All Part of the Plan
I Guess Someone Had Better Tell Her
CNN and the American Dream
Why China Will One Day Rule the World
That’s Going to Leave a Mark | Shriver=Kennedy
You would have thought that she’d have enough sense to keep her trap shut.
More Of Those White Supremacists We Hear So Much About
Riddle Me This:
Consider this
And then this
I’ll Take ‘Shit That Didn’t Happen’ for $200 Alex
Friggin Idiots | White Power Edition
Damn Karen, What Part of ‘There Are No Other Seats’ Didn’t You Grasp?
Tomorrows Leaders
Might as well sit back and enjoy the show, there really is no escaping the madness. There may be pockets of responsible young adults sprinkled throughout the nation, but there will not be enough of them to salvage the American Experiment.
and then:
Clown World
Think that these frkrs don’t know that the nation is filled with absolute idiots? What is being proposed is that the country now implement a tax on theoretical income (‘unrealized gains’) to pay for humongous infrastructure and social spending plans that do not address infrastructure or social needs.
Of course the question on everyone’s mind is: “if the plan cost nothing (as your president is fond of saying), then why do we need a new tax to pay for it?”
If they can sneak this tax past us now (after all it only effects those undeserving rich folk) I can guarantee that 3 years down the road the Supreme Court will rule that it’s “all or none”, and that it is unconstitutional to tax one class of folk one way and others a different way. All of sudden every single asset held by every single American is exposed to this new tax.
Gee, I wonder why they wanted visibility into every bank account that had more than six hundred buck pass through it? Gee, I wonder why they need 87,000 more IRS agents? Guess we will never know.
That’ll Leave a Mark
That Look
Lawn-chairs and the Great Unfolding
Just Sayin
AOC equated herself to a military war veteran and said she has been “doing therapy” to help her deal with the “trauma” she allegedly experienced during the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. She said that she and her fellow congress-members basically “served in war” during the riot.
I fail to see the relationship of AOC’s life experiences (including those dated January 6) to the experiences of our veterans. Just sayin:
Gain of Function
Just how screwed are we? All of the ‘big boys’ are engaged in this type of research across a broad spectrum of diseases and plagues. Yeah, we’re pretty screwed.
“Gain–of–function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses.”
Humiliating The Entire Nation
Israel On Fire? It’s Trumps Fault
Should have seen this coming. The press has it’s nose so far up the presidents ass that they’ll break their neck if he takes a sharp turn.
Without disparaging those that have significant psychological challenges (God knows those folk fight with their issues daily), one just never knows when the crazy bug will jump up and bite some otherwise sane/stable person square in the ass.
Imagine all that Cheney has tossed away ’cause the never Trump bug got under her skin.
Then there is this mild commentary that can be seen over at The Gun Free Zone:
We are plowing headlong through Jimmy Carter’s stag-flation into Fury Road territory and the House Republican Conference chair is bitching about what the former President said on Twitter.
Every member of the GOP who wants to relitigate Trump’s mean Tweets while ignoring the Weimar Republican collapse of the US economy can get fucked, eat shit, die in a fire, and burn in hell.
These people do not care about us at all and should be run out of office on a rail covered in tar and feathers.
Hey, I’m just the messenger.
Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
From the New York Post:
The CDC is greatly exaggerating the risk of COVID-19 transmission outdoors, claiming there is a roughly 10 percent chance — when in reality the figure is less than 1 percent.
The higher federal figure “seems to be a huge exaggeration,” Dr. Muge Cevik, a top infectious disease doctor at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, told the New York Times.
Dr. Aaron Richterman of the University of Pennsylvania added, “I’m sure it’s possible for transmission to occur outdoors in the right circumstances. But if we had to put a number on it, I would say much less than 1 percent.
“Saying that less than 10 percent of Covid transmission occurs outdoors is akin to saying that sharks attack fewer than 20,000 swimmers a year. (The actual worldwide number is around 150.) It’s both true and deceiving,” The Times wrote.
At issue is the research cited by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in touting its outdoor transmission statistic, which put the figure at a murky and allegedly too high “less than 10 percent.”
The figure is key because the agency has used it to justify its current coronavirus safety recommendations to the public, which include vaccinated people still wearing masks at “large public venues’’ and the unvaccinated using the face gear in most outdoor settings.
Now not only is the ‘less than 10 percent’ bullshit nothing more than just that (bullshit), when a comparison is made between where resources are applied to address COVID, we see this:
Friggin idiots. Lets ‘Dick and Jane’ our way through these numbers: the casualty rate is roughly .07 and the infection rate outdoors is ‘much less than than 1 %’ , so that’s like .05. The probability of dying from an outdoor transmission then is somewhere around .0035. To remedy this these idiots force everyone indoors where 99.5 percent of the transmissions occur. Who is running this show? Cuomo?
It Is So Not Over
Regardless of where you come down on the innocence/guilt of Chauvin and/or/if the judicial system treated the accused fairly, there is one certainty: the big city streets will continue to host the Wildings in their quest for retribution for past wrongs—real and imagined. There are a whole butt-load of folk on the left that work to keep the heat turned up on this crowd.
Every race-baiting hustler has their hustle on and will do all they can to both keep their name and the game in play. God forbid the cash generating race cow should cease production.
It’s all about the game. It has nothing to do with inequality, race, justice, wealth, poverty, education, immigration, or queer/tranny rights. It’s about the game of keeping the idiots in the street in the street. Rioting in the streets by racists, faggots, anarchists, communists, and socialists will intensify over the summer. The hustlers are on a roll and won’t back away from the game while things are breaking their way.
Worse yet, a group of absolute idiots are at the helm of our nation and are flooding the mush brained, under educated, indoctrinated, manipulated, and overly privileged snowflakes with so much cash and freebies that we’ll not see a conservative recurrence/resurgence in several lifetimes. There is a strong chance that should this crowd damage the nation enough then China will move to put a quick end to it. We are, after all, a damn sharp stick in their eye and he only thing that keeps them from their quest for world domination.
So all of these assholes working in their own self interest will eventually weaken the nation to the point where we become a very attractive target.
You cannot stop it. You cannot group together with like minded patriots and stop it. Soon, if you’ll lift your patriotic head and make a little noise, you’ll find yourself in the same difficulties that those good folk in the nations capital did on January 6.
So, what the hell should be done? If the old sag about the best revenge being a life well lived holds true, then lead a good life and thank God for granting you the wisdom to see what can and cannot be changed.
Strange Yet True
Cut The Shit and Stop Eating Grass
They Make It So Damn Hard
It’s Over. By-The-Way, You’re Racist
We should have seen this coming, this idiot super glues her hair to her head and now we are lectured about our lack of understanding of black folk problems. This shit just won’t end.
What Crazy Looks Like
How Shit Works
How to funnel bribe money to the VP (explained).
Vice President Kamala Harris’ 21-year-old stepdaughter Ella Emhoff has signed a deal with one of the world’s most prestigious modeling agencies, IMG Models.
“It’s not really about shape, size or gender any more,” Ivan Bart, the president of IMG Models, told the New York Times on Thursday. “Ella communicates this moment in time. There’s a cheekiness and a joy she exudes.”
Ah, lets see if her peers think she’s ‘cheeky’. First a photo:
Then the words from this idiot:
my new uniform
that I where inside
because we should all be staying inside
( also beanies have proven hard to make so props to y’all out there making beanies )
Then the flames:
@ellaemhoff I’m gonna use your picutre as visual representation of a living libtard. Thanks 😂
official_clean_plate_club: You probably smell worse than you look
jofo1118: The face of someone in need of mental health help
dirtbaginv: Lmao beat as fck
I guess you get the picture (tongue firmly in cheek). Here are more that shows exactly what talent IMG Models acquired:
and finally
I don’t know which selling point tipped the scales in her favor, the armpits full of hair or the milk cow tattooed on her bicep.
A model my ass. They don’t even try to hide their shitty corruption any longer.
Oh and by-the-way, why the fuck didn’t we see this bizarro during the run-up to the election?
Slow Boat
My latest pet project, homemade soy sauce, has been ridiculously delayed. You cannot make the Japanese/Chinese style of ‘Shoyu’ without a specific type of mold: Aspergillus Oryzae. Preferably the mold will have been nurtured along on soy beans (vice rice).
I ordered some from a source in Austria. Shipping seemed a little high at 5 euro’s , but what the hell–I’d get what I wanted/needed. Had I known that when they said ‘shipping’ they meant that tit would be on an actual ship, I might have gone a different way. Here is the latest tracking information on my order.
Yep, that’s a little vague to me. I quizzed the folk I had purchased from to see if they knew of an English language site to track from. I got this:
That’s just friggin great. Somewhere in the North Atlantic a slow boat has my tiny little package. I’m guessing that the odds of me actually getting what I ordered, in a form/condition I need it to be, are pretty slim.
This recipe had better be legit, because the wait time, once fermentation begins, is 6-14 months. Guess I should have ordered ‘merican’.
Inquiring Minds Wanted To Know
Heading For Third World Nation Status
By the time these asshats finish our nation will be in tatters. Swing wide the gates and let all those who appear at the threshold pass. And, because we be doling out free shit by the shovel full, not only will the treasury be drained, but we’ll have a population that demands a sacrifice of the future for the wants of today.
This from Breitbart (less graphic):
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, tasked with enforcing federal immigration law, are being instructed to free all detainees in their custody, as President Joe Biden’s administration halts deportations.
An internal January 21 ICE memo, independently reviewed by Breitbart News and first reported by Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, orders agents to “stop all removals,” including land and air deportations.
In addition, the memo tells agents that “all cases” of detainees in ICE custody are now to be considered “no significant likelihood of removal in foreseeable future” — suggesting all detainees will need to be released.
“Release them all, immediately,” the ICE official wrote to staff in the memo. Typically, if detainees do not have sponsors in the United States, agents can hold an individual in their custody. The memo, though, states that is no longer the case and that even detainees without sponsors must be released.
Land Of The Free
One Sorrowful Excuse For A Human Being
Sure sounds like a purge is being planned.
Loosing His Shit
He’s so completely brainwashed he’d opt for the death of his fellow citizens if it validated his virtue signalling. A testimony to the sad state of our state.
Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve
Even the Moon Thinks We’re Raysis
You Can’t Make This Shit Up
Well the old crowd is making their way back into town. They’ll certainly be pleased to get back to the important work they were in the midst of before the Trumpster intervened.
I can’t help but think there may be some crumpled feelings, when they get back at the levers of power they will surely work to set things aright. Someone like ole Zeke is a prime example of the ‘leadership’ we can expect to see.
Of course, we all remember Zeke from his Obama Care hay days
That Bastion of Freedom and Liberty: New York
All big cities politicians come to power on the promise of a payout. For the most part they keep their promises; raiding the public treasury to reward, withholding to punish. When the treasury runs low they borrow against the future, bleeding the yet unborn to satisfy the lusts of the present. All goes well until the future arrives.
It seems that the pyramid scheme known as the NY Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) has been running on borrowed time from some good while now: $16 Billion of borrowed time. Not to worry, the ‘Covid Funding’ working it’s way to federal fruition will (supposedly) settle the matter. There is little time to waste though, if this crisis is to be fully capitalized and those blood suckers within the NY City Council are, if nothing else, experts at leveraging crisis for gain.
This from Brietbart:
Assemblyman Robert Carroll proposed the bill, which would require New York City residents to pay a $3 fee for packages delivered to their homes as many businesses remain shuttered as a result of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. Carroll believes his proposal could help the MTA, with the surcharge generating over $1 billion per year.
In a joint op-ed with John Samuelsen, the International President of the Transport Workers Union, Carroll said the MTA is in need of a bailout from Washington, but contends that it alone will not suffice.
“The MTA’s latest forecast pegs its deficits through 2024 at a staggeringly high figure: $16.2 billion. As been widely reported, COVID has decimated ridership and other sources of transit funding. Only the federal government can deliver on such a huge scale,” they wrote, adding that MTA will need “more than a one-shot infusion of federal money to keep it safe, reliable and readily available for millions of daily riders.”
“There is one option that would raise more than $1 billion a year for the city’s subway and bus system — while also supporting small businesses and protecting the environment,” they continued, introducing Carroll’s $3 surcharge proposal.
Anytime, A N Y T I M E, the head of a union and a politician work together to solve a problem you can bet your last dollar that a new scheme has been launched that separates a population from their treasure.
A Special Place In Hell
There must be a section in the great hereafter reserved for the folk who ensure that my technology remains incompatible. I feel like I’m in a maze and chasing my own shadow.
It all started on Tuesday when the friggin brainiacs at Microsoft decided that my computer needed a update. An hour later it finished it’s task and the only thing that appears to have changed was I was locked out of all of my email accounts. Well shit, because I use Microsoft Outlook as my email program and it keeps hitting the email servers at Yahoo and Thomaswispered, the mail servers locked me out.
The only way to recover was to have a code sent to my cell phone via IM. Only problem being I live so far out that I have no cell service at my house. Off I go to a nearby hill top to capture a signal.
Well, I finally got all of that figured out when, yesterday, my cheap ass 55 inch Vizio gave up the ghost. Given that I was under-impressed with model I struck out for Walmart for a replacement: a reasonably inexpensive Samsung 50 inch 4K ‘Chrystal’ .
I love the TV, but now must use 3 different remotes to watch a program. One for the sound bar, one for the TV and, finally, one for Dish Network. When I get to hell, I’m going to wander over to the special place where they house these idiot and toss rocks.
Finally A Little Good News
Great, who turned these zeroes loose with the gene editing tool?
Scientists have made monkeys brains bigger by splicing them with human genes. These knuckleheads took the gene known as ARHGAP11B – which directs stem cells in the human brain – and placed it into the brains of monkeys.
The results?
We are told that the scientists opted to abort the fetus due to possible “unforeseen consequences”. Do ya think?
The experiment produced monkey fetuses having larger, more advanced, and more-human like brains. Our new overlords were left with larger neocortexes – the area of the brain linked to functions such as cognition and language.
Idiots just can’t let things be.
Oh, bye the way, if you want to pump up some brain sizes, I got a list of folk that you may want to begin with.
Is It Me?
Is it me or does anyone else find that it’s a little dystopian to be lectured on science by a transvestite.
The White Cash Fairy
A Show of Force As She Steals Your Freedom
Puerto Rico’s governor announced Friday that she will activate the National Guard to enforce a COVID curfew. Folks are reminded to keep their unwashed asses indoors or the gestapo will disappear them.
She also closed beaches (except for exercise) cause we all know the sand and fresh air are driving the deaths.
Restrictions start on the 16th and will run until Dec. 11.
When You Dare Challenge Your Betters
Let’s Destroy The Judiciary As Well
Where’s The Rona?
I’ve scanned news stations and every major publication available on the web, not a sign of the virus that has plagued the nation and threatened our very civilization. It’s almost as if the hell the country (and world for that matter) has been put through for the last 9 months never actually existed. Go figure.
Who’s Running This Asylum?
She’s Just a Late Sleeper
Police uncovered a Tennessee mother’s skeletal remains last week, hidden under a pile of clothes in the apartment she shared with her four adult children, outlets report.
A cause of death isn’t known for Laronda Jolly, 56. But according to investigators, she had been left to decay for at least two years while her kids, all of whom have developmental disabilities, continued living in the Nashville home, WKRN reported.
Officers with the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office discovered her remains Oct. 21 while serving an eviction notice over missed rent payments.