Oh Shit Hillary, Time To Call Out The Suicide Squad

As seen on Breitbart (here)

Five associates of Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign are invoking their Fifth Amendment rights and refusing to cooperate with Special Counsel John H. Durham, according a filing in federal court revealed later Friday in Washington, DC.

The revelation emerged in a motion filed by Durham to oppose the efforts of defendant Michael Sussmann and the Clinton campaign to withhold some documents from evidence by asserting attorney-client privilege.

Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI in 2016 when he informed the FBI about a fraudulent link between then-candidate Donald Trump and the Russian government via Alfa Bank. Sussmann allegedly presented himself as a concerned citizen, and hid the fact that he was working for the Clinton campaign.

In the filing, Durham noted that while one witness, identified as “Researcher-2,” was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for testimony, “at least five other witnesses who conducted work relating to the Russian Bank-1 allegations invoked (or indicated their intent to invoke) their right against self-incrimination.”


The handlers for Shit for Brains should have known better than to give the public an opportunity to compare and contrast the present asshole and an asshole that once bull-shitted his way into office.

It’s a terrible look made worse by a media event where all of the enthusiasm was focused on Obama. Joe kept trying to get his attention and was ignored by both the former president and the gaggle surrounding him. He went so far as to tug on his shoulder several time before Obama gave him a hint of recognition.

There is a level of incompetence among this group of clowns that transcends hilarity and stinks of stupidity.

And, while I’m pointing out stupidity, what fucking idiot thought it was a good idea to have Camel Toe stand between these two looking as if she was at a job interview?

I can remember when Slow Joe was hilariously called Plugs Biden. Looks like that Hair Club for Men shit has completely worn off. He would have been better served, and looked more distinctive, by having a rabbit tattoo plastered on his head.

It’s a much more dangerous world today than yesterday. Y’all be careful out there.

Thrice Denied

Peter was said to have thrice denied a relationship with Jesus as he (Jesus) was being arrested. The White House communications office has the same relationship with the truth as Peter did.

During the third presidential debate in October 2020, Biden stated emphatically that “nothing was unethical” about his son’s foreign business deals.

Biden also claimed, “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China.

The moderator of the third debate, NBC’s Kristen Welker, questioned White House communications directer Kate Bedingfield about Biden’s statements during the White House press briefing on Thursday.

“We absolutely stand by the president’s comment” Bedingfield replied.

Pressed by other reporters about Hunter Biden, Bedingfield refused to address any further questions about the new reports about his son’s laptops and his lucrative foreign business deals.

“I don’t have anything further to add from this podium,” she said, when asked about Biden’s reaction to the new stories.

“I don’t have anything additional to add from this podium,” Bedingfield repeated after another reporter questioned her about Hunter Biden.

“I don’t have anything additional to add on this from the podium. But thank you,” she repeated after a third reporter asked if President Biden had even read the latest stories about Hunter Biden.

Before anyone should brush off criticism of Biden as more political blather, it’s not Biden I’m so thoroughly sickened by.

Know what I mean?

Just Sayin

AOC equated herself to a military war veteran and said she has been “doing therapy” to help her deal with the “trauma” she allegedly experienced during the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. She said that she and her fellow congress-members basically “served in war” during the riot.

I fail to see the relationship of AOC’s life experiences (including those dated January 6) to the experiences of our veterans. Just sayin:


Without disparaging those that have significant psychological challenges (God knows those folk fight with their issues daily), one just never knows when the crazy bug will jump up and bite some otherwise sane/stable person square in the ass.

Imagine all that Cheney has tossed away ’cause the never Trump bug got under her skin.

Then there is this mild commentary that can be seen over at The Gun Free Zone:

We are plowing headlong through Jimmy Carter’s stag-flation into Fury Road territory and the House Republican Conference chair is bitching about what the former President said on Twitter.

Every member of the GOP who wants to relitigate Trump’s mean Tweets while ignoring the Weimar Republican collapse of the US economy can get fucked, eat shit, die in a fire, and burn in hell.

These people do not care about us at all and should be run out of office on a rail covered in tar and feathers.

Hey, I’m just the messenger.

The Death of A Nation | Expediency

There is a ‘rule’ in congress known as the Byrd Rule (named after the long dead Senator Byrd), which limits the ability of the majority to stuff extraneous legislative goodies into budget-related proposals and still pass them with a simple-majority vote under that process.

There was a time when all rational senators saw the danger of using reconciliation, which limits amendments and debate, to pursue broader, non-budgetary legislation outside regular order. This rule defended the rights of all senators to debate and amend legislation.

What this means is that major legislative policy changes can be made only when all senators have the right to fully debate and amend legislation — and to filibuster. Now, if you are in the majority, but not a 60/40 majority, the Byrd Rule means you cannot sling crap down the throat of the nation and have it go unnoticed.

You cannot do whatever pleases you as long as the Byrd Rule exists. That’s a real problem for this new democrat majority, and there is a move afoot to retire this constraint. It’s through these types of expediencies that the nation will fall.

It’s absolutely amazing how quickly this nation is collapsing.

Vote By Mail (Works Every Time)

As seen at the Babylon Bee:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a historic move, the U.S. Senate decided to switch to voting by mail for Trump’s second impeachment trial. After all the votes were counted by an intern in a back room with no cameras, the Senate ruled to convict President Trump of incitement to violence by a vote of 8275 to 3.

“Our holy democracy has spoken,” said Senator Chuck Schumer. “Do not ask any questions or you are a blasphemer against the sacred sacredness of our vote. Everyone can go home now!”

A couple of troublemaking Senators attempted to overthrow the Constitution by bringing up the point that there are only 100 Senators, making it impossible to arrive at a tally of 8275 to 3, but they were quickly removed from the Senate Chambers and condemned for “attempting to suppress the votes of people of color.”

The Senate then moved on to other business, passing universal healthcare by a margin of 320,000 to 4. 

It’s Not The Remembering, It’s What’s Remembered

Our present batch of brainiacs are rewriting history so quickly that the time will shortly come when the ‘lessons of the past’ will be based on a fantasy. Future generations will not only be indoctrinated on how history unfolded, but also on how they should interpret and internalize whatever crap is being passed off as knowledge.

For my part I’m troubled with a false past masquerading as a historical reality. I’m not upset because I’m a purest or because history holds a special place in my heart (for the most part I could care less), rather I’m pissed because manipulating history changes the lessons history provides and gives cover/validity to those who’s want is to destroy the nation and enslave it’s people. I’ll venture to say, however, that 80+ percent of folk in this nation could not live without the enslavement they currently enjoy anyway.

Rewriting gives tyrants new tools to corrupt the weak minded. It makes it far easier to claim the high ground and proclaim themselves the harbingers of a bright new future where ‘equality, right, truth and justice’ prevail. The weak are just fine with the death and destruction that flows from a fantasy sold wholesale , as long at it’s your death and not their own.

All of this is made possible by a population that has abandoned the intent of their now demonized founders and turned their back on the moral compass the founders provided for the young nation.

Friggin Elitists

I despise this asshole and the entire group of elitists that Plugs has resurrected from a well deserved exile. They absolutely reek with the disdain they have for Americans.

The Turning of a Page

He’s left an amazing legacy but in doing so he pissed off so many people so completely that he needed to move on to his life after Presidency unceremoniously.  Hate him or love him he did it his way.

While determining if the election was free or fair is important work, and Americans need to know just WTF happened, it won’t change the outcome and it damn sure will not change the trajectory of our society.  The pendulum is swinging toward socialism and anarchy, two seeming opposing political structures (or in the case of anarchy the absence of a political structure).  These folk will coexist until control (centralization) of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of resources is complete.  That day is closer than we yet realize.  Then the anarchists will be either fed or shot.  They will not overcome the crushing weight of a socialist regime.

I’m being a realist, not a defeatist, when I suppose the hard left voices in the nation have poisoned enough gimmedat minds to influence every future decision at the national and many state and local levels.  In my mind the only uncertainty is in the velocity of the fall.

With a totally malleable President and control of all of the levers by power hungry socialists, a hot civil war is unwinnable and thanks to the advocacy of a fourth estate with the intention and ability to both frame every narrative and squelch every dissenting voice, the cold civil war we are presently engaged in will shortly end.  I’m sorry to report that we will not be the victors.

So then what’s a man to do?  We should do what we should have been doing all along regardless of which millionaire or billionaire sits on the throne:  live a good life and worship our God in the way he would have us. 

Ya’ll have a great day.

Changing Times

The festival was over, the boys were all plannin’ for a fall,
The cabaret was quiet except for the drillin’ in the wall.
The curfew had been lifted and the gamblin’ wheel shut down,
Anyone who had any sense had already left town.

–Bob Dylan

I’m thinking that I need to become emotionally detached. That just may keep my head from exploding.

Joe Biden is planning to sign dozens of executive orders later this week and in doing so crushes some of Orange Mans favorite policies.  Three main areas are addressed:  immigration, climate change, and the kung flu.

Specifically he plans on rescinding the travel ban on sand people, rejoining the Paris climate scam, and mandate the wear of masks on federal property or during interstate travel.  I suppose this would include wearing a mask in your new sparky vehicles.

But, but, but, what about fixin raaaaaysim?  Ron Klain says:  “These actions will change the course of COVID-19, combat climate change, promote racial equity and support other underserved communities, and rebuild our economy in ways that strengthen the backbone of this country: the working men and women who built our nation,”

On the second day in office, Plugs  will sign executive actions on Covid-19, including ways to help schools and business reopen safely (flooding the education unions with cash), expand testing, protect workers and establish clearer public health standards.

They say on the third day he will ‘direct his Cabinet to work on delivering economic relief to families most affected by the crisis.’  I wonder who these folk might be and what form the economic relief might take?

In the days that follow he will expand the Buy America provisions, by ”taking action to advance “equity and support communities of color,”.  He will tinker with the criminal justice system, push for single payer, and reunite families separated at the border (I assume this means that if a family member got through during the last round of insanity, the balance of the clan just hit the lottery. 

That’s a lot to accomplish in a few short days, wonder what this place is going to look like in a couple of years?

Spineless Bastard(s)

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) has apologized to Black Oklahomans for challenging Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory, saying he did not realize his actions would be seen as “casting doubt on the validity of votes” in predominantly Black cities like Atlanta, Philadelphia and Detroit.

If nothing else Trumps exodus has illuminated the cesspool that is DC and the slimy creatures that haunt that swamp. This ass joins that growing list of human filth that have sold out their nation and licked the boots of the ass clowns that are peddling the white man bad narrative. All this to gain the favor of socialists and would be tyrants.

You Can’t Make This Shit Up

Well the old crowd is making their way back into town. They’ll certainly be pleased to get back to the important work they were in the midst of before the Trumpster intervened.

I can’t help but think there may be some crumpled feelings, when they get back at the levers of power they will surely work to set things aright. Someone like ole Zeke is a prime example of the ‘leadership’ we can expect to see.

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Of course, we all remember Zeke from his Obama Care hay days

That Bastion of Freedom and Liberty: New York

All big cities politicians come to power on the promise of a payout.  For the most part they keep their promises; raiding the public treasury to reward, withholding to punish.  When the treasury runs low they borrow against the future, bleeding the yet unborn to satisfy the lusts of the present.  All goes well until the future arrives.

It seems that the pyramid scheme known as the NY Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) has been running on borrowed time from some good while now:  $16 Billion of borrowed time.  Not to worry, the ‘Covid Funding’ working it’s way to federal fruition will (supposedly) settle the matter. There is little time to waste though, if this crisis is to be fully capitalized and those blood suckers within the NY City Council are, if nothing else, experts at leveraging crisis for gain.

This from Brietbart:

Assemblyman Robert Carroll proposed the bill, which would require New York City residents to pay a $3 fee for packages delivered to their homes as many businesses remain shuttered as a result of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.  Carroll believes his proposal could help the MTA, with the surcharge generating over $1 billion per year.

In a joint op-ed with John Samuelsen, the International President of the Transport Workers Union, Carroll said the MTA is in need of a bailout from Washington, but contends that it alone will not suffice.

“The MTA’s latest forecast pegs its deficits through 2024 at a staggeringly high figure: $16.2 billion. As been widely reported, COVID has decimated ridership and other sources of transit funding. Only the federal government can deliver on such a huge scale,” they wrote, adding that MTA will need “more than a one-shot infusion of federal money to keep it safe, reliable and readily available for millions of daily riders.”

“There is one option that would raise more than $1 billion a year for the city’s subway and bus system — while also supporting small businesses and protecting the environment,” they continued, introducing Carroll’s $3 surcharge proposal.

Anytime, A N Y T I M E, the head of a union and a politician work together to solve a problem you can bet your last dollar that a new scheme has been launched that separates a population from their treasure. 

Let the “Puckering” Begin

The question on who will be the next president appears to be answered by the media as Good-ol-Joe.  Let me suggest that it’s not quite as simple as that.  I’m not talking about the challenges that Trump et al may muster, but rather the real possibility that the next president will be someone other than Joe or Kamel Toe. 

It seems that the ‘rules’ are that you have to actually get to the inauguration in order to become president.  If you die between the time you’re elected and Inauguration day well then it’s up to two groups to decide on who gets to lie while swearing on the bible:  The DNC and the electors.  The DNC can advance whatever name they choose and the electors can either vote for she who advances on her knobby knees or whatever name the DNC has thrown into the mix.  

Folks we could actually see the a miraculous resurrection in the coming months, the Hilderbeast may grow weary of wandering around in the woods and return to claim her right to the throne. All she has to do is get rid of Good-Ol-Joe.

I’ll bet that the worst job in the Secret Service right now is protecting Joe when he is the only thing standing between Hilary and the presidency. Ol Joe’s asshole is puckered so tight that when he stands up, the chair comes up with him.

They Went There. It Ain’t Pretty .

The Gateway Pundit has found links to a Chinese Anti-Communist site (propaganda?) that demonstrates Baby Joe in a smokin/pornin extravaganza. It’s real, it’s x rated, it’s well filmed, and it’s him. As of right now the links are hot and functional. Not sure how long this sick shit will be accessible but I imagine the Bidens’ won’t continue to hold out Hunter as being nothing but sweetness and light.

Link to the article is here

Sec Def?

You know that this hag is eagerly anticipating a Dem win. She may opt to become the Secretary of Defense until Joe succumbs to whatever dementia related disease he’s battling, but ultimately she want Joe to go and for Kamala to name her as the new VP. All is possible if they win both the Presidency and the Senate.

I can’t even imagine the nightmares that Kamel toe would begin having knowing that the Clinton machine was breathing down her neck.

When The Fail Is So Great

A quick look at the last presidential go-round pollster shit show may be both enlightening and encouraging. I stripped this from Breitbart, in every instance the ‘by x points’ figure represents how many points the Hilderbeast was leading the Orange Man by. The date is the 2016 day that the poll was released. Same shit, different day.

1. PRRI/Brookings  on October 19:  by 15 points
2. NBC/Wall Street Journal  October 10:  by 14 points
3. AP October 26:  by 14 points
4. Monmouth University October 17:  by 12 points
5. ABC October 23:  by 12 points
6. Atlantic/PRRI October 9:  by 11 points
7. Saint Leo University October 26:  by 11 points
8. USA Today/Suffolk University on October 27: by 10 points
9. Fairleigh Dickinson University on October 6: by 10 points
10. SurveyUSA/Boston Globe on October 14:  by 10 points
11. CBS on October 17: by nine points
12. Bloomberg on October 19: by nine points
13. CNBC on October 27: by nine points

What’s really great is the links to the polls, in many cases, have really smug narratives on how and why the hag was trouncing Trump. Hilarity abounds.