This (below) final little ‘Icon of Foolishness’ is not a joke (well, it is a joke unless you held the stock). It’s something I captured in yesterday’s news and it’s a testimony to the dangers of playing any given stock in the market in the same way you’d play roulette.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) suggested that black Americans should be exempt from paying taxes as a form of reparations but then said it might not work because of the black people who are “not paying taxes in the first place.”
I’m certainly glad she said the quiet part out loud; for a while I was beginning to think that I was the only one who immediately came to the same conclusion. There would be an inner city set on fire somewhere in America had white folk uttered these same words.
Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) suggests exempting blacks from taxes.
She then says maybe it's not the best idea because many blacks don't pay any taxes anyway… so maybe give free checks.
Yesterday I shared a paper (book) by Hawking that talked to time and space. In contrast, this morning, I give you America’s own brainchild Ms Jackson Lee of Texas. May God have mercy on us all.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee says the moon is made out of “gases” and the sun is “almost” too hot for us to go near.
I’ve been taking a little time lately to catch up on my reading, the most recent read to capture my attention is Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time‘.
I’ve managed to locate a pdf copy of Hawking’s work and thought I’d pass it along to those that may want to look over his simple approach to a damn difficult subject.
If you’re going to read it on line (choose not to download) then you can removed the left sidebar by pressing on the upper left icon on the frame of the pdf viewer (immediately below). Enjoy.
I ran across this a short while ago; on it’s face looks innocuous. I mean we all got it right? Were in debt and it’s going to get worse.
But, when you give it a little thought, why would the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) throw this out there? Why, do tell, is the forecasted future debt depicted as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)? And why the strange title: ‘Global Financial Crisis, Pandemic Drove up US Debt.’
While there was some debt that accumulated because of these two events, it’s important to remember that we are talking about dept as a percentage of GDP (not debt alone). When all of those folk fell idle due to the recession following Lehman’s collapse (by the way, the fall out could have been minimized but congress pooh-poohed the solution) GDP took a huge hit and the table was set for last meal of anything resembling rational budgeting.
So, Congress explicitly voted down a $700 M solution to the largest financial crisis the world has seen in 80 years. This chart, produced by the same ‘honest brokers’ in the CBO that advised Congress against saving the nation, introduces ‘the pandemic’ as a cause of the debt problem (actually the debt to GDP problem).
It’s all bullshit designed to deflect.
Here is the same chart with two added lines. The solid yellow starts exactly where the CBO started their line (2000) and ends exactly where CBO ends their line (actually I moved it a little lower so that their blue line would remain visible.
The second line, the yellow dashed line shows what our debt to GDP ratio would be if Lehman had not happened. The bottom line demonstrates something all of us already know: Congress is the cause of all debt problems. How nice of them to have the CBO, an office they control, publish propaganda for our casual consumption.
Here is how hosed we are: Everyone knows that the CBO is using the most optimistic assumptions about what the out-year GDP will be. When they use the most optimistic assumptions and the debt to GDP still rises by at least 50 percent, then the true level of the debt, in absolute dollars (vice a ratio of GDP), must be mind boggling.
OBTW, it’s now safe to begin wondering what the GDP would be without all of the ‘new arrivals’ at our southern welcome centers. Without the demand signals they place (purchases) and the labor they provide our GDP numbers would be so far into the tank that taxes would go through the roof and those untouchable institutions known as Social Security and Medicare would collapse.
When you really think about it, the movie ‘The Matrix’ is pretty much spot on in terms of the value of a human life: it’s to produce fuel (revenue) for ‘the machine’.
If you’ve ever seen what a static line does do to a bicep you’ll understand just how tough this trooper is/was. I went to a Jump School taught by 3/7 SFG in Panama (81 ish) The SF O3 that gave our pre-jump briefing before our first jump removed his ‘blouse’ and showed his upper right arm. He had been towed a couple years earlier. I’ll never forget that sight.
If he had not been is such a hurry to un-ass the aircraft the Jump Master (the last man out the door on the starboard side) would have noticed the low hanging static line and stopped. All kinds of bad can happen when you go out the door while a trooper is being towed.
Gotta love the Air Force, the female ‘Load Master’ has her head so far up her ass that the trooper was lucky to have survived. How in the world did someone think that it was a good idea to post a 5’7″ woman in the position she’s in? She can’t even reach the cables.
Toward the end of the video the Safety (the man handling static lines as folk go out the door) can be heard giving instructions and you’ll note they were complied with immediately and without question. That’s what adult supervision looks like.
By the way, the last few seconds of the video shows a slow motion replay of how it is that the static line became mis-routed.
A bystander in Texas used his firearm to stop what appeared to be a violent robbery in progress. Police are now saying that the “robbery” was in fact staged for the benefit of a fraudulent visa application. The “robber” is still dead and the fake “victims” are nowhere to be found.
The Houston Police department initially believed that the gunman opened fire on Rasshauud Scott when he saw Scott attempting to rob a couple. Scott later died of his wounds.
Further investigation revealed that Scott regularly ran a scam that was designed to help illegal immigrants commit immigration fraud and obtain a “U visa,” which is given to individuals who are victims of crime and are permitted to stay in the country as potential witnesses while their crimes are being investigated.
Under the scam, someone stages a robbery somewhere that there are security cameras, such as at a gas station, and the “victims” then get to stay legally in the country, often for years, as the case goes unresolved.
These folk need to move their game to a more weapons restricted area.
I’ve posted a couple of times about this gift to humanity (and Dolton). She’s back in the news with her latest solution to combat all of the haters that somehow miraculously appeared in the community.
What’s different about today vs yesterday in Chicago is that some of the minions are beginning to recognize that importing thousands of new ‘citizens’ (visitors?) has a cost and there is no way they are going to avoid paying it.
For those that think the gimmedats in Chicago don’t have anything of value that can be taken, consider the comments made by the homeless man in the tweet below. His condition almost proves out Matthew 25:29 (which by the way has a mirror in Thomas 41): Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. I guess they can kiss all of those sweet social services they’ve been basking in goodbye.
The Great Marginalization V2 is inbound.
What’s also astounding is that the people in the windy place have managed to create a society that is impervious to their own will. They are locked in.
There is an upside to this: In 2 years when all of the ‘newcomers’ have jobs and are settling in to their middle class life, they’ll be generating the revenue needed by the city to produce/distribute more Soma for the generationaly less fortunate.
"They will spend $252 MILLION on the illegal migrants"
"17,000 migrants come into this city and that's just in Chicago"
"In one generation, the black vote will be null" "You are damning our youth, our next generation to poverty"
This paper by Stefan Bolea really gets the synapse firing. I don’t agree with the underlying premise (in our own image) but the philosophical exercise that flows from considering it is refreshing.
So, Feuerbach is the source of the ‘man created God in his own image‘ phrase: never has a man been so oft repeated without anyone having known his name!
Those who enjoy the highbrow wit of Nietzsche (you sick bastards) can find a lesser known work by him, titled ‘Gay Science’, referenced here as well.
“You call yourself a feminist? Women are dying in Gaza, you fucking coward!”
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confronted by anti-genocide protestors Wednesday night after hosting yet another fundraiser for Biden in NYC.
Due to popular demand, I'm posting the extended cut of my interview with public defender Stephanie Mueller. The transgender attorney is representing one of the far-left activists charged with disrupting a council meeting in February. Otherwise, this is Seattle. What's the big…
Biden: “I was once asked by Xi Jinping in — I traveled 17,000 miles with him in Tibet. I was on the Tibetan Plateau. And he looked at me, and he said to me, ‘Can you define America?’ And I could say the same thing if he asked me to define Greece. I said, ‘Yes, one word,’ — and I mean this sincerely; it’s reg- — it’s recorded. I said, ‘One word: possibilities.’ ‘Possibilities.’
Washington Post: There is no evidence Biden ever traveled 17,000 miles with Xi. Biden has been repeating this story since 2016, with no evidence to back it up.
Two felons accused of luring children into a van where cops found condoms, lubricant and a mattress were NOT detained on the charges because prosecutors and a judge wrongly believed attempted child abduction was not detainable under the SAFE-T Act.
Of course both Central and South America are significant contributors.
So, I read this in a report on Breitbart: “Per local reports, all of those eight who fell into the water from the construction crew repairing potholes on the Scott Key Bridge were central or southern Americanorigin workers. While two have been recovered alive, including one who didn’t even need hospital treatment, at least two victims have been named. Miguel Luna from El Salvador, a father of three. was declared among the dead overnight and Maynor Suazo Sandoval, a Honduran, was also named on Wednesday morning.”
That struck me as odd. I would have bet good money that they would have either have been union workers (scarfing up triple time pay) or ‘brothers’ whose company leadership had an ‘in’ with city hall. I did a quick search and found that the entire city staff belongs to a union and that in that count of 5000+ some are teachers. A link called ‘data’ produced this about the schools:
And then this:
These guys are knocking it out of the park on High School Math: It’s improved such that 6 percent of the student body is now proficient. I don’t know what it is that they classify as ‘proficient’, but I’d bet it doesn’t include those skills that allow you to go to work as pothole repairpersons (else wise they wouldn’t be holding memorial services for Maynor and Miguel).
For those of you currently in Baltimore and considering relocating, catch a clue from Bob Dylan:
The festival was over and the boys were all planning for a fall The cabaret was quiet except for the drilling in the wall The curfew had been lifted and the gambling wheel shut down Anyone with any sense had already left town He was standing in the doorway looking like the Jack of Hearts.
Wifey and I were finally able to get ‘Rusty’ into the vets for his shots and what will be his first professional grooming. We’ve had him for 6 years and he’s never had a bath. The only way we’ve been able to brush him is to put a muzzle on him and then I’d hold him down while my other half brushed. Usually we could get 5 minutes (or so) of compliance before he started flipping out.
Rusty has never met a human that he didn’t want to bite and so his presence has always provided a sense of security. No one and no thing was coming close if he were loose. He bites everyone (except immediate family) that turns their back on him. We finally got him to stop biting the vacuum cleaner, but if we want to use a broom we’d have to put him outside. If outside he will attack a leaf blower, weed-eater, tiller, mower, etc. and has to be put indoors for half an hour or so before he will calm down enough to be set free.
He’s smart and knew something was up but still he played along and was marginally manageable as we handed him off to the staff there without bloodshed.
We are to call this afternoon to see what time he’s to be picked up. I can only hope that my strong warnings to the staff about his demeanor were heeded.
I’ve heard it said that the signs of a weakened nation include paradigms where their enemies no longer fear them and their ‘friends’ no longer trust them. It took a while, but we may have finally arrived. Rather than lament the fall of America, I’m going to spend a few moments in quiet contemplation over the ills that have befallen our friend and ally Israel.
Today Israel pulled its negotiators out of hostage talks after Hamas, encouraged by a UN Security Council resolution that calls for an unconditional ceasefire, toughened up its demands during negotiations. The US could have stopped the resolution but elected to roll over and toss this ally to the wolves.
Netanyahu canceled a meeting that the White House had sought with his advisers. He did release a statement however. It reads in part: Israel will not address Hamas’s delusional demands. Israel will pursue and achieve its just war objectives: Destroying Hamas’s military and governmental capacities, release of all the hostages, and ensuring Gaza will not pose a threat to the people of Israel in the future.
The future has just become that much more uncertain.
These folk are calling on churches in Boston (and the surrounding area) to payout billions in reparations. This is going to be a wonderful show and a great test of these christian enterprises ability to walk the line between benevolent talk and actually stepping up to the plate with checkbook in hand.
What a shit show.
Radicals in Boston are demanding at least ten billion dollars for reparations because… they're insane. Democrats brought 100% of the political problems from reparations on itself.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) March 25, 2024
In case you’ve missed it, someone did something to something in Baltimore.
So we hear that: “The 948-foot ship, Dali, was chartered by the Danish shipping company Maersk and was en route to Colombo, Sri Lanka.”
There are a lot of questions surrounding this and I have one that’s bugging me: What is in all of those containers heading for Sri Lanka? What could we possibly have been exporting to an Asian country that sits just off of the coast of India. We offer needed wares at competitive prices to Sri Lanka?
It’s not like this small island nation is just around the block from Baltimore, which (because I see a conspiracy behind every tree) has me thinking something smells about this whole Sri Lanka story line.
An Update: A little research shows that Sri Lanka imports 396 million dollars annually from the United States. about 100 million dollars of that is agricultural products. 40 million in fabric and 15 million in petroleum based items. That ship could easily hold 100 percent of the entire annual imports that the US provides to Sri Lanka (less the Soy).
Wonder how long it will be before this story changes?
A while ago I received a pretty thorough note detailing how I may have fallen prey to ‘wrong think’ on the topic of immigration. It arrived as an email (vice a comment) and rather than copy and paste it into the comments on that topic I decided that the note provided me with a do over opportunity; a means to add a little meat to the bones I had earlier cast upon the cybers in a post titled ‘A Rant: Immigration’.
I’ve stripped off the personally identifiable information and removed some extraneous material and am throwing it back out to you, my loyal readers, in the form of a “you said, I respond format” that is certain to confuse all but the most astute.
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving slut. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not expressing my glee at her discomfort because she criticized Trump (something I’ve done pretty often over the last 8 years or so), but rather because she sought to make her way in this life by leveraging the angst of others. She wanted to make her bones by gleefully showing that she wished him dead. That, as Trump would say, is one nasty woman.
For the gazillionth time, I’m going to vote for the guy. I think he did a great job as President and have no doubt that he will again (if given the chance). I also think that he’s a first class ass and the best reason I have for looking past this character flaw is that it pisses off the snowflakes so much that I want to encourage him to continue. Mine is not so much a love-hate relationship as it a one of love-instigate/tolerate.
This is a little circular and I’m not certain the words I’ve strung together well represent my thoughts (or if my thoughts make sense for that matter). Bear with me.
I’m up to my Richard in gardening projects and can see no relief near term. Every task I’ve undertaken came with a series of predecessor tasks that, while unknown at the outset, became necessary prerequisites.
For example: I needed to till a planting area in the garden. I’ve a big Cub Cadet tiller that weighs a couple hundred pounds. I roll it from the barn to the garden and begin tilling. 5 minutes in and I see that the tires had deflated enough over the winter to pull away from the rims. The requisite predecessor task became (1) air up the tires, which had it’s own predecessor task (2) remove tires from tiller, with the accompanying task of (3) locate/collect tools and (4) move air compressor to the house (where there is electricity) which, of course, required me to remove the rack I had on the back of my Jeep and hook up the trailer (5 and 6) to move the compressor. Now, when I go to add air the tires won’t seal against the rim. I’ve got to take the rims and tires to a tire shop (7) to be remounted.
All of the predecessor task being accomplished, the tiller and I were able to knock out the ultimate task in half an hour. At first glance the value obtained from all that I did was achieved after I tilled. In other words the value in all that I did rested in a tilled plot. I’m going to suggest that this is not so.
Consider this: when I move from a chair in an upstairs room and walk down the stairs and out the door downstairs there is no living in the beginning state (in a chair upstairs) or the end state (downstairs and outside). The living took place with each minor thought, each small movement of the arm that balances me and the leg that propels me. (Not to mention the mind that guides.) It is in the many little supporting or predecessor tasks necessary to cause me to ‘be outdoors’ where living existed. Physical beginning states and end states are like punctuation marks in life; they are not life in-and-of themselves. This is the same with the plot I tilled: un-tilled =reference point, tilled = reference point. All that occurred between those two points were where the value lays.
Perhaps the second half of Thomas 77 tells us that the act of doing (vice the act of having done) is where the value lays as well. It reads:
“Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there.”
Is it the seeking that brings value and not the discovery?
Here is what the the first 10 sayings in Thomas have to say about ‘seeking’: 1 Why seek (avoid death) 2 To Seek (continue seeking) 3 Where to seek (take your own council) 4 Where to seek (everywhere) 5 How to seek (recognize) 6 How to seek (when 5 is merged with the last half of 6) 7 To seek (first half when the lion is truth) 8 What to seek 9 How to seek (when seeds are thoughts) 10 Where to seek (‘and see’)
The value of my garden comes from gardening. In the end I enjoy the fruits of that labor. For the Gospel of Thomas I believe the value comes from seeking. In the end I hope to enjoy the fruits of those labors. We’ll see.
Yesterday the bottom half of the dynamic duo appeared at the site of a previous school shooting and announced they are spending 3/4ths of a billion dollars on something our betters are calling the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center. While they title it a ‘Center’, my money is on a new nefarious database used to track veteran’s who dare to exercise their second amendment rights.
Here’s how brainiac explained the initiative.
“Red flag laws are simply designed to allow communities a vehicle through which they can share, and have somewhere to share it, information about the concern about the potential danger or the crying out for help of an individual and then let’s give it to them before tragedy occurs. Part of why I am here today is to challenge every state to pass a red flag law.”
That sure cleared things up.
Not to be argumentative, but I’m going to challenge the last sentence in her statement. I think most folk understand the reason she is where she is is because she she goes to her knees so easily..
Wifey was watching Fox News when I went into the living room this morning. She knows I have a real aversion to national news networks in general and Fox News in particular. I vote R, but it is in spite of these idiots rather than because of them.
The newscast highlighted AOC’s district in New York and the reporter(s) were hyperventilating over the ‘illegal’ aliens setting up shops on the sidewalks. The words ‘third world’ were continually used. Wifey was all blown out of shape about immigration (again) and how terrible things have gotten (again). This happens every time she watches Fox. So I tried to explain to her (again) that we (both R and D) have been whining the border problem every single day for the last 40 years. For more than 14,000 days this has been thrown in our face by politicians of all stripes and news folk hell bent on invoking an emotional response. Every single day the screams get louder and the urgency more pronounced. She still doesn’t get it: she’s being played.
Here are a couple of my bottom lines on the topic:
A) If the government of the United States let them across the border, then they are not ‘illegal’. B) If you’re going to let them in the country and know at the time you let them in that they could not support themselves then you had better be prepared to care for them. Not everyone agrees with this but I am personally averse to watching folk starve to death on the public streets. C) If you complain about these folk using public resources then you cannot complain when they try to fend for themselves.
D) How in the world, in the ‘free country’ we claim to have created, is a permit required in order to work and feed yourself and family? Do they have to ask for permission to live?
As far as the news networks go, I get it: their attempts at invoking an emotional response is so that folk will ‘affiliate’ with them and return to watch. . day after day, after. . . I’m certain that they know that some of us have figured this out and refuse to drawn into the little nightmare they’ve worked so hard at creating. I gaze at them and see fools reading from a script that pads the pockets of network owners at the expense of viewer’s best interests and the needs of the nation.
As for the street vendors in NY, Chicago, Detroit, etc: Damn folks, give them a break and let them participate in the American dream. After all, you opened the door and then invited them in.
Slo Joe and Camel Toe went the extra mile and invited a ‘popular’ rap star to their palace near the Potomac; the desired result was underachieved and, considering how the conversation probably went, this has to be a real disappointment for the dynamic duo. After all, who could spend more than a minute or two with this jewel before their brain begins to hurt.
I used ‘popular’ in quotes because I’ve know idea who she is. She’s obviously a somebody else-wise why the call? After a review of the CNN interview, I can see why she was such a catch for the D’s: she’s so damn articulate.
Just about as articulate a soul as you could ask for: “It was so cool, I was geeked,” she began. “Everybody don’t get to meet the President and the Vice President, so just being able to be in the White House, like I never in a million years thought I’d be in the White House. Then I was in the White House and got to meet the President and Vice President? Oh, they can’t mess with me.” “I just feel like ‘her,’ you feel me?”
Bottom line? They can’t even squeeze an endorsement from a Memphis Bell.
Most of the problems we have in this nation flow from the same root cause. vanity. What other mindset could cause the walls and halls of our ‘servants’ to be so ornately adorned.
Buildings with grand halls filled with granite and furnished with bronze statuary of the noble and elect.
I’ve heard all of the arguments that suggest that these spaces represent our proud nation and they should inspire all who view them to great and noble deeds. Bullshit.
These are the trappings of power, physical manifestations of the belief by our betters that they are worthy of such exaltation.
As a nation we’re going to pay a heavy price for allowing our elected leaders to become so vainglorious. In these ‘hallowed halls’ the distinction between R and D fades to grey. No rational policy or practice flows from from a political body so self-aggrandizing.
That’s my rant. Forget that I brought it up and have another round of Soma on the house.
I had just turned 17 and was a senior in high school. 6 months later I was still 17, a PVT E-nothing in the Army and testing my 132 lbs of ‘twisted steel and sex appeal’ against a system designed to breakdown and then reconstruct folk exactly like me.
Our wannabe masters over at the UN and their loyal followers in the press are continuing their hyperbolic push and outright falsehoods with the hot/dry/wet/cold (depending on the day) crisis.
Even I have to admit that at 143 degrees something is afoot. I surfed over to the article and sure enough the words seemed to indicate that the world was certainly ending. . . toppled by mans inhumane treatment of the skies.
A quick check online showed that 62C was indeed 143F. I almost moved on and then I glanced at the words in the article:
WTF? If the weather has gone to shit then why must the reporting be deceptive? If it was a real problem then a simple reporting of the facts would have more impact (albeit not a ‘sky falling in’ type impact) than an obvious falsehood.
With a press like this no wonder every attempt at implementing AI in the newsrooms has failed; the AI is trying it’s damnedest to mime the deceit it’s found, but it’s just not that adept at lying outright. . . yet.
I’m not a very sharp guy, but it seems to me that heat builds during the day. How was it possible for the high temp (42C ) and outlandish heat index (62.3C) to occur at 10 in the morning? The 143 F number (62.3 C) comes from a temp of 107 F and 52 percent humidity. You’ll get the same number (143F and 62.3C) at 100 degrees F and 70 percent humidity.
Given that Rio sits in the tropics (heat) and smack dab on the Atlantic coast (humidity) numbers like these shouldn’t be all that uncommon (although I guess they must be or we would have heard about it before). So then, if like the article points out that it was ‘recorded in western Rio’, what was it like in the rest of Rio, or is that classified?
The Don has been in the news as of late over his ‘bloodbaths’ remark(s). The press, in their unrelenting efforts to keep the truth in front of us, the masses, was quick to mischaracterize. Sadly this has become standard fare.
Genesius’ quick wit is on display and, apparently it’s OK to do it but not to forewarn about it.
I did at one time live near ‘Branson West’ before it had that name. That area was not much more than an intersection between Kimberling City and Reed Springs. This little jewel is located on DD. DD was an oft need of repair slim asphalt path down to a number ‘resorts’ (when that term is used loosely) and cabins sprawled along Table Rock Lake.
This little jewel is available on about 100 acres. Thankfully it has enough room to accommodate a growing family.
Spectacular Gated Estate located on 104 Lakefront Acres with over 1,700 ft. of shoreline overlooking Table Rock Lake. The Main home features 14 bedrooms, 15 full bathrooms, 3 – 1/2 bathrooms, 4 men service bathrooms with multiple stalls and 4 women service bathrooms with multiple stalls & an 8-car garage. This breathtaking 33,048 sq ft Smart home was thoughtfully designed to suit any buyer. Quality and commercial-grade construction including steel framing, sprayed foam, 2 septics, HVAC – heating and cooling mini splits, and wiring for security/AV. Sophisticated and custom details throughout including wood beams, barrel ceilings, wood casement windows and doors, 8 vented gas fireplaces, copper guttering, and elevator shaft. 30,000-gallon owned propane tank. Multiple entertaining areas indoor and outdoor with resort-style beach entry infinity pool and expansive kids playground. Property includes 5 bedroom, 6 bathroom, 3 car garage guest annex, separate RV/Boat storage building with 3,600 sq ft living area and private 3-stall boat dock with solar power and swim platform.
Running short on cash? Throw a couple of bucks on one (or both) of these puppies on the way home this PM. More info on the ‘home’ here.
Samuel Zimmer, an owner of one of the brighter minds on Thomas, has published a number of great videos that tangle with some pretty complex and enlightening philosophical topics. Few of us have the ability to compare and contrast not only Paul V Thomas, but also understand those differences in a framework that challenges the Gnostic moniker most historians ascribe to Thomas.
I’m a law and order kinda guy but Jesus gents If you’re not smart enough to get out the public eye you are damn sure not smart enough to know who needs a good ass whippin.
These are getting to be some pretty hefty numbers and I expect that more and more who seldom play will be throwing a couple of bucks at the game on their way home from work this evening and next. I wish them luck.
A winner may choose to slip away to this little place on the Oregon coast . The write-up is appealing, but I have my doubts about the intelligence of the real estate agent when they claim the sun rises over the ocean on the Oregon coast. Nice acreage though.
OREGON COAST OCEANFRONT ESTATE! Imagine waking up to the harmonious sound of the waves crashing against the shore. That dream could become your everyday reality at this exquisite log home estate along the stunning Oregon Coast!
Proudly situated on over 28 tranquil oceanfront acres, this grand property offers unparalleled beauty and privacy. Step inside and be greeted by a grandeur rarely seen. The breathtaking river rock fireplace, reaching up to a soaring 35-foot ceiling, competes for attention with a dramatic wall of floor-to-ceiling windows, both serving as the heart of the home. Just imagine the sight of the sunrise over the ocean, from the comfort of your living room. Your private theater room awaits for those cozy evenings, while the gourmet kitchen, adorned with a rich combination of Quartzite and hand-scraped Acacia wood floors, invites you to create culinary masterpieces.
I put up some sauerkraut on Saturday morning and have been closely monitoring the ‘build’ since. This is the first time that I’ve used the E-Jen containers for fermenting and am/was a little concerned with the inner seal rising out of the kraut. Here is a short video on how the container works.
Now the problem that I picked up on is that the plastic insert/seal was being pushed up by the gasses that the kraut produced. I’d open the outer part and find that while a ‘seal’ was being maintained, one portion of the plastic would be about half an inch higher than that it was on the other side. It was sitting catiwompus.
I’d pull the little plug in the center of the inner seal so and push it back into place and re-plug it. 6 or so hours later I would check on it and the seal would have risen again. A lot of forces are at work in that little box.
The kraut has 2.5 pounds of green cabbage, 1.5 pounds of red cabbage, a large sweet onion, one large carrot, and two granny smith apples. I’ve put this mix into two E Jen containers: one that holds just under a gallon one that holds about half of that. On the smaller one I’ve added five 1 inch long dried sprigs of Asian Super Pepper (about 80,000 SHU’s) to give it some bite.
I’ve got several more containers on orders from Amazon and they should get here on Wednesday. That means that on Thursday I’ll have the pleasure of driving the Huntsville, AL and back (an hour each way) to visit an Asian market that has a good variety of Diakon radish, Napa cabbage, and Chinese chives.
I’ve already picked up some pre-blended kimchi base (I’m not quite ready to build up my own) so by Saturday I should be awash in pungent and delicious veggies.
Fallout from the EV fiasco continues to spread. Here is another indicator that sparky car market is completely crashing (an indicator other than the auto makers abandoning the market): There’s been double-digit declines in charging network stocks.
Shares of network operator Blink (BLNK) are down roughly 64% over the past year while charging hardware and software maker ChargePoint (CHPT) is 81% lower during the same period. Network owner and operator EVgo’s (EVGO) stock is down 55% in the past year.
Not to worry, industry analysts are doing their damnedest to pump new life into a beast that should be mercifully put down. Their words are a great comfort: “The big picture on these stocks … their business models are still at an earlier stage, and so the key focus for investors is really on proving out the business model and achieving profitability,”
A quick check on Yahoo for ‘Worst 2024 performing stocks’ yields: Worst Performing Stocks of 2024 The worst performing stock for this year is Arcadium Lithium (ALTM) with a total return of -93.63%, followed by Sigma Lithium (SGML) and New York Community Bancorp (NYCB).
A quick look at ALTM over the last three years:
Not a pro, but it sure looks like someone, or groups of someones, lost their ass on these two schemes (charging stations and Lithium mining). Not to worry though, the analysts are touting nothing but upside:
I’m not in the markets but if I were I’d be increasing my carbon footprint.
I couldn’t bring myself to watch Mad Brandon last night. I had zero interest is how poorly he would deliver an outlandish and overly political speech written by the D faction of the deep state. I’m given to understand that he did not disappoint either those that support him (who wanted to see red meat) and those who did not (who tuned in to see just how far he would go or how far gone he had gotten).
The intertubes this morning are all spewing the predictable response(s) gen’d up by the R’s. They are all about pointing out the errors, missteps and absurdity of the many mischaracterization Brandon’s writers decided were best for consumption. I can’t watch these folk either as their exceptionally high opinion of themselves is balanced only by narratives crafted to appeal to the least intellectually capable among us.
I’ll not go into a rant on Trump, not because he’s not worthy of such (God knows he’s earned it), but because over the last 8 years everything that can be said of him has been. Suffice to say that I perceive him to be his own icon.
Prompted by the faceless many who’s personal gain is dependent on the conflict, the rift in our society predicably expands. The ever-present barbarians have paused pounding on our gates; they are as enthralled by the circus as our own citizenry. Their deadly beat will resume with great intensity should our affliction falter. Until then they are satisfied with watching us chase our tail with Red Sea pirates, or mired in endless sand traps spread across the most logistically unsupportable environs on the planet.
Just a few days shy of 48 years ago: 17,530 days ago. Seventeen thousand, five hundred and 30 days. Man, time has sure flown by. And now, Tuesday’s gone as well.