When Shit Goes South

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, dismissed the Supreme Court’s ruling against his coronavirus restrictions on religious services.  Sparkles claimed the decision to be “irrelevant.” If you’d like to understand the details there’s a story over at Brietbart that demonstrates his disdain.    About the ‘irrelevancy’, he’s right you know, it became so the moment he dismissed their decision.  He now chooses not to subscribe to our ‘consent of the governed’ social paradigm, once the bedrock of democracy, and in doing so joins the ranks of the ANTIFA and BLM crowd (albeit with different means and motives). 

Once the administrative branch of government decides that it will not be bound to decisions rendered by the judicial branch, it’s game over for our form of government.  We once believed that there were three branches of government, and each was dependent on the other for their operation.  The legislative branch could make law, but not enforce law; enforcement belonged to the administrative branch.  The judicial branch’s function, of course, is to interpret and apply the law and provide a mechanism for the settling of disputes. The judicial branch does not make laws nor does it enforce them.

So what happens if this entire checks and balances scheme goes south?  Tyranny.  The moment any powerful person in any one of the three branches assumes powers he is untitled to, and he is not stopped, the whole construct fails. Because there is no way the judicial branch can enforce it’s own decisions, the Gov. of NY has assumed the role of a benevolent master rather than a servant of the people.

This entire ‘stay your ass at home’ fiasco is an exercise in tyranny.  Some would argue that the termination of the Bill of Rights is warranted due to our dire circumstances.  Follow the science they say.  Remember the ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ appeal?.  Somehow that has progressed to ‘we will absolutely destroy your life and livelihood to compel you to obey’.  It’s not pretty, and now that ideas foundational to a government of/by/for the people have been ripped asunder, it’s about to get a whole lot uglier. 

Here They Come Again

It’s hard for me to believe that the national awakening we experienced over the last 4 years is being so quickly shitcanned. The ‘Old Guard’ has reassembled and are eager to again be at the levers. Their cause is globalism and I suppose they will need to quickly make an example of those who would dare protest.

The dark winter is at hand; not the one Biden would attribute to Kung Flu, rather the darkness that arises from a tyranny unarrested.

Oh, bye the way, you may want to round out your armory and top off on expendables. The group that is rolling into town is bound to tap down on the 2nd Amendment.

Just A Moment Ago

There was a line, used twice, in the movie “The Legend of Bagger Vance” that goes: “No, that was just a moment ago”. Here is the first instance:

And the second:

I’ve always thought that the line is metaphysical of sorts. That its up to each of us to determine how we view time. How we experience time. Just short of 50 years ago I sat on island off the Pacific coast of Panama in an open air theater (of sorts) viewing Joe Cocker’s Mad Dogs and Englishmen. The burning of one of Panama’s leading cash crops set heavy in the evening air.

It seems now that was just a moment ago.

Well, it’s been just a little more than 50 years since Joe thrilled us all with the songs and spirit at Woodstock.

Joe passe in 2014, aged 70 years. RIP wildman.

There Is A Backstory

Every so often I post a video created by this young lady in China. For me it is relaxing to watch and listen as different produce/products cycle through the year. You may have noticed their posting and thought less of them (oh well).

If you haven’t looked into what is actually going on with this child, your missing an amazing story. I’m not going to repeat the whole story, but the short notes (as I understand them) are:

–she ran away from an abusive home when she was 14.
–waited tables in a huge city
–move to her grandmothers to take care of her.

About the videos: Her objective early on was to show people who lived in cities how food was really grown and prepared. There are million upon millions of Chinese that have never lived outside of these overcrowded cities.

–Originally she filmed every shot.
–She set up the camera, performed the action needed and then moved on.
–She actually performed all of the work necessary to prepare, plant, grow, harvest, cook, and then serve what is shown.

She now has a photographer and an assistant as she is kind of busy: she has about 24 million (or so) followers.

When you think about it, this kid is a prepper. She’s missing the weapons and ammo, but there wouldn’t be a survival community in the world that would kick her from the train once the balloon goes up.

Finally A Little Good News

Great, who turned these zeroes loose with the gene editing tool?

Scientists have made monkeys brains bigger by splicing them with human genes. These knuckleheads took the gene known as ARHGAP11B – which directs stem cells in the human brain – and placed it into the brains of monkeys.

The results?

We are told that the scientists opted to abort the fetus due to possible “unforeseen consequences”. Do ya think?

The experiment produced monkey fetuses having larger, more advanced, and more-human like brains. Our new overlords were left with larger neocortexes – the area of the brain linked to functions such as cognition and language.

Idiots just can’t let things be.

Oh, bye the way, if you want to pump up some brain sizes, I got a list of folk that you may want to begin with.

The Coming Storm

Some folk are saying prep time is over and the dance is about to begin. I do wish that were not so and that we could find a way to step back and become a civil society once again. I hate to say it, but it does not look like that’s in the cards.

Keep your heads up, your ammo dry, and live life to it’s fullest each and every day!

Mean Streets

The pendulum has swung in America’s population centers. It will be a good long while before it is safe for the poor slobs that remain to cry out for law and order. It’s bad now, but just wait until the anarchy is more fully subsidized and the constraints (primarily our boys in blue) are themselves shackled.

Just wait. Longer, just a little longer. Wait, and you’ll understand how the frog felt.

I would strongly suggest that it doesn’t now matter who becomes/remains President; we’ve managed to hose ourselves. Both Trump and Biden are viewed by their opponents followers (both halves of the nation on opposing sides) as illegitimate. If I’m right then you may want to consider an alternative lifestyle. Here is a good place to start. I’m sure you can figure out how to navigate around that site.

Yep, I think that its gotten bad enough that you should consider moderately remote relocation. Use the map in Zillow to zoom in (or out) on any area in the country and find available acreage. I’ve noticed that they ain’t making any more of the stuff (land) except in the UAE, so things are getting pretty pricey. What was going for 2000 an acre a few years back is now pressing 5000. The price will continue to rise. We purchased 111 acres for $187,000 a little more than 6 years ago.

If you could get a group of like minded folk together, this little place is available for $2.4 Mil. Not a bad price for 2800 acres

Your call.

The Well Laid Plans for a Brave New World

U.N. Secretary-General Guterres called on all countries to reject coal and join together in seeking other alternatives. To that end he demanded efforts be made to “use the COVID-19 recovery effort to build green climate-resilient economies and work towards carbon neutrality by 2050.”

“This will, incidentally, also drive the job creation that will reduce inequality and address the air pollution that is choking many Asian cities. I commend the recent decisions of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea committing to net zero emissions,” the veteran Portugese socialist added.

“Countries also need to put a price on carbon and end subsidies for fossil fuels. Our response to the COVID-19 crisis must be aligned with the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals. In all these efforts, you can count on the support of the United Nations system.”

Meanwhile WEF founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab said the coronavirus crisis presents an opportunity for a “new kind of capitalism” and “great reset” of global economies, politics, and societies.

A Show of Force As She Steals Your Freedom

Puerto Rico’s governor announced Friday that she will activate the National Guard to enforce a COVID curfew. Folks are reminded to keep their unwashed asses indoors or the gestapo will disappear them.

She also closed beaches (except for exercise) cause we all know the sand and fresh air are driving the deaths.

Restrictions start on the 16th and will run until Dec. 11.

We’re Hosed

Our founding fathers did a bang up job when they created the constitution.  It’s a real shame that it’s about to thud into history’s dust bin. 

There is no way that they could have known that the nations population would be filled with ever growing numbers ass clowns, all of who have a place at the polls and are demanding a place within the institutions that influence our children and shape the nation.

We are so hosed.


Never the city to be outdone, Philly exploded last night. It seems like Ground Hod Day in Democrat Land: thug chases folk around with a knife, po-po intervene and become the target, shots are fired, tears are shed and then the same old refrain begins to play.


So now, ever the mindful of the ‘don’t let a good crisis go to waste’ lexicon, here is what folk in Antifa land are circulating:

Bullshit and Tuffshit

First, tuffshit: Sorry his ‘take-a-knee, better than thee’ ass caught a cold. Now for the bullshit: 23 paragraphs talk to what a tragedy it is that the Kung Flu infected such a brave (and fit) soul as Ryquell……except the first paragraph of the article says that he doesn’t have it.

Is it so bad and so contagious that we now have to make up cases to frighten folk?

From Yahoo: On Sunday, ESPN reported that Jacksonville Jaguars running back Ryquell Armstead is expected to miss the rest of this season due to COVID-19 complications. It should be noted neither Armstead nor the Jaguars have confirmed he contracted the virus, but he has reportedly been hospitalized twice and continues to struggle with “significant respiratory issues” among other problems.

It was only a matter of time before this happened with an NFL player.

An optimist would believe that this could change minds, but it’s hard to be much of an optimist these days.

Armstead is just a few days shy of his 24th birthday. At his NFL scouting combine less than two years ago, he ran a 4.45-second 40-yard dash, put up the 225-pound bench press 22 times and showed off a 7.02-second three-cone.

The point is, he’s fit.

And young.

Just the type of human being some of us are repeatedly told on social media who won’t be affected by COVID. It’s implied that we shouldn’t be concerned whether human beings like Armstead contract the virus because they’ll be fine.

Another 16 paragraphs follow that attempt to generate fear and panic. Again, the entire article begins by stating that he/they have not confirmed they are infected with anything (other than an out-sized sense of privilege.


These folk in Washington must be absolutely twisted. In what universe does one abandon their means of self defense when the environment turns iffy? Let me see if I have this right; assholes are raging through the city…..they are assaulting people and damaging their property…..disarm yourselves for the sake of society!!

Deserving of the Darwin Award in the ‘Stupid City Folk’ category.

They Went There. It Ain’t Pretty .

The Gateway Pundit has found links to a Chinese Anti-Communist site (propaganda?) that demonstrates Baby Joe in a smokin/pornin extravaganza. It’s real, it’s x rated, it’s well filmed, and it’s him. As of right now the links are hot and functional. Not sure how long this sick shit will be accessible but I imagine the Bidens’ won’t continue to hold out Hunter as being nothing but sweetness and light.

Link to the article is here

A Brave New World

Millions will be ordered not to leave their local areas in a new Covid clampdown in merry old England.

They will be ‘asked’ not to travel outside their local areas and could be banned from mixing with other households, even outdoors, amid fears that some hospitals in the North-West could be overwhelmed within days.

This weekend, Downing Street was briefing mayors and council leaders on the planned three-tier “Local Covid Alert Levels” system of restrictions for England, expected to be announced by Boris Johnson on Monday.

Tyranny runs strong on the continent.

Full story here

A Needed Shakeout (If Nothing More)

A number of survival camps with bunkers, weapon arsenals, guard towers and enough food for 25 years will activate after the election amid fears of ‘widespread loss of law and order’ and ‘looting and violence’.

Fortitude Ranch camps in West Virginia and Colorado will open on election day to protect members.

For $1,000 a year, members can vacation at the camps in good times or use them for survival if the collapse of society comes.  Camps are fitted with bunkers, guards towers and enough food to last for 25 years and members are expected to come armed and prepared to assist in defending the camps.

The camps are equipped with solar panels, wells, radio equipment, greenhouses and a farming environment.  Full story is here.

For folk that live in and around the city this is probably the best route to go.  I can’t see how membership of a grand buys you food for 25 years (or one year for that matter), and I can’t imagine how much space is required to store food for 500 people for 25 years.  Activating the camps serves good purposes thou, it will allow organizers and the organized to walk through what initializing the camp encompasses and shakeout any critical errors in planning.

I Had No Idea

It never occurred to me that some folk have servants follow them around with brushes and pallets where they mix and match colors to paint you in the best possible light.

I did notice that the little lady that is brushing on Harry is gazing into his eyes. Looks like she’s infatuated. I wonder how long before this scandal prone pair sparks another.