Gain of Function
Just how screwed are we? All of the ‘big boys’ are engaged in this type of research across a broad spectrum of diseases and plagues. Yeah, we’re pretty screwed.
“Gain–of–function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses.”
Fierce Quads
There was a time many years back, in the mid-70’s, when, as a soldier, I was stationed in Seoul Korea. I was young, bold, and (until I began studying Kung Fu) thought I was pretty hot stuff.
Three nights each week I’d wander off the base an climb the rickety step to where this old Chinese Kung Fu Master had set up shop. I kept up the courses for a couple of months. It took that long for me to figure out that there was no way that I was ever going to understand what the old man was trying to say (he spoke no English) and there was no way I was ever going to get my ass low enough to the ground to effectively perform the moves the art/exercise required.
I can still feel the pain in my quads from having the old man manipulate me into a stance and have me hold it for what seemed like an eternity. My but never got closer to the ground than 2 feet, while the other students (12-15 year old boys) were scraping their balls across floor while doing sweeps and moving from stance to stance.
All of this was brought to mind not because I was reliving my glory (or in this instance not so glory) days but because I stumbled across this video and noted how effortlessly the lady appears to posture and hold a stance. While she must have quads of steel, that position she takes at the 3:28 mark is not of this earth.
Art Imitates Life
Humiliating The Entire Nation
Israel On Fire? It’s Trumps Fault
Should have seen this coming. The press has it’s nose so far up the presidents ass that they’ll break their neck if he takes a sharp turn.
Not Quite the Example They Were Looking For.
Without disparaging those that have significant psychological challenges (God knows those folk fight with their issues daily), one just never knows when the crazy bug will jump up and bite some otherwise sane/stable person square in the ass.
Imagine all that Cheney has tossed away ’cause the never Trump bug got under her skin.
Then there is this mild commentary that can be seen over at The Gun Free Zone:
We are plowing headlong through Jimmy Carter’s stag-flation into Fury Road territory and the House Republican Conference chair is bitching about what the former President said on Twitter.
Every member of the GOP who wants to relitigate Trump’s mean Tweets while ignoring the Weimar Republican collapse of the US economy can get fucked, eat shit, die in a fire, and burn in hell.
These people do not care about us at all and should be run out of office on a rail covered in tar and feathers.
Hey, I’m just the messenger.
The US Border: An Acid Test (of sorts)
Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
From the New York Post:
The CDC is greatly exaggerating the risk of COVID-19 transmission outdoors, claiming there is a roughly 10 percent chance — when in reality the figure is less than 1 percent.
The higher federal figure “seems to be a huge exaggeration,” Dr. Muge Cevik, a top infectious disease doctor at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, told the New York Times.
Dr. Aaron Richterman of the University of Pennsylvania added, “I’m sure it’s possible for transmission to occur outdoors in the right circumstances. But if we had to put a number on it, I would say much less than 1 percent.
“Saying that less than 10 percent of Covid transmission occurs outdoors is akin to saying that sharks attack fewer than 20,000 swimmers a year. (The actual worldwide number is around 150.) It’s both true and deceiving,” The Times wrote.
At issue is the research cited by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in touting its outdoor transmission statistic, which put the figure at a murky and allegedly too high “less than 10 percent.”
The figure is key because the agency has used it to justify its current coronavirus safety recommendations to the public, which include vaccinated people still wearing masks at “large public venues’’ and the unvaccinated using the face gear in most outdoor settings.
Now not only is the ‘less than 10 percent’ bullshit nothing more than just that (bullshit), when a comparison is made between where resources are applied to address COVID, we see this:
Friggin idiots. Lets ‘Dick and Jane’ our way through these numbers: the casualty rate is roughly .07 and the infection rate outdoors is ‘much less than than 1 %’ , so that’s like .05. The probability of dying from an outdoor transmission then is somewhere around .0035. To remedy this these idiots force everyone indoors where 99.5 percent of the transmissions occur. Who is running this show? Cuomo?
His Name? Farrakhan Muhammad
Wouldn’t want that little tid-bit of information to leak out.
Our Brave New World
Didn’t See That Coming?
If you are looking for an avenue to broadcast all that is wrong with police departments as currently constructed, this is your go to venue. Every single initiative that flows out of this ‘investigation’ must be adopted ’cause George gave his life for this’. The crowd control methods that are successful will be deemed racist, and whitey will be pegged as the root cause of all evil.
Downstream the Justice Department will reorganize to combat the scourge of racism and special revolving funds will be established to flow cash into the coffers of loyal democrats in the inner cities.
You didn’t see this coming? Really?
One Nasty Diaper
The above ‘screen grabbed’ from a video at Breitbart (here).
That’s one nasty bitch right there.
Thanks George, Couldn’t Have Happened Without You
Weekend At Bidens’
The hits keep on hap-nin
It Is So Not Over
Regardless of where you come down on the innocence/guilt of Chauvin and/or/if the judicial system treated the accused fairly, there is one certainty: the big city streets will continue to host the Wildings in their quest for retribution for past wrongs—real and imagined. There are a whole butt-load of folk on the left that work to keep the heat turned up on this crowd.
Every race-baiting hustler has their hustle on and will do all they can to both keep their name and the game in play. God forbid the cash generating race cow should cease production.
It’s all about the game. It has nothing to do with inequality, race, justice, wealth, poverty, education, immigration, or queer/tranny rights. It’s about the game of keeping the idiots in the street in the street. Rioting in the streets by racists, faggots, anarchists, communists, and socialists will intensify over the summer. The hustlers are on a roll and won’t back away from the game while things are breaking their way.
Worse yet, a group of absolute idiots are at the helm of our nation and are flooding the mush brained, under educated, indoctrinated, manipulated, and overly privileged snowflakes with so much cash and freebies that we’ll not see a conservative recurrence/resurgence in several lifetimes. There is a strong chance that should this crowd damage the nation enough then China will move to put a quick end to it. We are, after all, a damn sharp stick in their eye and he only thing that keeps them from their quest for world domination.
So all of these assholes working in their own self interest will eventually weaken the nation to the point where we become a very attractive target.
You cannot stop it. You cannot group together with like minded patriots and stop it. Soon, if you’ll lift your patriotic head and make a little noise, you’ll find yourself in the same difficulties that those good folk in the nations capital did on January 6.
So, what the hell should be done? If the old sag about the best revenge being a life well lived holds true, then lead a good life and thank God for granting you the wisdom to see what can and cannot be changed.
Versatility? Accessibility?
What type of future are we hurtling towards? What fresh hell are we willing to accept in order to be woke? This is what comes from a world that is willing to accept that 2+2=5 and while black lives matter, all lives don’t. Why can we no longer state the obvious: “that’s one ugly dog wearing a dirty oversized sock.”
An Ugly Truth
One Way Out (50 Years Ago)
This jam recorded at the Fillmore East in June of 1971. In June of 71 I was undergoing a torturous Basic Training regime at Ft. Campbell KY. I was 17 at the time, weighed 130 lbs, and was feeling my Wheaties. A couple of Drill Sergeants knocked the wise ass out of me so well that I’ve not seen that attitude since.
The draft was still on in 71 and the Drills were accustomed to dealing with folk that were looking for a way out of that the man made hell. There was but one way out and that involved Class A’s and a parade field.
In A Nearby Distant World
A couple of weeks ago I went a little north of my place, 2 or 3 miles at most, to look at an old cemetery that sat on property a friend owned. Divorce forced the sale of the 500 acres he and his kids enjoyed on weekends and he now lives exclusively in Huntsville, AL. In addition to the ‘cabin’ he erected it had an old cemetery and an extremely old cabin that was once both the home and ‘office’ of a rural physician. The old cabin has been sold off and moved; the tiny cemetery remains as a reminder of things, thoughts, and people past.
It’s really hard to wrap your head around how different a world it is in this area of rural America. Little has changed over the many decades since the doctor plied his craft and, given the proximity of the cemetery to his home, he was not always successful in beating back the death and disease. The cemetery has a bell that, no doubt, was meant to summon God’s angel as the countryside is as void of a people then as it is now.
Every now and again someone will ask ‘why Thomas W(h)ispered’ if I’m not going to talk up God and bash various Christian religious shortcomings. “Garry, why don’t you compare and contrast the sayings in Thomas with the books of the bible?” “Why not use your platform to inform minds and shift opinions?” My answer to this prodding is: “My heart is not black enough.” What terrible hurt/harm comes from challenging a belief that brings comfort to the otherwise inconsolable. Consider the tombstone above and, given such a loss, how would a young couple go on in this world without the belief that their child now sleeps with Jesus? ‘Blessed Thought’ indeed !
How remote is it? The orange arrow below is the cemetery and the blue where the old doctors cabin once stood.
A broader view provided by Google Earth shows that there really is nothing much more than farmland nearby. The orange below is the cemetery and the blue is the Puncheon Church of Christ.
The Puncheon Church is wedged between a rural road on the left and a creek on the right. Obviously this neck of the woods is not real big on ‘minimum setbacks’ that restrict building encroachments on roadways or this church might never have been built. It could not have been built on the left side of the road, the steep ass hill prohibits it. The right side of the church bumps up to a fairly robust stream so it could not have been erected there. So exactly why was it built where it is? I’m guessing it has something to do with the strong spring that can be seen on the left side of the road in the photo below.
Here is another look at the spring. That’s about 15 foot of waterfall from the head to the ground. The spring doesn’t always run this strong, but it always runs. A magical place.
This entire region of rural America is full of clues on how generations past viewed God and how He framed their lives. From the baptisms in the stream near a tiny rural church to the summoning of angels from a lonesome hillside bell these folk managed to squeeze by. A life consisted of grabbing enough land to build a home, raise and feed a family, and then lay at rest in the arms of God once the work was done.
Not much has or will change here. America can run through it’s gyrations with black lives matter, reparations, the mainstreaming of queers/steers/transvestites, and the chaos of pandemics/vaccinations/inoculations/masks and TP gluts and shortages. One day the nation may come crashing down with rubble congregating at the feet of those that took more than they gave, destroyed more than they built. When that happens I really don’t see it having any impact on this corner of the world. The flow of light from the little church, waters of life from the spring, and the rest of souls on a nearby hill all persist. And despite what all those in the cancel culture believe, that’s a good thing.
In The Slipstream
I took some time away from the endless series of tasks in my garden today to engage in a little idle thought in the endless garden God created. He’s a lot better at gardening than I am, but then again he had a running start.
Sometime during the late afternoon I had the odd feeling that more and more things in my life were beginning to transition to autopilot. I guess the repetition that comes from keeping a vegetable garden contributes to that feeling in no small way. I battled back and broke away in the jeep to an old trail on the north side of the property, following it down into the valley where our little stream flows. And flows, and flows…….
It occurred to me that the valley exists because of the stream. For thousands of years the little stream flowed; moving a pebble here and there. A stone on a good day. The little stream has kept about it’s endless task of terraformng this small little part of the planet long before man ever tread on the continent. For a brief while I fell into the slipstream of time the flow of water had created. Time
Time. There is much to little time to spend any of it on autopilot.
Two Americas
John Edwards, the politician from NC that ran for President a few cycles ago, had a well developed pitch about ‘Two Americas’. His line of propaganda divided the nation between the have’s and the have-nots. His little speel worked well until he got caught hanging pipe with his photographer and taking 300 dollar haircuts on the airport tarmac.
I’d like to suggest that. while Edwards had it completely wrong about how he divided his ‘Two Americas’, there is indeed two separate realities in this country. Nolte over at Breitbart did an excellent job of piecing together the various data points that well demonstrates our two nations paradigm. First, here is the reality (as shown on Breitbart) that most of the people in our country experience:
It sure must suck to be a sane citizen in a democratic stronghold. A typical urban world looks like:
My rural world looks like (courtesy Nolte’s article):
Nolte has put together a damn good (and lengthy) compare/contrast on the two realities that are America. Link is here and a snippet of his lead in is below:
If I had to boil down the political wisdom I’ve learned over four decades of observing, studying, writing, and debating, it would be this…
Life in Rural America (which is where Republican Trump voters live and govern), is clean, safe and racially tolerant. Most places in America where life is dirty, polluted, dangerous, violent, and plagued with racial hate and race riots, are cities that are almost exclusively populated by and governed by Democrats.
Outside of these Democrat-run cities, America is peaceful, safe, clean, and racially tolerant.
What’s more, if you remove these Democrat-run cities from our national statistics, you will find an America that is overwhelmingly peaceful, safe, clean, and racially tolerant.
Nevertheless, Democrats and their fake-media allies still blame Republicans for all of their problems.
According to them, it is Republicans who are responsible for racism, pollution, and gun violence — even though, out here where we all live, our air, water, and streets are safe and clean… We all own guns, but where we live there is no gun violence crisis… We are all supposed to be racists and responsible for all the hate crimes, but out here where we all live, there is no hate crime crisis.
Now, there will be exceptions, but those exceptions only serve to prove the rule. Let me lay this out for you…
It’s a good read and chock full of data and reference points. But you know that no matter how much truth and proof you throw at the lunatics in their inner city hell, they are just to fuckin stupid to understand. Their lot in life not mine.
There’s a Reckoning Coming, But Not The One They Wish For
On Island Or Off?
Sometimes—actually more often than I care to admit—I feel like I’m living in that one Kurt Vonnegut novel where the lead character believes he is the only real person on earth and everyone else is just some construct placed on earth for his entertainment or to give his life context.
In what world—let me restate that: in what real world—would Bill (Intern) Clinton pair up with Kamala (Knees) Harris to lead a discussion on ‘Empowering Women and Girls’. I know this is a gag (pun intended), right? I mean if you were going to ask the horn-dog anything would it not be about the 27 trips he took with Epstein and, perhaps, an explanation of just exactly goes on at Pedophile Isle?
I cannot think of two more-worser scumbags to have a young girl take advice from
Requiem For A Nation
I’ve been off-line for a little more than a month. I didn’t post so often and so wildly that a well deserved break was warranted and, no, it’s not a swarm of doldrums that held me at bay. I’ve been off-line in deep thought about the future of mankind. The good news for readers is that I don’t do the ‘deep thoughts worthy of lengthy narration’ type of thought, I’m more the ‘let’s just jump to the bottom line: we’re fucked’ type of deep thinker.
Shit is rapidly going sideways and there is not a damn thing that can be done about it. This nation alone could have halted the world-wide slide into tyranny and subjugation. Coulda, woulda, shouda be damned, we’ve crossed the tipping point as a nation and will now never be able to recapture the moment when rights and freedoms outweighed the ‘good of the masses’.
The time of man’s reign has ended, now comes the time of the gimmedats. The gimmedat era is the precursor to thousands of years of oppression. The endless march of technology ensures the oppression will be both enforceable and complete.
It seems appropriate to do a little fiddlin as Rome burns.
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes again
Can you picture what will be?
So limitless and free
Desperately in need
Of some stranger’s hand
In a desperate land
Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah
There’s danger on the edge of town
Ride the King’s Highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake, he’s long, seven miles
Ride the snake
He’s old and his skin is cold
The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here and we’ll do the rest
The blue bus is calling us
The blue bus is calling us
Driver, where you taking us?
The killer awoke before dawn
He put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door
And he looked inside
“Father?” “Yes, son?” “I want to kill you”
“Mother? I want to…”
Come on baby, take a chance with us
Come on baby, take a chance with us
Come on baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Of the blue bus, on the blue bus, on the blue bus
(Note: I shit-canned the 19 Fu** on 17 lines)
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you’ll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end
An Appropriate Diversion
The Death of A Nation | Expediency
There is a ‘rule’ in congress known as the Byrd Rule (named after the long dead Senator Byrd), which limits the ability of the majority to stuff extraneous legislative goodies into budget-related proposals and still pass them with a simple-majority vote under that process.
There was a time when all rational senators saw the danger of using reconciliation, which limits amendments and debate, to pursue broader, non-budgetary legislation outside regular order. This rule defended the rights of all senators to debate and amend legislation.
What this means is that major legislative policy changes can be made only when all senators have the right to fully debate and amend legislation — and to filibuster. Now, if you are in the majority, but not a 60/40 majority, the Byrd Rule means you cannot sling crap down the throat of the nation and have it go unnoticed.
You cannot do whatever pleases you as long as the Byrd Rule exists. That’s a real problem for this new democrat majority, and there is a move afoot to retire this constraint. It’s through these types of expediencies that the nation will fall.
It’s absolutely amazing how quickly this nation is collapsing.
Fine Tuning the Gene Pool
People with learning disabilities are still being given do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders in England despite widespread condemnation of the practice leading to an investigation by the Care Quality Commission (CQQ).
Charity, Mencap, told The Guardian that many with learning disabilities were told they would not be resuscitated if they got ill from COVID-19 without their or their family’s consent in January. A DNR is a medical order instructing health care providers not to do CPR if a patient stops breathing or heart stops.
Mencap CEO Edel Harris told The Guardian: “Throughout the pandemic, many people with a learning disability have faced shocking discrimination and obstacles to accessing healthcare, with inappropriate Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) notices put on their files and cuts made to their social care support.”
Here is the question that needs to be asked: How the fuck would the care provider know the patient has a learning disability?
And Then The Ice Came
Yeah, I know I’ve been sounding like a whiny little bitch as of late and I know that this weather has certainly placed other good folk in much more uncomfortable, and in many cases dire, circumstances than I’m in. But (insert appropriate expletive) I’m iced in and the forecast says the temps will remain low enough to keep me locked down for the next couple of days.
Placing my self-centeredness aside briefly, let me wish each of you safe passage through this terrible winter storm. Stay safe out there !
It Really Makes You Think
Don’t Piss Down My Leg
Strange Yet True
Cut The Shit and Stop Eating Grass
They Make It So Damn Hard
Vote By Mail (Works Every Time)
As seen at the Babylon Bee:
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a historic move, the U.S. Senate decided to switch to voting by mail for Trump’s second impeachment trial. After all the votes were counted by an intern in a back room with no cameras, the Senate ruled to convict President Trump of incitement to violence by a vote of 8275 to 3.
“Our holy democracy has spoken,” said Senator Chuck Schumer. “Do not ask any questions or you are a blasphemer against the sacred sacredness of our vote. Everyone can go home now!”
A couple of troublemaking Senators attempted to overthrow the Constitution by bringing up the point that there are only 100 Senators, making it impossible to arrive at a tally of 8275 to 3, but they were quickly removed from the Senate Chambers and condemned for “attempting to suppress the votes of people of color.”
The Senate then moved on to other business, passing universal healthcare by a margin of 320,000 to 4.
Very Cool, Much Progress
It’s Over. By-The-Way, You’re Racist
We should have seen this coming, this idiot super glues her hair to her head and now we are lectured about our lack of understanding of black folk problems. This shit just won’t end.
Timely? Certainly Appropriate
Come gather ’round people Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters Around you have grown
And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you Is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’
Or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’.
Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who That it’s namin’.
For the loser now Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’.
Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside And it is ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.
Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land
And don’t criticize What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command
Your old road is Rapidly agin’.
Please get out of the new one If you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin’.
The line it is drawn The curse it is cast
The slow one now Will later be fast
As the present now Will later be past
The order is Rapidly fadin’.
And the first one now Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’.
A Welcomed Change
Sure as shit, shortly after I posted the forecast for Sunday being marginally sufferable (in the teens), the forecast changes for the better. I love it ! 24 is bunches better than 17.
What $15 Hourly Looks Like
What Crazy Looks Like
What Work Looks Like
On The Impending Cold
For the last several weeks the local weather has been forecasting a night time temp that was in the teens. In every instance after a day or two the forecast would change and we would enjoy milder temps in the mid 20’s or so.
This 17 degree low popped up two days ago and continues to haunt the forecast; creeping closer day by day. While I hate weather that cold, I guess this is a small discomfort in what has otherwise been a mild and very enjoyable winter. We had a new calf appear two weeks ago and thankfully it is far enough along to take this very brief low spell in stride. Plenty of hay in the barn. the pond is filled with water. all fences repaired, and our little creek flush with rain late last week.
The garden is completely closed and all of the beds and planting areas were reinforced with compost, fertilized and then tucked in nicely under woven cloth. All the seeds I’ve ordered have been delivered, a germination test on the beans I purchased at the grocery store (pinto, black, lima, and kidney) all came out well and I have a pound of soy seeds left over from my soy sauce ferment, so along with the bean seeds I’ve purchased (Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lake) I’m good bean-wise.
My mold spores came in on Monday so I’ve got 4 gallon jugs filled about 4/5th full with what was a molded soy and wheat substrate and water drawn from a spring near the cabin. This is a long running ferment (6-14 months) so it will be quite awhile before I’ll know if I inoculated correctly (or nay).
Hope each of you find a way to stay warm and comfy during the days of cold !
A Lidless Nation
It’s Not The Remembering, It’s What’s Remembered
Our present batch of brainiacs are rewriting history so quickly that the time will shortly come when the ‘lessons of the past’ will be based on a fantasy. Future generations will not only be indoctrinated on how history unfolded, but also on how they should interpret and internalize whatever crap is being passed off as knowledge.
For my part I’m troubled with a false past masquerading as a historical reality. I’m not upset because I’m a purest or because history holds a special place in my heart (for the most part I could care less), rather I’m pissed because manipulating history changes the lessons history provides and gives cover/validity to those who’s want is to destroy the nation and enslave it’s people. I’ll venture to say, however, that 80+ percent of folk in this nation could not live without the enslavement they currently enjoy anyway.
Rewriting gives tyrants new tools to corrupt the weak minded. It makes it far easier to claim the high ground and proclaim themselves the harbingers of a bright new future where ‘equality, right, truth and justice’ prevail. The weak are just fine with the death and destruction that flows from a fantasy sold wholesale , as long at it’s your death and not their own.
All of this is made possible by a population that has abandoned the intent of their now demonized founders and turned their back on the moral compass the founders provided for the young nation.