentration of wealth in America and its role in triggering economic collapse. 

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is seeking reparations and more for black Americans as a result of slavery.  Yesterday she submitted H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act.  Her goal with the legislation is to study how slavery impacts our country today and to develop a monetary payout.  The commission will explore reparations for black Americans and how to get white folk to apologize for their sins as a part of atonement.

2020 was rough, but at the end of the year we saw hope on the horizon. Will we be as optimistic in December of 2021?

That Hell Called Chicago

It’s really hard for those of us that live in flyover country to understand how it is that folk in the socialist stronghold of Chicago manage to retain any dignity or sense of self worth. You would have thought that the dictatorial mayor and criminal political operatives would have been enough to cause a rational people to rally and rail against the injustice; I guess that’s just not the Chicago way.

Now, that unholy alliance consisting of the ‘aldermen’ and the teachers union have decided that it does not matter if the population wants the schools opened or not, they won’t allow it unless an entire laundry list of conditions are met; not the least of which is ‘increasing equity for students’. The list? Here goes:

  • Establish and promote clear public health criteria and a detailed testing and contact-tracing plan
  • Improve internet access and connection     
  • Reduce screen time, especially for younger students
  • Strengthen hybrid-learning plans
  • Give advance notice to social workers, speech therapists and other clinicians about returning students, those opting for remote learning, or both
  • Provide timely and transparent decisions on accommodations, including those under the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Offer clearer guidelines on paid leave
  • Provide regular public updates on the 2,000 employees to be hired for pandemic-related responsibilities

A union attorney has said that members have a right to work in a safe environment. “We expect a lot of members will invoke that right,” he said, adding. “This isn’t a strike. We haven’t called for a strike. We’re not saying we’re refusing to work … (we’re) willing and available to continue working remotely”.

He’s right, it’s not a strike: It’s blackmail.

“If CPS responds by taking draconian measures, that could result in our entire membership deciding they want to engage in a work stoppage.”

Do they have all of the exits blocked in Chicago? Are there any freedom loving people remaining in lefty land?

First Thought For The New Year

Be prepared!

Man is born gentle and weak | At death he is hard and stiff.
Green plants are tender | At death they are withered and dry.

Stiff and unbending is the disciple of death.
The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.

A tree that is unbending is easily broken.
An army without flexibility never wins.

Bastardized from the Art of War

I Can Understand

We’ve a couple of days left in what has been a disastrous year. The year 2020 will pass chronologically but ‘years’, much like the genetic matter in plants and animals, influence the generations that follow. All of the crap that happened in 2020 is now a part of the American DNA. BLM, Flatten the Curve–Keep Your Nasty Ass At Home, Stolen Elections, Hunter Biden’s escape from justice, Impeachment, Social Justice, Historical Erasures, Toppled Statutes, Defund Whomever, etc. are now an American experience.

What a basket of shit we’ve allowed ourselves to become! I can’t help but think that like an elastic band stretched too tightly our society might snap, and in doing so obliterate the ties that bind. For the socialists/anarchists/leftists who have dreamed and worked to overthrow America, the change you dream of and worked for is coming. And with it comes the fury of millions whose future you’ve placed at risk.

A little gene splicing seems in order. I’m not saying we should begin a 2nd Civil War, I’m just saying I can understand those who say we should.

As Chris Rock would say:

A Civil Society

How can we explain the vigor these folk exhibit in their attacks if not the hate for white folk. This 17 percent of the population had better hope that the balance of our society doesn’t chose to reciprocate. Could this cold civil war go hot?.

An American Future

I ran across this at the BRM’s site and could not quit watching it. It’s absolutely incomprehensible to me that folk would allow their world to degrade to the point where they fear so completely the city in which they live.

I feel a little naive for having posted all of the ‘the sky will soon be falling’ warnings when for some, the SHTF moment arrived some few years back. What they should know, but obviously don’t, is that no one is coming to help.

We should all learn from their terrible circumstances.

Lulled Into Complacency?

The author of this piece talks to the 10 things that happen after a societal collapse. I had been thinking they were ‘leading indicators’. Almost all ten of these things have happened in the last year, it’s just that they haven’t happened all at the same time (or in the same place).

Are we close to ‘spicy time’?

That Bastion of Freedom and Liberty: New York

All big cities politicians come to power on the promise of a payout.  For the most part they keep their promises; raiding the public treasury to reward, withholding to punish.  When the treasury runs low they borrow against the future, bleeding the yet unborn to satisfy the lusts of the present.  All goes well until the future arrives.

It seems that the pyramid scheme known as the NY Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) has been running on borrowed time from some good while now:  $16 Billion of borrowed time.  Not to worry, the ‘Covid Funding’ working it’s way to federal fruition will (supposedly) settle the matter. There is little time to waste though, if this crisis is to be fully capitalized and those blood suckers within the NY City Council are, if nothing else, experts at leveraging crisis for gain.

This from Brietbart:

Assemblyman Robert Carroll proposed the bill, which would require New York City residents to pay a $3 fee for packages delivered to their homes as many businesses remain shuttered as a result of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.  Carroll believes his proposal could help the MTA, with the surcharge generating over $1 billion per year.

In a joint op-ed with John Samuelsen, the International President of the Transport Workers Union, Carroll said the MTA is in need of a bailout from Washington, but contends that it alone will not suffice.

“The MTA’s latest forecast pegs its deficits through 2024 at a staggeringly high figure: $16.2 billion. As been widely reported, COVID has decimated ridership and other sources of transit funding. Only the federal government can deliver on such a huge scale,” they wrote, adding that MTA will need “more than a one-shot infusion of federal money to keep it safe, reliable and readily available for millions of daily riders.”

“There is one option that would raise more than $1 billion a year for the city’s subway and bus system — while also supporting small businesses and protecting the environment,” they continued, introducing Carroll’s $3 surcharge proposal.

Anytime, A N Y T I M E, the head of a union and a politician work together to solve a problem you can bet your last dollar that a new scheme has been launched that separates a population from their treasure. 

What If Japan Had Just Stayed Home

Here is what happened:

Here is what didn’t:

Have you ever thought of what our world would be like if the Japanese had not attacked Pearl Harbor? What if the US had not entered the war? What if we had never mobilized our industrial base or militarized our youth? If the US had stayed out of the war then Germany and Japan would have certainly prevailed, What then? What society would we all live in?

If you think BLM is a needed movement now (cause of raycis shit you know), you wouldn’t believe the opportunities for that genre had Japan not pulled that trigger. Here is a view of a plausible outcome had Japan just stayed their ass at home.

Is It Me?

I can’t shake the feeling of impending doom. So many ill’s waiting for their moment.

Will the border walls fall and the nation flood? How many, where will they stay, how will they eat? It seems to me that were the rush great and sustained it could sink the nation. Capitalism could not exist, at least not for all. A free society could not prevail in the free for all that surely follows such a great great migration.

What restrains the United Nations (and the EU for that matter) other than the US. What will keep them from their ‘Great Reset’ once our national will fails? China will let them travel down the path of globalization until the world can be subsumed under their tyrannical hand. Even societies exist in a food-chain of sorts.

Despite all of the downside that are sure to manifest in the immediate future, I know that after things go south that a great revolution will follow. There is a future where hard men engage in epic battles and perform heroic deeds. Great men yet unborn will chart the course of a future you and I can’t even imagine.

Irony In The Font

Is it me or does one of the fonts used by these idiots mimic what the Nazi’s used in the 30’s and 40’s. This is exactly what happens when you have an educational system that does not educate.